𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. you won a fight!

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     "HEY GUYS, SORRY TO INTERRUPT THE little romantic stroll, but we've got an issue."

Robin grabbed Tess and Steve's attention, the two of them catching up with the others as they kneeled down. There was a sound of static hissing from Dustin's walkie-talkie, Theresa taking it from his backpack as someone began talking.

Listening to the man's voice for a moment, Tess and Robin both recognized that he was speaking Russian.

"It's the code," Theresa said, muttering the Russian words the man was speaking.

Dustin's eyes widened. "Wherever the broadcast is coming from is close."

"And if there's one thing we know about the signal, it's that it can reach the surface," Robin added.

Tess quickly stood up. "Let's go."

They all followed her lead, Steve catching up to Theresa as they heard voices up ahead. The Russians were close.

"Right here," Tess held out an arm to stop Steve, ducking behind a wall and looking back at them with a finger over her lips.

She waited for the men to pass by, letting out a breath.

"Okay, it's clear. Come on."

They rounded the corner, Theresa taking the lead.

"Where the hell are we?" Steve questioned, all of them coming to a halt at what they saw before them.

There were people everywhere, and not just guards. Tess raised her head, spotting one keeping watch from up above. He turned in their direction and Theresa quickly ducked, pushing Steve and Erica back behind a stack of boxes.


"I saw it," Erica whispered. "First floor, northwest."

"Saw what?" Steve replied.

"The comms room!"

Steve blinked. "You saw the comms room?"

"Correct," Erica responded with exasperation.

He turned his head for a moment. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Erica nodded. "The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

Dustin sighed. "That could be a hundred different things."

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now