𝒙𝒙𝒊. i'm one for zero

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"JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW, IF I SPEND my Sunday setting out bait for a monster and it doesn't show up, I'm gonna be pissed."

Dustin and Steve both gave Theresa a look as she spoke, opening the car door and getting out. They then traded a look with each other, the both of them shaking their heads.

Tess opened her trunk and revealed two bucketfuls of raw meat, a can of gasoline, and lastly, a revolver.

Steve's eyes widened. "Tess, since when do you keep a gun in your trunk? And more importantly– where did you get a gun?"

She rolled her eyes, picking up the two buckets in each hand and setting them on the ground.

"Jonathan gave it to me. For protection."

Steve stood there, dumbstruck as Theresa picked up the gun and checked the chamber for bullets, then proceeded to reload it with the case of bullets which were also in her trunk.

Dustin was growing annoyed with Steve's gawking, smacking him on the arm and drawing him out of his trance.

"Dude. Help me."

Steve obliged, reaching down with a yellow gloved hand to pick up one of the buckets. He had his bat tucked away in his backpack, looking as if he were preparing for some post-apocalyptic war.

"Dustin!" A voice came out of nowhere, Theresa realizing it was coming from Dustin's walkie-talkie.

"Dustin!" the voice repeated. "Do you copy? This is Lucas. Dustin?"

"Well well well," Dustin replied sourly, "look who it is."

Lucas sighed. "Sorry man, my stupid sister turned it off."

"Don't call Erica stupid!" Tess called from behind Dustin, causing confusion on Lucas' end.

"Tess? Are you with Dustin?"

She placed her hands on her hips. "Yeah. We're looking for Dustin's pet Demogorgon so we can kill it."

"What? Dart escaped?" Lucas replied with disbelief.

Steve made a face. "Dart? What is– don't tell me you named it."

Dustin ignored him, responding to Lucas. "Look, I'll explain later. Just meet me, Tess and Steve at the old junkyard."

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now