𝒙𝒍𝒊𝒊𝒊. we've got a code red

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Theresa was beginning to grow anxious, leaning over Steve to look out of the car window on his side.

Finally, the door opened and Max walked out, rushing to the car.

"What'd she say?" Dustin inquired as she hopped in the backseat, giving a shake of her head.

"Nothing, just drive."

Tess gave Max a discerning look. "Max, what did you do?"

"Nothing! Steve, drive!"

"Okay," he complied and started the car, quickly putting it in drive and pressing on the gas.

Theresa stared Max down analytically, noticing her fist closed tightly. She squinted with suspicion, meeting Max's eyes.

"What's in your hand?"

Max blinked. "Uh–"

"Dustin!" A voice came from Dustin's walkie-talkie just then, interrupting Max. "It's Lucas, do you copy? Dustin!"

"Lucas?" Dustin replied. "Where the hell have you been?"

Lucas frantically responded, "Just listen! Are you guys looking for Eddie?"

"Yeah, we found him, no thanks to you," Dustin retorted. Theresa poked her tongue in her cheek as she listened, remembering just then that she was still mad at Lucas.

"You guys know he killed Chrissy, right?" Lucas exclaimed, Tess rolling her eyes.

She reached out a hand, gesturing for Dustin to give her the walkie-talkie. "He didn't kill Chrissy, you idiot," Theresa spoke into the walkie. "Where the hell are you?"

"Tess?" he questioned with confusion. "What are you doing–"

"Meet us at the school, we'll explain later," Max said into the walkie-talkie just then.

Lucas hesitated. "I-I can't. I think some real bad shit's about to go down."

Theresa frowned. "What kind of shit?"

There was silence for a moment, and then the radio went to static.

"Lucas?" Tess hit the side of the walkie, shaking her head. "Lucas!"

Still no response. She dropped her head, swearing under her breath. Theresa had a sneaking suspicion of what Lucas had been referring to.

"It's Jason and Rudy," she said, looking over at Steve. "It's gotta be."

Steve pursed his lips, grip tightening on the steering wheel with a deep sigh.

Tess turned back to Max. "What are we going to the school for?"

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now