𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒙. the munson house

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ERICA STARED IN DISBELIEF, EYES AS round as saucers as she tried to comprehend what Theresa had just said.

"You are what–"

"Shh!" Tess shushed her, glancing toward the door. "I told you, no one knows yet."

Erica still stood there in shock. "Not even mom?"

"No. Definitely not," Theresa shook her head. "Her and Dad are the last people I want to tell, if I'm being honest."

The younger Sinclair was still at a loss for words, having no idea what to say.

"So you're telling me that you're pregnant with Steve Harrington's child?"

Tess pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, briefly closing her eyes.

"Yes, Erica. I am."

After a moment, Erica let out a laugh. "No... way. And you haven't even told him?"

"Well– I'm planning on it," Theresa twisted her fingers, eyes darting to the side. "I-I just haven't figured out how I'm gonna tell him yet."

Erica blinked a few times. "Mhm... so how long have you known about this?"

Counting in her head, Tess replied, "Two weeks, I think? Usually the pregnancy symptoms start after about two weeks, so... I'm almost a month along?"

"You're almost a month pregnant and Steve still doesn't know?"

"I know it sounds bad, but it's not my fault!" Theresa defended. "I just– I don't want him to be scared."

Erica crossed her arms, pursing her lips. "Well he helped you make it, so he's gonna help you raise it."

Tess sighed, halfway rolling her eyes. "I just need a little more time to figure out what I'm going to do. I'm going to try to tell him this week, though. I promise."

With another look, Erica replied, "Yeah, you better."

At once, Theresa stood up. She took Erica by surprise, drawing her into a hug.

"Thanks for being an amazing little sister. I love you."

Erica, halfway confused, patted Tess on the back and nonetheless gave a response.

"I love you too."


The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now