𝒗. guilty conscience

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STEVE WAS SO CAUGHT OFF GUARD, he forgot how to kiss for a second.

And finally he pulled away, staring at Theresa with confusion.

"Why did you just kiss me in the middle of an argument?"

Theresa displayed a smirk, climbing from the passenger seat and throwing a leg over Steve without warning and straddling him.


"I'm not about to let our first date be ruined by a stupid argument."

She leaned down and kissed Steve again, becoming more aggressive and hungry. He could not stop this now, not that he even wanted to. He had just not been able to prepare. Steve's hands began to wander around her waist, needy and pulling her closer. Tess began to grind and palm him through his jeans, hearing an involuntary moan from Steve.

"Wait," he quickly pulled away once more. "Someone could see us."

Theresa sat back, looking out of the windows. Then she shrugged, looking back at Steve.

"I've got a better idea, then."

She removed herself from on top of him, reaching over to the radio and flipping it on. Theresa turned the stereo up, Michael Sembello's Maniac playing.

Steve watched her, having no idea what was about to happen.

Theresa was on her knees in the passenger seat, leaning over for the buckle to Steve's pants. She undid them quickly, making it obvious she had done this before.

"Tess, you don't have to–"

"Steve, I swear to God," she cut him off, grabbing his chin and turning his face to hers. "Shut. Up."

Tess licked her lips, reaching down and wrapping her hand around his dick and sliding it up and down agonizingly. Steve groaned with pleasure, his eyes rolling back and one hand gripping the headrest. Theresa really knew what she was doing. Her lips parted and Tess lowered her head, moving her mouth to the tip of his cock. That was enough to make his entire body twitch, Tess continuing by moving him further into her mouth while continuing to move her hand up and down slowly. Her saliva made the job easier, Theresa incorporating her tongue in sloppy up and down motions.

"Tess, Jesus fuck–" Steve's free hand was in her hair, his eyes closing. She let him pull her hair back, resisting it by bobbing her head up and down on his cock. He could not last much longer, and Tess knew it. She continued to work her tongue down him as she pushed him further into her mouth. Luckily, her gag reflex was decent enough.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now