𝒙𝒗𝒊. ironic, isn't it?

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     MÖTLEY CRÜE'S 'SHOUT AT THE DEVIL' blared throughout the house as Steve entered.

He removed his sunglasses once inside, making it obvious he was looking around for someone. But his search was short-lived as somebody interrupted him.

"Well, King Steve has decided to join the party," Billy's voice boomed, him and some other guys, Tommy amongst them, approaching Steve.

"Damn right," he muttered. "Have you seen Tess?"

Billy puffed out the smoke from his cigarette. "No, but she'll be in the passenger seat of my car in about two hours."

The boys surrounding Billy snickered and laughed like idiots, whilst Steve continued to scan the place for any sign of Theresa. Just then he spotted her, sitting on the countertop with a drink in her hand.

Steve immediately started in that direction, playing it off like he was just getting some punch. He grabbed a cup, trying to pretend Tess was not right beside the punch bowl watching him.

She almost laughed, not even shocked by the audacity of Steve.

"You sure do look tense to be at a party," Theresa remarked, bringing her cup to her lips.

Steve finally looked over at her, eyeing Tess. She was wearing a very short, tight black dress with long flowy sleeves, a white collar, and a white headband. Of course she looked hot, and Steve honestly found it quite distracting.

"What are you supposed to be?" he asked in a bit of a snappy tone, resting a hand against the counter.

Theresa hopped off of the counter after a moment, reaching around her neck and pulling a cross necklace from underneath her dress.

"I'm a nun," she said with a devious grin, mocking praying hands. "Ironic, isn't it?"

"That's one way to put it," Steve muttered into his cup before taking a sip.

Tess swirled her own drink around in her hand, glancing around.

"What are you supposed to be?" she returned, looking him up and down. He was dressed in all black, and that was basically all there was to it. "That's a shitty excuse for a Halloween costume."

Steve tried to disregard her, not giving a response and instead looking the other direction. Theresa was not very disheartened, however. She knew it was impossible for Steve ignore her.

"So where's Nancy? You didn't wanna bring her along with you tonight?" Theresa sneered, giving him a cynical smile.

Steve glared at her sideways, scoffing and licking his lips.

"Why don't you go bother someone else and let me actually enjoy this party?" he snidely replied, Tess raising an eyebrow.

She obviously was not as bothered as Steve was hoping she would be, Theresa folding one arm under the other and taking another swig of punch.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now