𝒗𝒊𝒊. you're gonna eat shit

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Steve held the door open for Theresa as they entered Hawkins High School together, aware of the looks they were receiving as they walked down the hallway.

Tess had almost forgotten how much she liked attention.

"So your mom didn't suspect anything?" Steve asked as they reached Theresa's locker.

She shook her head, turning the combination on the lock and opening it. "Surprisingly, no. I made it back before the crack of dawn, which is basically when she wakes up."

Steve leaned against the locker, his hands in his jacket pockets. "Did you climb through the window?"

Tess cut her eyes at him. "...No? I just went through the back door."

"Oh." Steve scratched the back of his neck. "Well, if you were a real expert like me, you would've gone through the window. I'm like a ninja," he winked.

She rolled her eyes playfully, shoving him. He grabbed her wrists as she did, pulling her into a kiss. Placing her hands on his chest, Theresa kissed him back a moment longer before pulling away.

"Jeez, Harrington," Tess teased with a coy smile, "it's not even eight o'clock."

Steve was about to reply when someone walked up, clearing their throat. Turning, they saw Sidney standing there.

"Sorry to interrupt," she said irritably, looking to Theresa. "Can we talk? It's urgent."

Glancing over at Steve, Theresa pursed her lips and started toward the girl's bathroom. Sidney walked behind her, drawing in a shaky breath.

"What is it?" Tess asked, turning to face her.

Sidney twisted her fingers. "I-It's about Priya. There's something I forgot to tell you about the night she went missing."

Theresa immediately frowned, her gaze turning to a glare. "What do you mean?" she replied slowly.

Sidney kept her eyes trained to the floor, refusing to meet Tess' eyes.

"Sidney!" Tess snapped in a demanding voice.

She jumped, looking up at Theresa.

"Priya kept saying something about a monster," Sidney finally spoke. "I mean– me and my sister just figured she was drunk and we didn't really think anything of it but Tess, I think something really bad might have happened–"

Sidney broke away with a sob, turning away from Tess.

Theresa clenched her jaw, not realizing that she was shaking. She was not yet sure if it was from anger, because Sidney kept something like this from her, or fear.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now