𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. peace of mind

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Mrs. Sinclair shot a look at Theresa, who stood at the end of the stairs impatiently with her hands on her hips, car keys in one hand.

"Language," Mrs. Sinclair warned, Tess fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Well, if he and his friends want a ride then that's what he better do."

Lucas came scrambling down the stairs at once, his pockets jingling with change. He pushed past Tess, the girl turning sharply and sending a glare to the back of his head.

As he hurried out of the garage door, Theresa looked over at her mother.

"Why can't they just ride their bikes?"

"After what happened?" Her mother replied, barely glancing while she was busily setting out plates on the dinner table. "Better safe than sorry."

Theresa sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Whatever," she mumbled, starting toward the garage door at once.

They first picked up Mike, then Dustin, and then Will. Theresa felt herself tense up as she saw the Byers house, wondering if they were doing better. Every memory of what had happened in there was still quite fresh to her mind. She could recall every single vivid detail.

"Hey Tess, you got any change?" Dustin asked from the backseat, leaning forward with a toothless grin.

She glanced at him, scoffing.

"To fund your guys' shitty video games? Yeah, right."

Dustin's smile fell slightly, sitting back at once. They arrived at the local arcade, Tess coming to a stop.

"You've got two hours. Use it wisely."

Lucas gave her a mildly shocked look, arguing, "Come on! Three hours."

"Two." Theresa stared him down, Lucas knowing he would not be able to win this.

He closed his eyes, groaning loudly as he aggressively opened the car door and got out.

"Two hours!" she called after them, Lucas slamming the door shut.

Tess' mouth fell open, quickly reaching over and rolling the window down.

"And don't slam my door again, asshole!"

Lucas mocked her when he was out of her sight, following his friends into the arcade.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now