𝒍. promise me something

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TRAVELING THROUGH THE DARKNESS in the Upside Down forest had not exactly been on Theresa's to-do list for spring break.

She felt more and more on edge the further they walked, especially with the ominous feeling that Vecna might try and take her at any moment.

Tess looked over at Steve as she walked alongside him, the burden of guilt growing upon her shoulders. If she did not tell him now, Theresa did not know that she ever would get to.

She glanced up, seeing Nancy, Robin and Eddie ahead of Steve and herself. A pit of nausea formed in her stomach, Steve turning his head to see her looking at him.

He frowned. "You alright?"

Theresa blinked, then nodded abruptly. "Y-Yeah. I was just... thinking."

Steve studied her for a brief moment, and then Tess suddenly stopped walking and turned to fully face him. He slowed up as well, the frown on his face deepening.

She met his eyes, feeling her heartbeat in her throat. Tess knew she had to do this. She had to do it now, before it was too late.

"I need to tell you something."

Steve swallowed, his palms feeling suddenly clammy and his heart skipping a beat. But he managed to muster up a nod, weakly replying, "O-Okay."

Theresa felt a lump form in her throat, wringing her shaking hands as Steve looked down at her expectantly, anxiously waiting.

"So– I found out something a few weeks ago. And, uh– I've been trying to find a way to tell you."

Steve stared at her for a moment, fear inevitably swelling inside him. He was afraid to know, now, afraid there was something wrong with her.

"What– what is it?" he finally replied, his mouth running dry.

Tess licked her lips uneasily, eyes darting to the side as she drew in a breath. She closed her eyes tightly for a second, opening them back up and looking into Steve's big round ones. He looked at her so innocently, so blissfully unaware of what she was about to hit him with.

But there was no going back now.

"I'm pregnant."

Steve seemed to process what he was hearing at the rate of a turtle, his eyes slowly widening and his mouth falling open. Theresa watched him, wondering if he had gone into shock.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now