0: Prologue

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Fazbear Entertainment. Founded by William Afton and Henry Emily with the goal of providing entertainment to children in the form of Animatronic animals. Or that's what the public was told.

Back in 1980 William and Henry founded Fazbear Entertainment and opened their first restaurant under the name Fredbears Family Dinner. It didn't take long for them to become popular as less than 3 years later they had already opened up 2 more pizzerias with more on the way.

But like any popular business, they had some problems. But unlike most businesses, these were more than simple financial issues.

In February 1983 Fazbear entertainment was hit with it's first tragedy. Henry Emily's only child Charlotte was murdered outside their second location on her 7th birthday. It came as a shock to many and 3 days after her murder that location was shut down.

2 months later in April. On the opening day of the 3rd location titled Circus Baby's Pizza World, William Afton's only daughter went missing. That pizzeria never made it past opening day.

Barely even 4 months after that William lost his youngest child. It was his son's 8th birthday and to celebrate William took him and his oldest son to the original Pizzeria. That day ended with his younger son having his head crushed in the FredBear Animatronics mouth. He sadly passed away a week later after being left in a coma. That day became known as the Bite of 83.

After that things slowly began to calm down for the business. That all lasted a grand total of 2 years.

In 1985, five children went missing at one of the Freddy's Pizzeria locations, which up until that point had been spared from the tragedy that had been inflicted upon the other locations.

After intense investigation by the police it was uncovered that the children that went missing were murdered and had their body's stuffed inside the suits of the Animatronics present at the location. And after diving deeper into the murders there the police made a startling discovery.

It was revealed that William Afton was the one behind the murders, and that wasn't even the half of it. Turns out that William had also killed more people in the background of the business that's deaths had gone under the radar till then. As soon as the news was discovered William was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Yet barely 2 years later he escaped, he hasn't been seen or heard from since.

After that it was only Henry. By then Fazbear entertainment began having a lot of issues. Nightguards disappearing during their shifts, rumors circulating about the Animatronics. And multiple pizzerias burning down were only a few to be named. And they were only the ones known to the public. The only person left who knew what was really happening was Henry.

But one big problem Fazbear entertainment was having was that along the lines of publicity. The appeal of the Animatronics was beginning to die out amongst Fazbear entertainment fans. So Henry did the only thing he could think of to save the Business, cause he'd be damned if he let everything he tried so hard to achieve die just because it lost its appeal.

In a last ditch effort to increase the appeal of the brand he began to increase funds towards many of Fazbear Entertainment's side brands. One of such being a place called Candy's Burger joint. By chance alone is effort paid off.

Years later and Fazbear entertainment is more popular than ever. Projects for the brand are in development and many of their side brands like Candy's have gone on to become very successful businesses.

One of those side brands however is now what you would expect. It's an Anime inspired party facility named Freya's Anime Convention. Which to some people's surprise was one of the earliest side brands to be created way back 1981.

The place is still run as part of Fazbear Entertainment. Yet out of all the locations the business owns, that one stands out like a sore thumb. Reason being is the Animatronics present at that place. Instead of being like everywhere else that had a very cartoon-like design to the Animatronics. That place had Animatronics that could only be described as Waifu material.

When asked publicly about the Animatronics Henry stated that the Anime convention was based on his and William's children's love for anime, and during the development they were approached by an anonymous donor who provided funding for the new convention under the condition that he had a say in the business, that man is now a member of the Fazbear Entertainment board of directors.

But where does that leave us now? Oh yes. I need to introduce myself.

My name is Evan Afton, youngest son of William Afton. Yes that's right, I'm the boy who died back in 1983. You're probably wondering how I'm still alive. Well it's a long story that is kinda hard to explain, because I don't really understand how I'm still here either.

I remember only snippets before my apparent "death" but after that everything is just blank. The most prominent thing I remember is getting my head bitten as an 8 year old, then waking up in a hospital bed to find I've been in a coma for close to 11 years. And what's stranger is I haven't aged a day since I awoke, yet that was over 30 years ago. I feel like something happened between the bite and me waking up. But every time I think about it all that comes to mind is the face of someone who feels familiar but no name for me to remember them by.

Anywho that's enough about me for now. You'll get to find out more as the story progresses. But if you are reading this then I should put up a warning. This story is 18+ for it deals with mature/suggestive themes and may include Lemons, or at the very least be very suggestive. But just in case this will be tagged with lemons.

But with those things out of the way, let the story of probably my most awkward experiences begin.

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