7: Seeing Red White and Pink

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I let out a tired yawn as I walked up to the Convention doors carrying an iced coffee in my left hand. After I finished replacing Bonnie's battery earlier today I spent the rest of it looking for potential accommodation. While doing so I lost track of the time and completely forgot to get some sleep before my shift.

So with that I was now running on over 36 hours of no sleep and an iced coffee. At least I'm used to functioning while lacking sleep. After all, I did go weeks on end without a wink of sleep when I was 7.

As I reached the doors I pulled out my keys and used the one Willow gave me to unlock the door, once inside I locked it again and slipped the keys back into my pocket.

As I walked through the main room and towards the halls I could once again feel eyes tracking my movements, considering I know why though I chose to ignore the feeling and just go to the locker room to get changed.

As soon as I had finished getting changed I picked up the maintenance list and checked what jobs needed to be done tonight.

Looking at today's list only one job was put down. As soon as I saw what needed to be done I knew this had a high chance of ending horribly. Mostly because I had to replace both Mangle and Foxy's old eyes. and if they were anything like their Animatronic counterparts, then they are probably the deadliest Anime-Tronics in the building. Swallowing a lump that formed in my throat I exited the locker room and crossed the west hall over to parts and service to get their blueprints, new eyes, and my toolkit.

When I entered parts and service I tried my best to ignore the Golden girls this time, which wasn't easy when I saw the luminous white orbs that were Golden Freya's eyes tracking my movements. As quickly as I could without making it look desperate I grabbed what I needed and exited the room.

After that I made my way across the establishment towards the kids corner where Foxy and Mangle's respective coves resided. As I walked through the main party room through the corner of my eye I saw Freya and Chica watching me, Bonnie was also but with a less murderous aura emanating from her.

Entering the kids corner my attention was first drawn to the purple set of curtains situated against the opposite wall to the doorway. Looking through the rest of the room I saw a pair of bright green curtains against the same wall as the pink ones but on the other side of the room. There was a large present themed box big enough to fit 2 full grown men inside with room to spare situated near the wall half way between the rooms entryway and a small white door at the far corner that had "back stage" painted on it. Apart from Those 3 main objects in the room, all that was left to occupy the space were a few arcade machines.

Being the veteran I am with this it didn't take me long to figure out what the curtains and present box were for and who they belonged to. Purple curtains was Pirates cove with Foxy. Green curtains was the Kids cove also known as Mangle's cove. And the giant present was the Prize corner with Marionette, although considering the present wasn't in a corner I'm just gonna call it the Prize box.

"Ok who do I work on first?" I asked myself as I looked at the list. Quickly weighing out my variables I decided to get Mangle done first because if she is anything like her Animatronic counterpart it means she is potentially the more dangerous one of the two foxes, but she will also be somewhat easier to calm down than Foxy would.

Heaving a nervous sigh I walked across the room towards Mangle's cove. When I was just outside the curtains I placed my toolkit on the floor and was about to reach up to pull them open, when I suddenly heard what sounded like fabric being blown open at the other end of the room. I barely had enough time to turn around before a hand grasped the collar of my shirt and slammed my body against the wall, dazing me in the process.

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