12: Pizza time

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I let out an unnecessary yawn as I powered on. My systems had finished integrating the new facial recognition software and everything was running at full throttle.

"Finally awake? About time."

I looked to my right to see Bonnie watching me through the corner of her eye, a knowing grin plastered on her face.

"Isn't Freya awake yet?" I asked somewhat confused as I looked at Freya's powered off form next to me. Although now that I'm focusing on it she has changed positions slightly compared to when she was forcefully powered off, not to mention the back of her shirt and jacket were pulled up to make way for the power cable which was plugged into her back.

"Nah she woke up." Bonnie said with a shrug as she hopped off the stage and began to stretch her joints. "She just powered down again saying there wasn't much point in staying online tonight. Which I personally don't agree with."

I let out a snort at that. "Let me guess, it's worth staying online because of Evan?" I asked sarcastically. Instead of answering however Bonnie kept her mouth shut while her cheeks began to glow a dark shade of violet. "You can't be serious." I deadpanned.

"What. He's a nice guy." Bonnie said nervously. "He's super kind, honest with everything he says, And he is probably one of the smartest people I have ever met. And after all the teasing I've done to him, not once has he tried anything. After all of that I think you can see why I've taken a liking to him... not to mention he's kinda cute." Bonnie mumbled the last part, but I still managed to hear it.

I just let out a sigh as I hopped off the stage. "Although I can agree that he is cute." I said as I began to stretch my joints like Bonnie was. "I can't really agree with everything else until I know it's true."

"After your time in the kitchen with him I'm sure you'll come to see it." Bonnie said with another smirk.

"Wait! How did you know I was doing that?!" I yelled in shock.

"Evan told me." She simply stated with a wink. "By the time he was finished with Mari I had already woken up. I managed to find out about it through our quick talk before he went to put his stuff away."

As if on cue we heard the door to Parts and Service open and close down in the West hall. I saw a grin crawl onto Bonnie's face as she removed her heels and stockings.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I watched Bonnie begin to remove her corset, leaving her in nothing more than her panties and her headband.

"Getting changed." She said as she picked up her outfit and walked towards the door next to the stage.

"Why did you get undressed out here then?"

"Because if Evan turns on the camera he'll get to see me like this again." Bonnie said in a seductive tone with a smirk as she looked towards the camera that was facing us. As she looked at it she struck a pose that flaunted her assets and hips.

At that moment the small red LED on the camera turned on, meaning the camera was being used. Not even 5 seconds later I heard a crash sound out down the hallways followed by Evan yelling. His words were and I quote. "What in the bloody fucking hell Bonnie?!" It was at that moment that I realised Evan was of British descent.

Bonnie let out a giggle at his reaction before replying. "SORRY EVAN. I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF!" she yelled out loud enough so that he could hear.

"What was all that yelling abo-" Foxy began to say as she walked into the room before she stopped mid sentence to take a look at the scenario in front of her. Which included me standing there in utter confusion of how Bonnie was able to predict when that camera would turn on. "Never mind, I think I know the answer."

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