6: New Problems

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I couldn't get that blasted Nightguard out of my head.

After I shared that kiss with Evan last night he’s been stuck in my head. And not for the reason most would expect. I'm not mad about it or anything, but with him being stuck in my head it's making it harder for me to perform. And the thing is I know exactly why he's been my main focus for the past few hours.

When I kissed him I felt like I had just been zapped by electricity, in a weird pleasurable sort of way. The electric shock that tickled my systems will be forever implanted in my memory. But something happened during that kiss that I just can't process.

The kiss charged me, like literally restoring my battery to 100% charge.

I just don’t understand. That shouldn’t be possible. Maybe I have a system glitch, and when it said I was charged it wasn’t true? Which would mean I’ll probably run out of power any minute now. Maybe I should request a Battery swap so as to not risk a power failure?


I squeaked in surprise at the sudden voice behind me, turning around, I was met with the face of one of my least favorite employees, the current dayguard Bridget Naomi. She had long sun blonde hair, sea green eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a slender but flat figure. Not that being flat bothers her.

“Oh, hi Naomi.” I said with a forced smile. I was happy to be given a real distraction from my thoughts, but if she was asking me something then it’s probably either some random nonsense, or it's related to work. She’s really dedicated to her job.

“I’ve told you to call me Bridget.” she said with a light smirk before it disappeared and was replaced with an unreadable expression. “Are you alright? Ever since I first saw you today you’ve looked distracted, normally you’d have some sort of flirty response when someone hits on you.”

Someone was hitting on me and I didn't even notice, damn I really was distracted. “Oh I hadn’t realised. I’ve been a little distracted yea, I think my battery may be faulty.”

“How so?” Bridget asked as she pulled out a small notebook from her uniform pocket and got ready to write something in it, probably to write down something to add to the maintenance list later.

I quickly decided to make up an excuse to hopefully get me put on break for a while. “My systems are saying my battery is fully charged, but I’ve begun to feel sluggish in the joints.”

“Hmm.” Bridget hummed to herself as she wrote something down. “Yep, that sounds Like a faulty battery. If it was close to closing time I would have you head over to parts and service and wait there till the mechanic’s shift starts.”

I felt a chill run through my Endoskeleton at the memory of when Evan carried me over to the table where he performed maintenance on me last night. The idea that it would happen again tonight made me strangely excited, and to think that I usually hate maintenance.

“But.” Bridget continued as she pulled out her phone and began to message someone, unfortunately I couldn’t see who as the screen was facing away from me. “Considering we haven’t even hit the lunch rush yet I can’t do that. So instead I’ll see if the new guy can come in for an hour to replace your battery.”

“O-ok.” I said nervously. Even if I trust Evan enough to perform maintenance on me, and as I said earlier I may or may not be slightly excited for it. But my fear of it still exists, and I don’t really like the idea of someone I barely know prodding around with my body while I’m offline. 

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