49: 0 days until the Party

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"I'm sorry sir." I spoke with a forced smile to hide my disgust. "But we do not provide that kind of service to our patrons."

It had been a tense day at the Convention so far. After what happened with Evan last night, most of us girls and Willow were a bit on the quiet side. And that's not including the preparations that needed to be made before tonight.

Then there was the other employees. A few of them had found some dried blood that was missed when we were cleaning up after Evan was attacked. when they had asked Willow if she knew about it, she did let it slip that Evan had gotten an injury during his shift. But thankfully she didn't reveal what actually happened.

But apart from that the day was going as normal. Including those occasional customers who wanted to buy the "Special treatment" from us girls. And today I seemed to be the popular one to request it from.

"What do you mean you don't?" The man said with a slight slur in his voice. It was clear he had recently had a few drinks. While he wasn't shit faced drunk, he definitely wasn't sober. Which was just sad considering it was only the early afternoon.

"This is a child entertainment facility." I said with a firm yet friendly tone. "We do not provide the services you are looking for."

"Bullshit!" He spat. The moment those words left his mouth I sent a security alert to the acting Dayguard. "Everyone knows you've got the stuff for it. So you're going to be a good robot, and take me out the back so we can-"

Before he could finish his sentence a group of kids ran up to us. And one of the kids, being a bit eager to say hello, decided to dive between the man's legs. That caused the man's feet to be knocked out from underneath him, causing him to trip backwards and fall onto his ass.

"BONNIE!" The small group of kids, built up of 2 boys and 3 girls, all yelled excitedly in tandem.

"Hey everyone." I said with a gentle but wide smile as I kneeled down so that I was at eye level with them. While also grinning as I saw the acting security guard come over and escort the man out of the building. "How are you all today?"

"We're good." One of the boys said with a shy smile. I knew that look, it's one I've seen hundreds of times over the years. Either he or one of his friends were about to ask me something.

"Can we ask you something?" The shortest of the girls asked. Yep, saw that coming. Although I did mentally coo when I noticed she had a little red bow in her hair with a pair of purple rabbit ears poking out the top. We haven't sold those here for years. Maybe she got it from an older sibling?

"You just asked me something didn't you?" I said with a cheeky grin. Which turned into a giggle when her face went red. "Yes kids. You're allowed to ask me a question."

The kids all went quiet after I said that, looking at each other with cheeky smiles that just screamed trouble. I get the feeling this wouldn't be the typical picture request.

"Do you have a Crush?" Ah. That's what it is. Little kids being cheeky little gremlins like usual. I bet BB set them up to this. Which would explain why they all conveniently had a BB hat pin on their shirts.

"Now what makes you think I have a Crush on anybody?" I asked with a sly smile and raised eyebrow. "I'll have you know that I'm perfectly happy by myself. I don't need no one special in my life"

That last part was purely for show. If it became public knowledge that the nightguard was in a relationship with not 1 but 2 animatronic girls, hell would break loose. Plus Evan would likely lose his job. I'd rather that not happen.

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