22: You Were Warned

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It's been a few hours now since Bonnie and I became a thing. And since then not much of interest has happened. Bonnie decided it was her turn for a shower so she went to go do that, and apart from Chica coming over with a pizza to hang out for a few minutes that was just about all that happened.

So where does that leave me now? Sitting inside my office monitoring the cameras. Now that the cameras are linked up to the monitors I don't have to worry about depleting the power that way, but the doors do still use power so I've basically chosen not to touch them unless needed.

"Hey Nightguard." A voice spoke suddenly causing me to jump.

Looking away from the cameras I shifted my gaze towards the East hall where the voice came from. Standing outside the window was an Anime-tronic I had yet to really meet.

"Mind if I come in?" Balloon Babe asked with a cheerful voice.

"Sure." I said with a furrowed brow. I get the feeling she is here for more reasons than just to say hello.

"Thanks." She replied with a smile as she walked through the doorway and instantly made for the desk. When she got to it she sat down on it facing me and began to kick her legs back and forth in a very childlike manner. But I could tell it was anything but that because she for one chose to sit right in front of the camera monitors and intern me. And two the look in her eyes told me that she knew exactly what view she was giving me.

"Is there a particular reason you're here?" I asked as I made sure I was looking up to make eye contact and not up her skirt which was on full display in front of me. "Or are you just here to make my job harder?"

"Wanna fuck?" She asked bluntly with a lustful grin. The fact that she could ask something like that so bluntly was honestly creepy.

"Sorry but no." I replied as I felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks. "I'd rather not."

"Hmm. Fair enough." BB said with a shrug as she lost the lustful look in her eyes and crossed one of her legs over the other covering the view she left open. "What do ya wanna do then?"

"Can I do my job?" I asked as I decided to ignore just how quickly BB went from asking to do it, to shrugging it off and asking what else there is to do.

"Nope." BB replied playfully as she hopped off the desk and instead turned around and sat down on my lap, flaunting her rear in the process. "While I'm here we can either have sex until your shift ends, or you can keep me entertained because I'm bored."

"Why must all of you girls be so blunt about everything?" I questioned myself quietly. "Fine then. What is It that you would like to do that can allow me to do my job and not have you raping me?"

"Hmm…" BB hummed out as she brought a hand to her chin in thought. While she did that I just decided to look over her shoulder so I could continue monitoring the convention. I also just came to a realisation that I hate, I'm getting used to having the Anime-tronics sitting on my lap now.

"I got it." BB said as she snapped her figures. "Do ya like video games?"

"You're not planning to drag me over to the kids corner to play the Arcade Machines are you?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow while keeping an eye on the cameras.

"Nah I just want to know if you like them." BB replied with a shrug. "If I can't fuck ya then I at least want to know if we have anything in common. And I like video games, it's part of my entertainment role."

"Well I guess I'm a fan of a few game series." I said with a shrug.

"Like what?" BB asked as she turned to look at me over her shoulder. "Halo? Street fighter? Mortal Kombat? I need names here."

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