41: Unexpected Visitor

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"Looks like you're going to have your hands full with those 2." I said with a giggle after Bonnie and Marionette left.

"I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing." Evan said with a sigh as he moved over to the desk and turned on the monitors. One by one the screens began flickering to life, each showing a different area of the convention.

"Still. It's nice to see you and Charlie together." I said with a smile as I closed up my sketchbook and placed it on the desk for the time being. "When you were younger I had always hoped you 2 would get together in the future."

"My only reply to that is the assumption that you're referring to when you were a wandering soul?" He replied bluntly as he turned on the last monitor, the screen lighting up to show the hallway outside the toilets.

"That would be correct." I said as I saw him step away from the desk and sit down in the chair. "I will say that you 3 will be an interesting equation. You are a bashful yet mature person. Bonnie is a playful and loving personality, and Marionette is a gentle and calm personality. It is quite the unique mix."

"Well it's working, so..." Evan said with a light shrug. As he performed said action I caught sight of his bandages peeking out at the base of his sleeve.

"How are you recovering?" I asked as my mind turned toward the injuries he sustained to his arm and leg. "You aren't in pain are you?"

"Mostly just uncomfortable." He replied as he rubbed his left shoulder. "But not like that's gonna stop me. But it does make me question how my body heals itself, being an Animatronic and all."

"I believe it's safe to say that your body is made from some incredibly advanced technology." I said as I went over and picked up the blanket from the floor and began to fold it into a neat square.

"That's putting it bluntly." He replied with a sigh. "I'm still trying to figure out how this body is actually able to replicate being human so well."

"That is a question for later." I said as I walked over and placed the folded blanket down on the ground and used it as a makeshift cushion for me to sit down on. "For now. Just relax and focus on your job."

"Oh yeah. I'm definitely going to get a chance to focus." He said sarcastically. "It's not like I have 2 girls who are probably gonna nab me from my office later tonight."

"Actually that number is 3." I added, already wincing at what he was potentially going to have to deal with.

"Let me guess." He said as he looked towards me with a blank face. "Foxy?"

"Yep." I replied with a shrug. "She asked Bonnie before you arrived."

"I swear that Bunny is gonna make me go grey." Evan said with a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I don't think that is physically possible for you." I said with a giggle. "But at least she acknowledges that you also need to give consent, and to be patient with you. That is a big difference compared to the Anime-tronics at my old location. The only reason guards would be killed there was mostly due to the fact that the girls there refused to acknowledge that humans had limits. The poor guys would drop dead from exhaustion."

"This is going to sound horrible." Evan began to say. And I already knew where this was going. "But I am now glad it was only you and BB that survived."

"After discovering who you were, So was I." I replied with a somewhat sad tone. While I did miss them at times, I am also glad that my son was spared from them. Because even though he is an Animatronic, I doubt that would make much of a difference against them. Especially Circus Baby.

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