34: Unexpected Outcome

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Those eyes.

Those coal black eyes with white pupils. I used to find comfort in them, now all I felt was fear.

The moment I said Fredbears name its eyes lit up. In a matter of mere seconds it went from being an antique teddy bear, to something that would give a child nightmares just by looking into its eyes.

“What the hell.” I said in a shocked voice as the teddys eyes bore into my own. At least they were. But that stopped when they began to flicker dimly, similar to that of a broken lightbulb.

"Evan." Ballora said in a cautious voice behind me. When I looked over I saw this odd look in her eyes, I couldn't place what it was however as it was something I had never seen before. "Put it down."

"Why?" I asked with slight worry due to her tone. I wasn't exactly against putting it down somewhere, but why did she want me to?"

"Just trust me." She said in a calm voice as she held eye contact with me.

Deciding to do as she said I wasted no time in dropping it down on the desk. And not a moment too soon as the moment it left my hands the eyes went dark and a loud pop sounded out as its chest exploded into a mess of mouldy stuffing and plastic.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Bonnie's voice yelled out down the hallway as soon as the teddy exploded. Only a few seconds later the sound of running could be heard before it stopped and Bonnie slid across the tiled floor into view of the East hall doorway. I doubt she would have been able to slide like she just did if it wasn't for the fact that the only thing she was wearing on her legs were her thigh high socks.

"I have no idea." I replied as I looked at what remained of what was once my favourite childhood toy. Now all that was left of it was a pile of stuffing, fabric, and plastic.

Wait… why was there plastic inside Fredbear? In fact, why did it explode like it did in the first place?

Stepping closer to the desk where the remains of my teddy were. Taking a closer look I also saw pieces of wiring and a burnt circuit board just barely noticeable under the now smouldering fluff. And at the centre of where it exploded was what looked to have once been a battery, an old battery that likely exploded due to its age.

"What the hell?" I muttered out to myself as I began to pick through the remains of the Fredbear teddy. Inside I found a set of small camera lenses no bigger than its eyes. A miniature microphone like those ones used in film interviews that could easily fit inside Fredbear's ears. A small speaker that was most likely inside Fredbear's mouth. And finally a radio receiver small enough to be concealed inside Fredbear's top hat.

Now the speaker wasn't that big of a surprise. I do recall most of the Fredbear teddys available at the time did have voice boxes inside them to play pre-recorded voice lines to children. But I don't think your average kids toy that you can only win at a pizzeria would be equipped with tech like this. As it is back in the 80s this stuff would have been fucking expensive so putting it in a toy that could be won for only 1000 tickets wouldn't be practical for business.

"What is it Evan?" Ballora asked as I heard her and Bonnie approach me.

"This isn't a teddy bear." I said with a shaky voice as I looked at the pieces of equipment in my hands.

"No shit Sherlock." Bonnie commented with sarcasm as she peeked over my shoulder at the mess of old stuffing and audio equipment in front of me. "At least it ain't one no more."

"Bonnie please." Ballora said in a disappointed tone before switching to one of concern. "What do you mean by it isn't a teddy Evan?"

"I mean this isn't just a toy." I said as I turned around and showed the 2 of them, and Nightmare Mangle who was just to my right, what I found inside it. "It was a surveillance device."

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