16: New Arrivals

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I walked up to the convention slowly, in my hands a small envelope with my name written in the front. Before I left for work NM Mangle popped into existence in my kitchen and handed it to me. She didn't say what it was, only that she found it in the glove box of the car I bought with the storage unit and that I should read it when I have the chance.

I had been tempted to open it up when I first parked my car outside the Convention but decided against it as I needed to start sooner rather than later. I can always take a look at it while I'm doing the night watch.

Making up my mind on what I was going to do with it I slipped it into one of my back pockets and walked through the Convention doors.

"Evening Willow." I greeted as I entered the building. Standing by the counter was Willow, who I presume had been waiting for me to arrive.

"Afternoon Evan." Willow returned the greeting with a quick wave as her eyes darted over to the watch on her wrist, a small smirk making its way onto her lips soon after. "Just as you said. 8 on the dot."

"Gotta stay punctual." I said with a light hearted tone as I did a small shrug.

"Yes you do." Willow said with a nod before she waved for me to follow her down to her office. "Come."

"So what exactly needs to be done before these new Anime-tronics arrive?" I asked as the 2 of us walked down the East hall.

"Ah so you know. Well I've already had Bridget and some of my other employees clear a small area for them backstage. So that job is done. What I need you here early for is to perform immediate repairs that may need to be done."

"Alright." I said with a nod as the 2 of us entered her office. "Is that all or?"

"Yes and no." Willow said as she sat down at her desk. "Although I was informed that the Anime-tronics that we'll be storing were in functional condition, we do need to remember that they were lucky not to be destroyed in the fire like the rest there, so there is a chance that some damage went unnoticed by the salvage crew. But while you're at it with the repairs I want you to also install that new security software that you installed into the other girls last night."

"Are there any of the installation devices left?" I asked. "Because I'm pretty sure there was only enough for all the Anime-tronics that are already on site."

"Did you install the ones meant for golden girls?" Willow asked with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

"... no." I said only just realising I completely bypassed those 2. "Crap I didn't realise."

I began to slightly panic. Could I end up losing my job for that? God I hope not. As much as I tell myself I hate this job, it is good pay and most of the girls are friendly, so it's not all that bad.

"It's alright Evan." Willow said reassuringly as to calm me from my internal panic, "it doesn't matter all that much that you skipped out on those 2. They aren't due to be reinstated as performers any time soon so they can get away with not using the new software. These new girls however do require it. Their location burnt down before they could have the software installed and the higher ups want one of the girls to be put to use here. Kinda poetic in a way." She mumbled the last part.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked curiously as I had heard what she mumbled.

"Let's just say that one of the girls originally was commissioned to entertain at this location." Willow said as she looked down at the files on her desk, which I couldn't interpret because from my angle they were upside down. "I won't bore you with the details as to why she was moved away. If you're really interested then ask her later."

"You say that as if there isn't a possibility of them wanting to make it look like I committed self oof." I said sarcastically which got me an eye roll from Willow.

"Believe it or not Evan, not every Animatronic out there what's to kill people." She said as she stood from her desk. "Statistically speaking the chance of coming across a restaurant where the Animatronics want to kill you is a 1 in a 100th of a chance."

"I must have really bad luck then." I mumbled quietly to myself as I recalled just how many locations I've worked at and how many of them housed killer Animatronics.

"Come on." Willow said as he waved for me to follow out of the room. "The transporters should be here by now."

True to her word, as soon as we exited the East hallway we spotted a van with the Fazbear Entertainment logo printed on the side reverse into a parking space directly outside the main entrance. When the 2 of us walked through said doors 2 men climbed out of the van.

"You Willow?" One of the men asked as he looked down to a clipboard he was holding.

"That is correct." Willow said with a nod. "I believe it is safe to presume you are the men delivering the recovered Anime-tronics?"

"Yep." The man with the clipboard said as he handed it to Willow. "Just a few things you need to sign to confirm the drop off and then we'll take them inside for ya."

"Very well." Willow said as she took the clipboard. Before she started signing the papers however she turned to me. "Do you want to go get changed into your uniform and get your tools ready while I get this done and have the new girls brought inside."

"Say no more." I replied with a nod before turning around and heading back inside the Convention. It was a quick walk back over to the hallways, which felt kinda odd as Freya wasn't online to give me a death stare like she had done the past 3 nights.

As I got to the changing rooms the last of the other employees that didn't have any jobs left to finish around the Convention were just exiting said room. They all collectively looked at me and some of them let out a giggle. I did also pick up on a few of them whispering rather inappropriate comments about me. And Freya said I was the pervert. Half the things I managed to pick up from their whispers would get them sent to Horny jail.

Safe to say I got into the changing rooms and away from those girls as fast as possible.

"Dear God, why did it have to be me." I rhetorically asked the man upstairs as I got myself changed in record time. I didn't want to take any longer than I needed to because there were still some employees that hadn't clocked off yet and I didn't know when they could come through the door after they finished their work.

After I was changed I did the next thing that was pretty much just part of my schedule now, exit the change rooms and head across the hall to Parts and Service. The moment I entered I took notice of the disturbing lack of Golden Freya in the room. Springtrap was there slumped against the wall in charge mode, why she needs to charge when she sits in here all day I don't know. But there was a clear lack of the second golden girl.

"Right behind you~." I heard a voice whisper seductively into my ear from behind me. My fight or flight instincts kicked in and I instantly turned around while taking a few steps towards the center of the room to put some distance between the 2 of us.

Standing here blocking the now closed doorway was none other than Golden Freya. Her purple and black outfit retained the same rips that they have since I first saw it.

"Hmpf. Hello to you too Evan." She said, sounding displeased. Then with a simple snap of her fingers I felt my body fly forwards towards her. I tried to let out a scream but nothing came out.

I felt fear rapidly crawl it's way into my mind like I worm digs through soil. I was halted from flying forwards right in front of the faded golden robot, my body now suspended just above the ground so I was at eye level with her.

"I hope you said your goodbyes Evan~." She said in her seductive tone as she leaned forward to whisper into my ear. The action causing her bust to be pushed up against my chest. As she spoke one of her arms snaked around my neck while the other ran down my stomach.

"What do you want, Golden?" I said not bothering to say her full name, while trying my best not to sound intimidated. Which both was and wasn't easy. It was because I deal with scarier things every day, but wasn't because this isn't the same as what I deal with.

"I want you dead." The golden Anime-tronic said with a dark tone. "But alas, I can't do that now."

She pushed herself off me and leaned against the door behind her, crossing one leg over the other and bringing one of her arms up to rest her chin on. The entire time she had a Cheshire like grin on her face.

"But just because I can't kill you now doesn't mean you won't be gone soon." She said as her grin turned from Cheshire like to outright crazed killer. "Be weary Evan. Tonight is going to be your last."

With a flash of light similar to that of a flash bang Golden Freya vanished. At least I thought she did until I turned around and saw her slumped down next to Springtrap, now in the same dormant state as her sister.

I felt my mood instantly turn sour after that. Not because of the threat, but because she had the audacity to make said threat before taking a nap right in front of me. Which felt like a jab at the fact that I don't get enough sleep as I should.

Picking up the tools I would need along with the 2 new Anime-tronics software chips I made my way out of Parts and Service, being sure to flick the bird up towards Golden Freya on the way out. It was a strangely satisfying action to perform when deserved.

I exited the West hall and found that Both Freya and Chica were still charging up on the stage. But Bonnie was nowhere to be seen, that was till I saw the curtains at the back of the stage rustle before said purple bunny poked her head out.

"Hey Evan." She said with a friendly smile. "The new girls are still being unloaded from the van, so it shouldn't be long. Also from what I heard they aren't wearing much." She quickly said before vanishing back behind the curtains.

I just let out a sigh as I made for the backstage door next to the main stage. I should've expected that was the case. The Anime-tronics are to a certain degree more flame resistant that a normal human being, most likely how they survived the fire. But the clothes that they wear, not so much.

I didn't bother knocking as I entered the backstage, a decision I instantly came to regret as I saw Bonnie who was wearing little more than her panties and had her hair out of it's ponytail bending down while rummaging through a closet. The moment I saw her I snapped my head away as fast as possible, but not before the image of her behind with her cotton tail poking out the top of her panties burned itself into my memory.

I'll be washing my eyes with holy water later. But I have work to do before then.

"Did ya like the view~?" I heard Bonnie's voice seductively pur behind me before I felt a sudden weight slam against my back. Bonnie's legs quickly wrapped around my waist as I felt her rest her chest up against the back of my head. "Beginning to have second thoughts about you not doing the devil's dance with me~?"

"B-bonnie could you please stop." I asked in embarrassment. "I-I still have a job to do."

"Alright alright." She giggled out. "I'll stop."

I stood there waiting for a second for her to let go of me. But she made no hint of letting go.

"Um. Mind letting go?" I asked, resisting my natural urge to look the person I'm talking to in the eye as I know all I'll be met with is a face full of Bonnie's breasts.

"If ya want me to let go ya gotta do something for me first." She giggled out. I could practically hear her mischievous grin.

"And that would be?" I asked. Probably wasn't a good idea to do so, but if it will get her to let go then it was worth a shot.

"Oh nothing too insane." She said, I felt her readjust her grip on me as she spoke. "Just this."

I was once again given little time to react at just how fast the girls can move, and a surprise look at a more gymnastic side of Bonnie. She let go from her piggyback position on my back and flipped herself forward while twisting, which resulted in her throwing herself forward off me, doing a flip mid air, and landing in front of me while also facing my direction. She then grabbed my shoulders and with a quick shove, pushed me up against the wall behind me.

Not stopping there she came forward and into my personal space. Her chest pushing firmly against mine, her left leg lifting off the ground and sliding up the side of my right leg. And her lips pressed into a lock with mine.

I felt her moan into my mouth as she kissed me. Unlike the first kiss and my one with Mangle, this one wasn't a quick peck. I think I counted to 10 before Bonnie separated from me. But I couldn't be sure of that math as my brain had all but deep fried itself by that point.

"Bonnie please refrain from giving Evan a self induced heat stroke." I heard Willow say as she entered the room from the same door I used. "He won't be able to fix the new girls if he can't even think straight."

"Oh yeah. It's not like he'll be repairing 2 Anime-tronics that are wearing little more than their underwear." Bonnie fired back sarcastically.

"Bonnie, there is a difference between doing a repair job and being kissed by a robot bunny girl wearing only their underwear that wants to have sex with him." Willow said with a smirk. "Now if you wouldn't mind letting him go."

"Ok ok. You win." Bonnie said as she finally stepped away from my personal space, which she had been resting in for the entire time since Willow entered the room. But as she backed off I did notice the way Bonnie was looking at me was a little different than before. I can't place why it was, but it did feel like the gaze held something different about it.

"Good thing I told the delivery boys to leave the new girls by the stage." Willow said with a light chuckle as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Who knows how they would have reacted to seeing what I just walked in on."

"P-probably not well." I said as my mind finally regained enough focus to form a coherent sentence. "I myself am still trying to process it."

"Sorry not sorry Evan." Bonnie giggled out as she turned around and went over to the closet she was looking through when I entered, a little more sway in her hips then what there usually was.

"How about you distract yourself by fixing the 2 new girls." Willow said as she lightly patted me on the back. "There is no better distraction than doing what you enjoy."

I let out a snort at what she said, even if she wasn't entirely wrong. I do enjoy repairing machines, some more than others. I will neither confirm nor deny that repairing the Anime-tronics is a more enjoyable task than standard Animatronics. I do like myself a challenge every now and then.

"Yeah you're right." I said as I picked up my toolkit from where I accidentally dropped it when Bonnie tackle hugged me.

I followed Willow out of the backstage room, doing my best to ignore the wink Bonnie sent me as I closed the door. But I doubt I was hiding it well if the way Willow gave me a knowing look was any indication. And my blush only deepened when I saw the new Anime-tronics. Wait, somethings not right.

"2 questions." I said not bothering to look towards Willow. "One, who is that Anime-tronic? And 2. Aren't there meant to be 2 of them?"

"Yes there were." Willow said with concern etching it's way into her voice.

Standing there in front of the main stage was a single Anime-tronic. She had Ivory white skin similar in shade to my own, with little red ovals on her cheeks that looked like blush marks. Her hair was shoulder length and a shade of brown similar in colour to Freya's. She stood at a rough height of 5.8ft, and like every other Anime-tronic was built with an hourglass frame and DD Cup breasts.

First thing I noticed when I saw her was that unlike all the other girls this new one was meant to be a human Anime-tronic. Which considering that every other Anime-tronic here was inspired by an animal or in Marionette's case a puppet was sort of surprising. At least she still obeyed the same base design aspects as the rest of the Anime-tronics, I doubt it would have been appropriate if one of the most human looking Anime-tronics had nipples.

The other thing I noticed was that her "skin" was covered in burn marks. It was obvious from first glance that this Anime-tronic was lucky to have survived the fire. But it did also make me question how the only piece of clothing to survive the fire was her underwear. Also she was the first Anime-tronic I've seen that wears a bra, even if it wasn't on properly. I get the feeling one of those delivery guys got a little hands on and forgot to fix it up.

"I'll go have a look for the other one." Willow said as she began to make her way towards the kids corner. "You just focus on repairing Balloon Babe."

"Ok." I said as I mentally noted that this Anime-tronic standing dormant before me was the anime counterpart to Balloon boy. Why they chose Balloon boy of all Animatronics to receive an anime variant I have no idea. But it's already been done so the best I can do at the moment is repair her.


What do I do about her clothes?

Wassup people, it's yo boi. (that was cringy as hell)

so I have set myself a goal, one that I won't reveal unless I hit it. if you wanna know what it is... to bad.

anywho, not much else to say today. so... bye.

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