53: According to Plan

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"Come on. In you go." The woman said as she opened Willow's office door and used her knife to motion us inside. "I won't ask twice."

The moment Willow and I were in the room the woman closed the door behind us and locked it. After taking a moment to make sure no one was peeking she turned to us and took off her helmet. Willow let out a gasp when she saw who it was.

She was a young woman, probably in her mid 20s. With long sun blonde hair and sea green eyes. Her skin had a light tan and noticeable freckles under the eyes.

"Bridget!?" Willow asked with clear shock. She knew this kid? "What the hell are you doing!?"

"My job." The girl, now revealed to be named Bridget, said with a smug smirk as she reached into her helmet and pulled out an ear bud, the kind you would link to your phone, and threw it to me. "Speaking of which, my boss wants to talk to you."

"Bridget, why are you doing this?" Willow said as she stood between Bridget and I. "What are you hoping to achieve by doing all this?"

"Destroy both yours and his life." Bridget replied as she walked up, grabbed Willow's suit tie, and pulled her towards the desk. "Now, my boss doesn't like people who listen in on business that isn't theirs. So while he and Mr Emily have their chat, you're going to transfer all Convention funds to my bank.

"And why would I do that?" Willow snapped back as she was forced into her chair.

"Because if you don't, then it won't just be that new guy you hired who's gonna die tonight." Bridget said slowly as she got right up in Willow's face. "So make it snappy, or I think Miss Nessmen will be kissing the sharp end of my knife."

I saw Willow gulp as she hesitantly began to log onto her computer. As she did that Bridget turned to me and motioned for me to put the earbud in. Knowing she would probably threaten either Me or Willow, I hesitantly put in the earbud.

There was a moment of silence as I waited for something to happen. But after a few agonising seconds of static and the sound of Willow's keyboard, a voice suddenly spoke, a voice that made my blood run cold. Not from fear, but from anger.

"Hello. Old friend." A voice spoke through the device. It was strained, and had a noticeable digital hum with each word. But the most noticeable thing was the familiar British accent. "It's been a while."

"William?" I felt a mix of rage and slight blood-lust swell up in me as I spoke that name. If I was holding a phone I probably would have cracked it with how tightly my fists clenched just hearing his voice. "You're supposed to be dead."

"I always come back, Henry." He spoke with a cackle, before gaining a much darker tone of voice. "Not that you can't say the same. I seem to remember hearing you say that you were staying, back in that run down Pizzeria. You know, when you torched the building that my children and your daughter were also inside of."

"What do you want?" I spoke with gritted teeth, while also dodging his question. He doesn't deserve to know the answer. "Just here to gloat about how you're still not dead? Or do you just want to take Charlotte from me again?"

"So your little brat survived eh?." He replied with a laugh. "As fun as it would be to kill her again, I have bigger fish to fry. As for me not being dead? Congratulations, your plan actually worked. So Kudos to that old friend. Unfortunately some fuckhead thought it was a good idea to salvage what was left of my body and scan my CPU into some strange video game. I'll admit, I'm not all here, but there's enough left of me to keep going."

"As for what I want? That's easy. I want to kill you." He continued with a low chuckle. "It's like poetry. You lost your daughter, I lost my daughter. You took my body from me, now I take your body from you. Symmetry my friend."

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