23: Chaos

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I watched in horror as it all unfolded.

I had been standing by the door of the convention watching as my recently decided Boyfriend left. As he walked further away from the door and closer to his car I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, which I presumed at the time was because my boyfriend was having to leave.

"You good there Bonnie?" I looked to my left to see Mari walk over to stand next to me. To my right I heard who I presume was Mangle walk up next to me. "You seem a little distressed."

"Yeah… yeah I'm good." I replied, trying my best to shove down that feeling of dread creeping up on me. "I guess you could say I already miss him."

"Don't worry." Mangle said with a smile as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "He'll be back again tomorrow."

"Yeah your-." I began to say before everything went to hell.

The three of us watched as a car that was driving up behind Evan's car rear ended his, causing it to roll out into the intersection. And it didn't stop there. As it rolled out a semi truck approached from the left side, and with not enough room to slow down the truck all but bulldozed into Evan's car.

"EVAN!" I screamed out as I watched his car get thrown from the collision, spinning and rolling across the road in a chaotic motion. But not even a second later the car lost all momentum as it was thrown front first into a nearby power pole, the force of the impact causing several power lines to snap and fall down around the car. And causing the convention to lose power.

And that wasn't even the worst part. Upon impact with the power pole I saw Evan's motionless body smash through the miraculously unbroken windshield and go sprawling across his car's crumbled hood, where one of the broken powerlines fell atop his body. Even from the distance away that he was I could see his wide open eyes staring into nothingness as his body spasmed from the electrical voltage arcing across his body.

"What happened?!" I heard Willow yell out as she came running over from the East hall. When she got to the window I didn't even need to see her face to know the look of horror that spread across it. "Oh no."

"Evan?" I said in a hushed voice as I looked at the scene across the street. My mind was a mess at the moment, I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to rush through the convention doors and go try to save Evan. But another part of me was saying that there was nothing I could do. He was just caught in an inescapable accident, even if I could help it wouldn't change the fact that he is dead.

I stood by the window as time quickly passed. The other employees began to arrive and were talking about the crash, to my disappointment I heard Willow say that despite what happened we still have a job to do. And after what felt like forever the emergency services finally arrived on the scene.

"Bonnie." I heard a voice say behind me. When I reluctantly turned around I found Willow standing there. "I know what just happened is heartbreaking, but I need you to get ready for the day."

"Can't we just stay closed today?" I asked in a meek voice as I resisted the urge to look back towards the crash site.

"As much as I wish I could. I'm afraid we can't." Willow said in a sad tone as she rested a hand on my shoulder. "This isn't the first crash that has taken place outside the Convention, so I'm afraid that an accident like this isn't considered tragic enough by Fazbear Entertainment to close up for a day."

"Ok." I said with a sigh as I looked down to the ground, a single tear falling from my eyes. "Just give me a moment."

Willow gave me another sad smile as she left me be and began to help get the convention ready for when power came back.

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