13: Confirmation and Familiarisation

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Fuck my life.

Sitting in my office chair was someone I had yet to properly meet.

Their skin which once would have been a goldish yellow was now faded to a more greenish tinge, with a few tears here and there that exposed parts of her Endoskeleton. Her hair was 2 toned, starting a slightly darker shade of green as her skin at the roots that faded towards a sun golden colour at the tips. Her eyes were dull and clearly due to be replaced, yet they still glowed a haunting purple colour. And like every other Anime-tronic, she had a slender yet curvy build and a pair of DD cup breasts. And finally was her bunny ears which were in pretty bad condition considering the top half on one of them was completely gone.

Her clothes were basically the same as Bonnie’s, with the exception of the colour differences. Instead of a red corset teddy this Anime-tronic had a purple one. Her stockings like her corset were also purple. And so on from there. As I said, her outfit is basically the same as Bonnie's save for the colour difference.

"Uh, h-hi." I said with obvious fear as I made eye contact with the girl that once was the Anime-tronic counterpart to Spring Bonnie. 

"Hm, hello to you too." She said sarcastically. The expression on her face told me enough, she was expecting a different reaction from me.

"S-so… I r-recall your name was Spring Bonnie?" I said in a half lie. Sure I know who she is meant to be. But the original Spring Bonnie did undergo changes when it was still in use, so I wasn't 100% sure if this Anime-tronic in front of me was Spring Bonnie, or underwent the change to Springtrap like the original.

"I prefer to go by Springtrap." She said answering my question. I couldn't help the sudden chill that ran up my spine as she pronounced her name, almost like it was a curse. "And I'm guessing you prefer to go by Evan?"

"Y-yeah." I said with a gulp. Although I couldn't pick out any malice in her tone I still couldn't shake the feeling that she was planning something. "D-do you need something?"

"Well considering you asked~." She said in a slutry tone as she stood up from the chair and took a single step towards me, which I recuperated by taking a step back. "Wanna have some fun?~" As she said the second part she leaned over in a seductive position, with one hand slowly dragging up her hip while the other squished one of her breasts.

"S-sorry but I'll have to decline." I replied with fear. I can't believe that there are actually some people out there that fantasise about being in the same situation as me. How does this scenario turn a person on? Sure she's attractive. But considering I had a pretty good idea of what Springtrap was intending to do that just doesn't turn me on. In fact it's a deterrent.

"Hmpf. Fine then." She said quickly dropping the seductive act as she stood up straight. I was about to question myself on what she meant before I caught the sound of her kicking her heels off. "Plan B it is."

I had just enough time to register the incoming attack and dodge. Which was a good thing because just as I ducked down Springtrap flew over my head and slammed into the East halls wall.

Without a second thought I scampered into my office and slammed my hand against the door controls. With a metallic clang the steel doors slid shut, severing Springtraps chance of getting to me.

"You listen well Nightguard." I heard her say behind the door. I didn't bother turning around to face it, or much less look towards the window of the office. "You may think you're safe after tricking the others into trusting you. But my sister and I won't so easily be fooled. Your act will slip up soon, and when you do we will be watching and laughing as the ones that think are your friends rip you to shreds."

I could practically feel the deranged look she was giving me as she spoke from behind the door. I didn't dare move either as I couldn't be sure what would happen if I did. I stayed in that position for a few more minutes until I heard Springtrap begin to walk away.

Heaving a sigh I pulled myself away from the door and moved over to sit down in the chair. I didn't stay in it for long however as I spotted a pair of dark Purple heels on the floor. Not wasting a second I got up and slid them out the West hall doorway using my foot, I didn't really want to pick them up. Once they were out of the office I slammed the West door shut, I was now locked in.

"God why me." I said with a sigh as I brought my hands up to rub my face. "Why did you put me in a position where I had to come here?" As I spoke I once again pulled myself away from the door and went to sit down in my chair.

However something was different this time as I sat down. I was higher up than I should have been, which shouldn't be possible without either a booster seat or raising it's height. And when I leaned back into the chair I felt 2 soft mounds squish up against my back. When the reality of what I was sitting on sunk in I was instantly filled with dread.

"Hello to you too Evan." A voice said cheekily behind me. I shakily looked up as my face turned red. But the dread I had been feeling for only a few seconds was quickly replaced with confusion.

"Marionette?" I asked with confusion as I made eye contact with the black and white Anime-tronic. Out of all the girls I had acquainted myself with here she was one of the last ones I would have expected to do something like this. "Wha- How did you get in here?"

"A magician never reveals their secrets." She said playfully as she wrapped her arms around my stomach and pulled me into a hug like I was some sort of giant teddy. "Damn the girls were right. You are the go to guy if you want to cuddle something."

"I'm not sure how I should feel about that." I replied as I looked straight ahead towards the monitors. It probably wasn't the best place to look considering what most of them showed, but it was still better than looking straight up and having the top of my head press further against Marionette's bust. "Any particular reason why you're here?"

"Yes actually." She replied as her mood turned from cheeky to neutral. "Earlier you said your last name was Afton. I wanted to ask you about your relations to the Afton family."

I silently gulped as she said those words. "W-what really is there to tell?"

"What is your relation to William Afton?" She asked darkly, and the way she basically spat the name out made me wish I was anywhere but here. "I'm not going to read your mind for the answers, but I will know if you're lying. So I'll be trusting you to tell me the truth."

"L-lets just say, w-we're distantly related." I said as my answer to her question. Considering she just confirmed for me that she could also tell apart lies like Bonnie and Foxy I knew I needed to choose my next words safely.

"How distant?" she pushed, her tone becoming slightly less ominous but still holding it's dangerous edge.

"I don't mean to be rude. But have you seen how old I am?" I know it was an out of the blue question, but it's the quickest thing I could think of that could end this conversation sooner while sounding believable. "He died back in the 80s. And it's been almost 40 year since he passed. And last I checked I'm not even 20 years old." The last part wasn't actually a lie, technically I am only 19 years old. At least physically.

"Hmm." I could almost hear the way she squinted her eyes. And through very faint reflection through the monitors in front of me I could see her glowing eyes shift to look down at me. This moment I was now in was probably forever going to be listed in my top 3 most frightening experiences.

Number 1 is held by the time NM Foxy thought it would be funny to throw me out a window. I was on Holiday at the time and the Nightmares tagged along. One night at the hotel I was staying at, NM Foxy found me sitting on my room's balcony. I don't know what drove him to do it, but he grabbed me by the armpits and threw me off the balcony. if it wasn't for the pool that was there I probably wouldn't be alive. Also hitting water from 10 stories in the air hurts like a bitch.

I got pulled from my unintentional trip down memory lane when Marionette let out a disappointed sigh and loosened her grasp on me.

"I should have realised that." She said, sounding almost upset. "Sorry for the way I was acting. It… it's just… well let's just say, I knew the Afton Family before they all died. And after I learnt of what William Afton did to those children. I just lost all trust in the name."

I honestly couldn't blame her as she said those words. As it was when I first learnt of what William did while I was in my Coma I seriously considered changing my last name, to make it anything but a reminder of who I was related to. The only reason I didn't was in memory of my Brother and Sister. Who I later found out had also died.

Wait… did she say all died?

"What do you mean by they all died?" I asked in curious fear. "I know it was revealed that William died in a spring-lock malfunction, and his son Micheal died in a building fire. His daughter Elizabeth went missing and was later labelled as deceased. And the mother died in a car accident back in the late 70s. But didn't William's youngest just fall into a coma?"

"At first, yes." Marionette said sadly. I don't know if it was just me but I swear it looked like those tear streaks were now flowing, at least in her reflection it sure looked like they were. "William's youngest fell into a coma after the bite of 83. His condition was stable for about a week. But he sadly passed away on his 5th day in the hospital."

I wasn't sure what I should be doing now. Should I be comforting Marionette? She sounded pretty sad while telling me this. Or should I have a mental breakdown over the fact that I was declared dead only a week after the bite!?

If I supposedly died then how am I here? Shouldn't I be dead? Maybe it isn't true? Yeah, maybe someone else in the same hospital passed away in their sleep. Maybe the doctors accidently labelled me as the deceased patient. Yeah that sounds realistic. I remember how clumsy some of the doctors were when I first woke up. They were ridiculously clumsy.

"O-oh." Was all I could say at the moment as I came to my self conclusion that it was all just a misunderstanding. Because if I was labelled dead then I wouldn't be here. Well I could be here, but considering I was still human and not a possessed machine I think it's safe to say I ain't a ghost.

"I think I've said enough for now." Marionette said sadly as her arms tightened their embrace around my midriff. I felt as she laid her chin to rest atop my head. "Let's just stay like this for a while."

"A-are you sure?" I questioned as my blush returned. "I m-mean, we don't really know each other very well. So are you sure you want to just stay here?"

"Yes I'm sure Evan." Marionette spoke calmly as she removed one of her hands from my stomach and brought it up to gently pet my hair. "I can tell you don't have any intention to forcefully have intercourse with any of us."

I was about to let out a sigh of relief before I felt Marionette lean down towards my ear. "Even if your body says otherwise." And the moment she said that she used her hand that had been around my midriff to squeeze the hard on I didn't even know I got through my work pants.

"GAH!" I yelped as I shot out of the chair and Marionette's lap. But the action was quickly altered as Marionette's arm was still holding me which caused her to get yanked up with me. As I stood up I tried to spin around to face her, but I ended up tripping on her feet and falling over. The whole ordeal ended with me on the floor laying flat on my back with Marionette laying down on top of me, our faces mere inches from each other.

I felt my brain short circuit as her body was pressed so close to mine. And I get the feeling the rest of my body was now whiter than a ghost as all my blood rushed to my face… And one other area between my legs which I tried my best to ignore. Which wasn't easy considering the current position we were in left her concealed womanhood sitting above my crotch. I swear I have the worst luck on the planet.

"S-so." Marionette stuttered? Wait now that I focus, her cheeks are glowing red. Should that be possible? Wait why am I waking that, the others can blush so of course she can as well. "T-this is a-awkward."

"Y-yeah." I replied as I focused my attention on her eyes and not on the way her body was pressing against mine. "M-maybe d-don't do that a-again."

"Agreed." Marionette quickly said as she pushed herself off me and stood up. As I too stood up she gave me a somewhat stern look, which wasn't easy to take seriously considering the way she was blushing. "This stays between us. Got it."

"Y-yep." I said nervously, I don't understand how these Anime-tronics can switch moods so fast, then again they aren't human so that probably plays a part in it.

After that we just stood there in an awkward silence. Marionette had dropped the stern look after I agreed and was now just looking sheepishly at anything except me. I wasn't any better as I tried to look anywhere but at her. I know I had got caught in an arguably more compromised position with Bonnie the other day, but the difference between now and then was that Bonnie purposely decided to cuddle me in nothing but panties, this incident however was a complete accident that neither of us were expecting to happen.

"I-if you're finished here. I'll just get back to work." I said as I grabbed the security monitor of the desk and cautiously sat down in my chair.


I stood there awkwardly as I watched Evan focus his mind into his work. He seemed to very quickly tune out what happened only a minute ago and turn his attention towards watching over the building.

As I watched him the sense of familiarity that had been building within me since I first sat down with him returned. There is something about him that I feel like I know from somewhere, it's like it's on the tip of my tongue yet far beyond my reach.

Another thing that adds to the familiarity is his subconscious. Although he doesn't know I did it, while we talked I began to explore his mind to a certain degree. While I didn't go as far as reading his memories and just generally invading his privacy, I did however look into some of the traits he possesses.

For one I can confirm that he wasn't lying to Mangle when he said he was scared of Animatronics, while the fear is very well hidden and ignored it is still there. And I also found that the fear he hid was caused by more than just Animatronics. But what the other cause was I couldn't find.

While his phobia of Animatronics was definitely his biggest fear. He was afraid of other things, some of which were actually rather sad to discover. Such as his unknown fear of family, particularly his father and siblings. I don't know if he even knew he had this fear, but I found it there dwindling in the depths of his mind. What trauma did they put him through to cause this?

Another fear I found was his fear of memories. I didn't get a chance to look too deep into this one as I was interrupted by our little tumble into that position. But from what I could gather he's forgotten something from his past, and he's afraid to remember what it is that he forgot.

I looked back towards Evan with pity. I may not have read his mind for the answer but I can tell he's had a tough life. And that mixed with that fact that he can still carry himself with a dementor radiating kindness and determination is something admirable.

"Hey Evan." I spoke to gain his attention as I walked the short distance towards him. As he looked up at me without a word I took the monitor out of his hands and placed it on the desk behind me.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a hint of nervousness seeping through his voice. I still didn't talk as I moved his arms and climbed on his lap. With my legs sitting either side of his and my rear placed about half way up his hips. I then bought my arms up and wrapped them around his shoulders.

I could see the blush spread across his face as I leaned in closer to him, my breasts getting firmly pressed onto his chest. And as our faces became meer inches apart I continued leaning in. My arms grip tightening as I did so.

"I had a feeling you could use one of these." I whispered into his ear with a calming tone I would normally use to talk to children. As I spoke I relaxed myself into the hug I was giving him. I felt his body tense up when I spoke, but after a few seconds he relaxed.

We sat there for close to an hour. At some point during that time Evan returned the embrace. I felt the warmth radiating off him as we stayed in such an intimate position. But all the while the only thoughts on our mind were to enjoy the hug. And I would be lying if I said I wouldn't want to do it again, hugging him is like hugging the ultimate plushy. (I'm not saying that he's round and squishy like a plushy, but hugging him gives off the same feeling.)

When we finally separated he had a kind yet almost sad smile on his face.

"Thanks for that." He said gently, like if he said something wrong I would vanish. It was at that moment I realised that this is probably some of the first physical affection he's had in a long time that wasn't flirting. "I didn't know how much I needed that."

I let my smile grow as I leaned in quickly and gave him an affectionate peck on the cheek. I don't know what brought me to do it, but I do know that I meant it. "It was my pleasure."

So I totally didn't finish writing chapter 17 in 2 days, that would be crazy... I also aren't over half way into writing chapter 18.

ok but in all seriousness. in the 4 days since I uploaded the last chapter I finished writing one of the upcoming chapters 2 days later and am now half way through writing another. which means that I could end up releasing chapter 14 between friday and sunday... that's all I had to say. bye.

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