19: A Motherly Machine

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"Evan~." A voice rang out inside my head seductively. "Tick tock. Tick tock~."

I tried to look towards the origin of the voice, what I was met with was a black void of open space that seemed to go on forever. And floating in said void only a few metres away was the form of Golden Freya.

"Time is ticking Evan~." She said seductively as a pocket watch appeared in her left hand. "Better make the most of what is left~."

"Get lost, Golden." I said with a stern voice in reply. "I know what you're doing. You think I'm going to give into temptation and reveal what you are convinced is my true intentions for being here."

The Cheshire grin that was on Golden Freya's face dropped slightly when I spoke. "I don't think Evan. I know."

"No you don't." I replied as I crossed my arms. "What you are is convinced that I'm here to get some action. Well I'm not. I'm here for my own reasons that only relates to any of you Anime-tronics in the form of fixing and watching over you. You can keep telling yourself that I am what you think I am. but I'm not, and I never will be."

"You speak tough, kid." Golden Freya said, sounding almost impressed. But that tone quickly dropped as she continued to speak. "But you won't be sounding so strong when you're dying. Alone, with no one there to help. It tends to drive one mad."

"I'm not afraid of death. Not anymore." I said standing my ground. It still surprised me just how quickly I came to accept the fact that I had indeed died. But after a bit of thinking about it after I passed out I came to a conclusion.

Like Michael said in the note he left me. This is basically my second chance. This time I can live the life I want, and not get dragged down like I did last time. If this was a second chance then I would continue what I was already doing. I may be a dead guy, But I am going to live the life I want.

"We'll see just how true that statement is in time Evan." Golden said before she disappeared in a flash of light.

"Yeah can't wait." I said sarcastically as I watched the void around me begin to brighten. "Guess it's time to wake up."

I felt as my body began to wake from my blackout. The first thing I noticed as I woke was the comfortable surface I was sitting on. I was tempted to snuggle into what was currently my pillow, that is till I cracked my eyes open and was met with a shade of purple that had come to be unintentionally familiar.

"GAH!" I yelled in shock as I tried to jump from Bonnie's lap. An action which was halted by Bonnie grabbing my arms and pulling back down. This time so that I was sitting on her lap properly instead of laying on it like I was just moments before.

"Uh uh uh~." Bonnie whispered into my ear with a seductive giggle as she slid her legs out from under me and wrapped them around my stomach. "You're not going anywhere.~."

"B-Bonnie please stop." I said as I tried and failed to fight off my blush as I felt Bonnie's breasts push up against my back. To my partial relief Bonnie began to laugh, meaning she was only joking. But it did also mean now her bust was basically vibrating against my back.

"Don't worry Evan." Bonnie said as she unwrapped her legs from around my stomach, but made no effort to move her arms which were hugging me from behind. "I didn't plan on doing anything. Besides, we have a visitor."

"Pardon?" I asked as I looked towards the office doors. East hall was empty, but when I looked towards the West hall I made eye contact with a certain ballerina. I didn't need a mirror to know that my face just went from mildly blushing to a tomato with brown hair.

And my blush didn't calm down when I took in what she was wearing. It consisted of a white and blue V-neck leotard with a gold strip on the chest, a pair of white semi transparent pantyhose, a purple tutu with a golden ribbon tied around her waist, a pair of blue ballet shoes, and finally a pearl necklace strung around her neck.

The entire outfit hugged her body in all the right places. The V-neck went down to the middle of her chest exposing enough space to draw attention, and the way her leotard was colour-coded made it so that the majority of it remained white while only her bust and around her private area were highlighted with the blue, effectively drawing one's attention to those spots.

It was a balance of both elegance, and sex appeal. And I'm man enough to admit that I did find the outfit appealing. Which oddly feels wrong to admit.

"Evening Ballora." Bonnie said in a cheerful voice. "Don't mind us. This is pretty much normal." I hated the fact that she was right about that. And it's her own doing too.

"O-oh. Well ok then." Ballora replied with her fake blush glowing like it was real, which it probably was meant to signify. Likely because of what she just saw Bonnie doing. "Well I just came to properly introduce myself and familiarise myself with everyone."

"Well you probably know my name. But I'll say it again anyway." Bonnie said as she stood up from the chair and walked over to Ballora. Putting me down in the process much to my relief. "My name is Bonnie. It's nice to meet ya Ballora."

"Likewise Bonnie." Ballora said with a kind smile. After she greeted Bonnie she turned towards me. "And what might your name be dear?"

"I-I'm Evan." I said with a stutter. I will admit I was slightly intimidated by Ballora. The way her purple eyes looked at me just gave me the feeling something wasn't normal about her.

Ballora remained quiet for a moment as her eyes seemed to scan across my body. I felt rather awkward as her eyes trailed over me, and had to resist the urge to place my hands over my nether regions as her gaze was beginning to make me feel self conscious.

Her gaze drifted up to my face and lingered there for a few moments. I watched as multiple emotions seemed to express themselves through her eyes before vanishing just as fast as they appeared. Then oddly enough a motherly smile adorned her face, one that looked way too familiar for my own liking.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Evan." Ballora said as she walked over and to my surprise and embarrassment pulled me into a hug. It was embarrassing because with her being taller than me and the both of us standing up it resulted in my face unintentionally getting shoved into the ballerina's chest.

I stood there awkwardly as Ballora hugged me. Thankfully it wasn't tight enough that she suffocated me. It didn't help the fact that with how close she was hugging me she kinda shoved my face right into the V-neck of her leotard. Or in other words. I was being shoved face first into the exposed portion of her chest.

"Hey Ballora." I heard Bonnie say with a slight giggle off to the side of me.

"Yes dear?" Ballora replied as I felt her turn her head towards the direction Bonnie was standing.

No other words were spoken for a few seconds. Then I felt Ballora tense up and quickly let go of me. As I regained my bearings and took a few steps back I noticed that Ballora quickly fixed up her leotard around her chest. In particular the area my face was shoved into.

"I'm so sorry dear." Ballora apologised as the blush marks of her face spread covering her cheeks in a gentle violet glow.

"I-it's ok." I stuttered out in a haze as I did my best not to pass out from embarrassment.

"Well~." I heard Bonnie giggle seductively. When I looked over I saw her leaning against the West hall doorway. "I'll leave you 2 to get to know each other~." She said before sending me a wink and leaving.

I just let out a sigh at Bonnie's antics.

"Sorry about her." I said as I looked away from the doorway and back towards Ballora, doing my best to ignore what occurred only moments before. "She tends to be very forward about everything she says and does."

"Now I think I know where Balloon Babe gets her mischievous side from." Ballora said as she too looked away from the door and made eye contact with me. We stood there in an awkward silence for a few moments before she spoke again. "Do you mind if I sit dear? My battery wasn't fully charged before I came online so I'd like to reserve it as much as possible for the time being."

"By all means go right ahead." I said as I gestured over to the office chair.

"Thank you dear." Ballora replied as she stepped over to the chair. As she was about to sit down however her tutu unintentionally pushed the office chair away from her. "Hmm."

"Sorry I didn't think about that." I said taking nkt of the predicament I now had to solve. At least it was a simple one. "Would you like me to find a stool or something like that?"

"It's quite alright dear. This is an easy fix." Ballora replied as she did something I should have seen coming, but still didn't expect. She removed her tutu. It would have been fine generally. But as I said earlier her leotard was designed in a way so your eyes are drawn to the blue areas, and I'm pretty sure you know where they are located.

I looked away with a blush as Ballora removed her tutu and hung it on the side of the chair. I didn't look back over till once I was certain she was sitting down, I didn't want to unintentionally either look down her leotard or get a view of somewhere I shouldn't be seeing.

Ironic how only a few hours ago when she was wearing nothing but panties I was fine with looking and touching so I could repair her. But now that she's awake and wearing clothes it's embarrassing to look.

"It's alright to look dear." Ballora said as I made eye contact with her once again. "I'm used to the looks people give me."

"N-no it's not that." I stuttered out. "I-I just don't want to look somewhere I shouldn't."

"Oh." Ballora said with minor shock. Before the gentle smile I was beginning to recognise returned. "Well thank you for being so polite."

"N-no problem." I said as I looked over quickly to one of the monitors on my desk that was showing old commercials. I really need to hook those up to the security cameras.

"Would you like to sit down with me dear." Ballora asked as I heard her pat her lap. "I doubt it's comfortable just standing there."

"No no. I'm fi-." I began to reply as I turned back to face her. Only to my surprise finding her standing right in front of me. How did she get there so fast?

"It wasn't a question dear." Ballora said in the same motherly tone she had been using the entire time as she easily slid her arms under my armpits and effortlessly lifted me off the ground.

"WOAH!" I yelled in shock as Ballora spun me around in her grasp so I was facing away from her before she sat down. Once she was comfortable she pulled me down onto her lap, and then wrapped her arms around my stomach and hugged me.

"Isn't that better dear?" Ballora asked as she sat her chin atop my head. "Just let yourself calm down and relax."

I was not relaxing. I was internally panicking as an Anime-tronic I barely knew was forcing me to sit on her lap while hugging me from behind. I couldn't be sure if this was just some elaborate scheme to kill me or not. All I know is this situation was feeling kinda familiar to what happened with a certain crimson fox 2 days ago.

"You don't need to panic dear." Ballora said in a soft whisper. "I can assure you I don't intend to do anything to you."

"T-then what are you doing?" I asked as I did my best to look up towards her eyes, without making my head press into her chest.

"Just doing something I haven't done in decades." She replied as she brought one of her hands up from my stomach and began to slide her fingers through my hair. "At my old location a rule was implemented that I wasn't allowed to get this close to people while I was performing. And most of the Nightguards were just perverts so I never really wanted to get too close to them. But I can tell you're not like them, you're too pure." She said the last part with a giggle.

"Thanks?" I said questioningly. "But that still doesn't answer what you're doing at the moment."

"Can't a lady have her fun?" Ballora replied with a playful giggle. "But if you're that curious. I just want some physical contact. With someone that's alive, not made of metal, wires and synthetic skin like me."

She sounded sad as she spoke the last part. And I could tell through her voice that she was telling the truth, it wasn't like I could hear a lie. But it just felt like she was telling the truth. Like a gut feeling, but coming from somewhere deeper within myself.

Letting out a sigh as I gave into her affection and began to feel myself relax in Ballora's embrace. I don't know what it was. Maybe the way she was gently stroking my hair? Or the odd safety that I felt in her embrace? But I slowly began to feel drowsy.

Soon enough my head began to lean back until it was resting on her chest like it was a pillow and my eyelids began to feel heavy.

"Don't worry dear." Ballora said in a motherly tone as she leaned her head forwards so it was within my line of sight. "Feel free to sleep if you wish. I'll wake you when it's time for the night watch."

That seemed to be all my body needed to hear as I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remember before drifting off was the gentle hum of Ballora's servos just barely being audible through her chest, the closest thing the Anime-tronics had to a heart beat. It was an oddly calming noise.


He reminds me so much of him.

Most men would have tried to jump at me by now. To ravish and use my body in ways that would get one sentenced to death if found out. And if not that then it would be to at least touch me, to remove my costume and touch me in places that are highly inappropriate for a kids entertainment Animatronic to possess. But not this boy

This boy was more interested in making sure I was comfortable instead of ravishing me. He is so kind, willing to give up his only chair and resort to standing just so I could reserve my power, and when I had to remove my tutu he was polite enough to look away.

It reminds me so much of the boy I once knew.

The same boy who was more interested in making sure his friends were ok before himself. The one who I recall meeting on the day I first powered on.

I recall when I met the child. His father was the man who built me and the others. He was a horrid man, more interested in his work than to look after his own son. I remember watching from my stage as the man announced my location's opening. And then the excited screams of children as they all came rushing inside.

For a while kids were everywhere. There were so many of them that I could barely keep track of how many came over to me. But throughout the entire day I managed. As it approached closing time things finally began to calm down. That's when I saw the boy.

I remember seeing a nervous looking boy no older than 6 walk through the doorway to my room. He was on the shorter side for someone his age, with curly brown hair and bright hazel eyes. In his hands a small golden bear plush with odd looking eyes. I remember moving to sit down on my knees at the edge of my stage as he walked up to me.

"Hello dear." I said in a gentle voice to address the same boy. "Who might you be?"

"I-I'm Evan." The child replied nervously as he hugged his teddy closer to himself.

"That's a nice name." I replied with a gentle smile. "My name is Ballora."

"I-I know." The boy replied as he took a step closer to me. "Daddy told my sister who told me. She said the original you was built in memory of my mommy."

I couldn't help the sad smile that appeared on my face. I was already aware of what happened to the poor boy's mother. More aware than anyone else was about it.

"That's nice dear." I said as I shuffled over. "It's getting late. Would you like to sit with me until you leave?"

"Y-yes please." The boy replied as he climbed up onto the stage with aid from myself. Once he was up I picked him up and cradled him on my lap.

"Feel free to rest dear." I said gently as I used one hand to stroke his hair while the other was holding him against me. "I will wake you when it's time for you to leave."

"Ok." The boy replied without stuttering for the first time as he rested his head against my chest. I began to hum a lullaby as the small child in my arms began to fall asleep.

"Do not worry my child." I whispered softly as I leaned down and placed an affectionate kiss on his forehead. "You are safe with me."

I resurfaced from the memory with sorrow. I had said the child was safe. But only 2 years later the poor boy died, mere days after his 8th birthday.

I looked down to the curly haired teen who was currently asleep on my lap. The boy that shared the same name as the child I met back in 1981. Leaning down I placed an affectionate kiss on his forehead, just the same as I did the small child.

"You are safe here my child." I said in a sad whisper. "I won't fail my duty again."

Wassup people of the internet, it's ya boy Gearbox-Zelda here throwing you a brand new chapter. (this hurt to write)

So I would like to adress some things real quick. first, last chapter I published on my birthday I asked ya'll how old you thought I was turning. and only one person guessed it right. shout out to Garendalas you the only person to guess the obvious answer. I am infact 18. yes means I started writing this story back when I was 16. if ya don't like that, to bad.

I also think ya'll would be interested to hear that a few of you have made correct assumptions about things coming or already in this story. I won't say which are right and wrong because that would take forever to answer and would spoil the surprises. but I thought ya'll would like to know that your creepishly good and figuring this stuff out.

that is all. this has been your fellow farm boy from down under.

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