20: Questions Unanswered

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"Bonnie what are you doing?" I asked as I came through the kids corner doorway.

I had entered the main party room to find a rather interesting scene happening. Freya was sitting down on the edge of the stage brushing her hair, wearing nothing but her panties. Even her bowtie wasn't on. Chica was laying on her stomach on top of one of the tables with a slice of pizza in her mouth while she watched Freya brush her hair. And Bonnie was peeking around the West hall doorway with one of her ears perked up more than the other.

"Shush." Bonnie said quickly as she turned around and bought a finger up to her lips. "I'm trying to listen."

"Listen to what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I didn't get an answer for her however as she had already turned around to face the hallway again.

"She's listening in on Ballora and the Nightguard." Freya said bluntly as she continued to brush her hair, which I now just realised was still wet from her shower. "Bonnie left the 2 of them up in the office because Ballora wanted to meet the Nightguard."

"He has a name Freya." Chica said as she swallowed the piece of pizza she had been eating. "It's Evan. And you should give him a chance, he's actually really nice. And dare I say cute."

"And I don't give a shit Chica." Freya replied without making eye contact. But it was clear from the tone in her voice that she was still pissed off about him. "I don't care if he's nice, cute, or Ryan Reynolds' brother. All I care about is getting rid of him. And any other Nightguard that works in this building."

"I see Freya hasn't changed one bit." A voice said behind me. When I turned around to see who it was I found Balloon Babe just walking out of the kids corner.

"Hey BB." I greeted the shorter girl. "Gotten bored of Mangle have we?"

"Nah, she just went to go take a shower." BB replied with a shrug. "Foxy is still using the second shower so I don't really have anyone to hang with in the kids corner."

"If it wasn't for the fact of how difficult it can be for us to clean ourselves properly I probably would be telling y'all off for how long a shower y'all take." I commented as I turned to face the rest of the room now that BB had walked past me and gone to sit at the same table Chica was laying on.

"Says the one who has to make sure their skin shines like a latex swimsuit." Commented Freya with a smirk. Which earnt a giggle from Chica and a snort from BB. Bonnie was too distracted with the hallway to pay attention.

"Hey you try having near pure black skin." I retorted as I pointed an accusing finger at Freya. "Your skin is at least easier to hide dirt and grit. Mine makes even the smallest imperfection stand out."

"But don't you wear clothes that cover your entire body?" BB asked with a smirk. "The only place you're gonna get messy is your hands and face."

"You'd be surprised BB." Was all I said in reply. "Anywho. Bonnie, Any updates on Evan and Ballora?"

"Yep." Bonnie said as she turned around to face us, the most mischievous grin I had ever seen plastered on her face. "I think Ballora has decided Evan is now her son."

I thought it sounded kinda sweet, Ballora was a character that always had some sort of connection to motherhood. She did have her minireenas after all, which the original Ballora referred to as her children. And the original Ballora was also built in memory of her creator's wife, who was a mother herself.

BB and Chica on the other hand seemed to think differently about the news. The 2 of them simultaneously busted out into a fit of giggles. With BB falling backwards on her chair and Chica accidentally rolling off the table.

"Quit your laughing." Bonnie said with an accusing gaze towards BB and Chica. Although her smile was still cheeky looking, meaning she did find some humor in the situation. "It may sound a little funny. But I think it's sweet."

"I agree with Bonnie on this one." I said as I sent a smile Bonnie's way. "And I think it's safe to say so would Mangle."

"Of course she would." Freya commented with a bored look. "She finds anything like that adorable."

"So." BB said loudly to get everyone in the room's attention. "Have any of y'all done it. You know." To refer to what she meant she O shape using her finger and thumb with one hand and slid the index finger of her other hand in and out of the O in a pumping motion.

When it clicked what she was referring to, a blush adorned the faces of almost everyone in the room except Freya and BB. Chica blushed and gained a lustful look in her eyes. Bonnie's face glowed a deep violet and I noticed her rub her thighs together. And myself began blushing more from the sudden question.

"Unfortunately none of us have done it with him yet." Chica said in a both sad but seductive voice. "The kids holding onto his V-card like it's the most valuable thing."

"Ya know in a way it is." Bonnie said as she leaned against the West hall doorway. "Once you lose it you can't get it back. Also I will admit I've had multiple chances to take his V."

"Or yeah? Name when and where." BB said with a raised eyebrow.

"Tuesday just before the lunch rush is the first time that comes to mind." Bonnie said as she bought her hand up to her chin in thought. "He was called in to replace my faulty battery. So we went to Parts and Service and he fixed me up. It's a back room with insulated walls, just us inside said room. Perfect time to do it."

"So why didn't you?" BB asked, leaning forwards in her chair.

"Didn't feel right I guess." Bonnie replied with a shrug. "I had already come to like him by that point. I just guess that even with the promise I made him, it just wouldn't feel right without consent. Also I was out of power as well."

I watched with an interested grin as BB stood from her chair and walked over to Bonnie. Once there she grabbed Bonnie by her shoulders and began shaking her.

"Who are you and what have you done to Bonnie?!" She yelled humorously as she shook the purple bunny.

It only lasted a few seconds. But it was still enough to get Chica and I giggling.

"But seriously. Are any of you gonna do it?" BB asked as she took a step back from Bonnie. "I mean, for all we know Ballora is having fun with him as we speak."

"Trust me, she's not." Bonnie said as one of her ears perked up. "In fact she just told Evan it's time for the night watch."

"How can you be sure?" BB asked with a raised eyebrow.

"3, 2, 1." Bonnie counted down with both her voice and fingers. Once she hit zero she snapped her fingers. At that very second the camera watching the main stage turned on.

All of us except Freya watched the camera with amusement as it remained focussed on the near naked bear. It soon turned off however when we all heard a loud crack sound out through the West hall. Followed by Evan's voice yelling shit in panic.

"Did- did he just break the monitor tablet?" Chica asked with minor concern.

"I'll go check." I said as I made my way over to the West hall.

"I'm coming too." Bonnie said as she walked alongside me down the hall.

"They are both totally gonna get some dick." I heard BB comment as Bonnie and I walked down the hall. I felt my blush return as her words put the thought in my head. And for the first time ever, I didn't hate the idea. Through the corner of my eye I could tell Bonnie was thinking along similar lines as me. But we both managed to clear our heads just before coming within view of the office window.

When the 2 of us came within view we looked in to find a both amusing and concerning situation. Evan was standing over his desk supporting himself with his elbows as he buried his head in his hands. Behind him Ballora was standing there with her tutu hanging from the back of the desk chair as she inspected the very clearly cracked screen of the security monitor.

"Maybe it still works?" Ballora said in a questioning voice as she looked from the cracked screen towards Evan.

"It doesn't." Evan said with despair clear in his voice. "That was the first thing I tried when I picked it up. Not even a flicker came from the screen. I am so getting fired for this."

"Calm down Evan." I said as Bonnie and I entered the room. "Before you start panicking. Think of a way around the problem."

"Yeah." Evan replied as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I need to slow down for a second."

"That was quick." Bonnie said with a raised eyebrow as her Ballora and I watched Evan calm down surprisingly quickly. "How did you know that saying that would work?"

"I didn't." I replied with a shrug. "I'd just guess that Evan is fast at recovering from these sorts of things."

"I got it!" Evan said unexpectedly loudly as he turned around and snatched the security monitor from Ballora's hands. We were going to ask what he was doing, but none of us got the chance before he dropped to the ground and slipped the top half of his torso under his desk. I may or may not have spied Bonnie and Ballora taking a glance at his body, and I would be lying if I said we didn't get a surprisingly good look at how healthy a body he had when his shirt slid up just enough to reveal the bottom half of his stomach.

"Well that just happened." Bonnie commented with a smirk as her eyes took in the view, but at least she wasn't completely distracted. "What do ya think he's doing?"

"I believe he's wiring the tablet to the monitors on his desk." Ballora replied. At the exact moment she said that all the screens on the desk collectively changed from old commercials to security footage, each screen a different camera.

"Why is it that everyone seems to have perfect timing?" I asked as I looked towards Bonnie and Ballora. "Seriously, that's the second time in the past 5 minutes. How do you do it?"

"That's for us to know and you to find out Mari." Bonnie replied with a giggle. Which also drew a light hearted giggle from Ballora.

I just let out a sigh and rolled my eyes at Bonnie's shenanigans.

"And... done." Evan said drawing Bonnie, Ballora and I's attention back to him. We all watched as he pulled himself out from under the desk and began adjusting the screens to his liking. "That should do it."

"Good. Because~." Bonnie said in a seductive tone. I felt bad for Evan, he was barely given a chance to react before Bonnie grabbed him and basically threw him into his chair. "I want some cuddles."

"B-Bonnie. L-let's talk about this?" Evan stuttered out. It was all in vain however as by time the last word had left his mouth Bonnie was already on his lap and cuddling into his chest.

"Nope. You got to cuddle into me. Now it's my turn." Bonnie said with a relaxed sigh.

"I know Bonnie said this was basically normal. But how long Has this been going on?" Ballora asked me with a faint blush. 

"Would you believe me if I said since the start of the week." I replied with a chuckle. "And it's only his first week on the job too."

"It's his first week?" Ballora exclaimed with raised eyebrows.

"Yep." I replied. "Evan here is a chick magnet and he doesn't even know it."

"I am right here." Evan deadpanned as he glared at me. A look I couldn't take seriously with the massive blush on his face.

"She's not wrong though." Bonnie said as she continued to cuddle Evan. "I'll be completely honest Evan. If it wasn't for the fact I am stuck inside this building I would have asked you out on a date by now."

I think it's safe to say Evan wasn't ready to hear that. Ballora and I both watched in amusement as he passed out for the third time tonight. If it wasn't for the fact that we knew what caused 2 of them I would be concerned. Actually what caused the first one?

"He's rather light-hearted isn't he?" Commented Ballora with a slightly concerned look. "Is this normal?"

"Unfortunately yes." Replied Bonnie. "On his second night he had a panic attack just because Foxy pulled what you walked in on earlier."

"O-oh." Ballora stuttered with her face blush glowing slightly as she recalled what she walked in on only half an hour ago. "S-still that is rather concerning to hear."

"Bonnie." I said, drawing the bunny's attention. "Do you know what caused Evan to pass out earlier tonight?"

"No. I forgot to ask." Bonnie said thoughtfully. "I think it was caused by something he read. But I can't be sure because the paper I found was wrecked. Wait, how did you know he passed out earlier?"

"I have my ways." Was all I said to answer her question. "But that's not the point. You said you found paper? As in a note? And how did it get wrecked?"

"Yes I think it was some sort of note." Bonnie replied as she readjusted herself so instead of cuddling into Evan's chest she was instead just sitting on his lap facing Ballora and I. "I doubt it was just a random sheet of paper. And it was wrecked because it got soaked in blood and crumbled apart when I tried to pick it up."

"He was Bleeding?!" Ballora asked in shock as she ducked behind the chair Bonnie and Evan were on and began to inspect his face for injuries. She really does fit the mother role doesn't she.

"Relax Ballora." Bonnie said in a calming tone as she looked over her shoulder towards the Ballerina. "It was just a bloody nose. He fell face first to the floor when he passed out. And I've already checked if it's broken, and it isn't."

"That's a relief." Ballora said with a sigh as she backed away from the chair and came back over to stand next to me.

As I watched Ballora walk over, a thought occurred to me. The three of us have all had the new facial recognition software installed into us. But had anyone, and this corresponds to the other girls as well. Has anyone used it to scan Evan yet?

"Hey Bonnie." I said as I looked back towards her. "You were the first one of us to receive facial recognition software. Have you or any of the others used it on Evan yet?"

"Not that I know of." Bonnie replied with a thoughtful expression. "I never really thought to use it on him, I've only used it on any suspicious looking customers. Why?"

"I'm curious." I replied with a shrug. "I just have this feeling that something is going on with Evan that none of us are aware of. And it might be far-fetched, but using the facial recognition on him may reveal something we don't know."

I watched as Bonnie gained a slightly concerned look as she looked over her shoulder to the unconscious boy. When I looked to my side I saw an equally concerned look in Ballora's eyes. I can tell by the few interactions they've had that I've seen that Ballora is connected to Evan in some way, the question is how?

"Alright." Bonnie said as she stood up and came to stand on my left. "Might as well give it a shot."

"M-mind if I join?" A voice asked from the East hall. The three of us looked over to see Mangle standing just outside the doorway wearing the majority of her outfit save for the underbust corset and cavalier boots. "I was coming to spend some time with Evan but I heard you all talking about how he passed out. Is he alright?"

"You don't have to ask, dear." Ballora replied with a gentle smile. "And yes, he seems to be alright. You have a soft spot for him don't you?"

I felt a small grin spread across my lips as Mangle blushed. I feel oddly proud of Evan, he's unintentionally made more than one of the girls fall for him.

"I-I guess y-you could say that." Mangle replied as she walked into the office and stood next to Bonnie. Who gave her a wink. I think Chica lost that bet I heard her make with Foxy. Heck she lost it when Bonnie made Evan pass out. 

"Ok. I'm gonna scan him now." I said as I activated my facial recognition software. A light blue beam shone from my eyes and began to scan Evan's face. And although I wasn't directly looking I could tell the others were doing the same.

It only took a couple of seconds but eventually I had finished scanning Evan's facial structure. Once I had done that my systems began to cross reference his face with every Fazbear entertainment employee from both the past and present, and all known faces of loose criminals.

When the software eventually finished processing everything, the results it brought up were more than surprising. In fact, they were earth shattering.

"You all got 12 results right?" Bonnie asked with concern in her voice.

Ballora, Mangle and I all had the same reply. "Yes."

"2 of those people from the 80s?" Bonnie asked once again, and once again it was the same reply. Yes. "Both of them look similar to Evan but not by much, also dead as of 1989?" And again. Yes.

"And both of them are Aftons." I said with fear clear in my voice. "I think we've all got the same results Bonnie."

"Ok ok. Good to know." Bonnie replied with clear sarcasm, and a hint of fear. "Just one question. WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE 10 PEOPLE ON THIS LIST THAT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE EVAN?!"

True to Bonnie's word the other 10 people on the list looked like carbon copies of Evan. The only differences between any of them was slight hair lengths and a couple of them had stubble. But apart from that they were all 100% identical. They all even shared similarities with their name. They all either had the first name Evan, or last name Afton. And all of their profiles were that of employees.

They were listed as follows.

[Evan Afton. Employed: 1995-1998. Employment Status: Quit.]

[Evan Schmidt. Employed: 1999-2001. Employment Status: Fired.]

[Chris Afton. Employed: 2002-2003. Employment Status: Missing.]

[Evan Brooks. Employed: 2003-2005. Employment Status: Quit.]

[Evan Smith. Employed: 2006-2009. Employment Status: Quit.]

[Devon Afton. Employed: 2010-2011. Employment Status: Missing.]

[Greg Afton. Employed: 2012-2014. Employment Status: Fired.]

[Evan Mcnally. Employed: 2015-2019. Employment Status: Quit.]

[John Afton. Employed: 2020-2022. Employment Status: Missing.]

[Evan Afton. Employed: 2023-2025. Employment Status: Hired.]

"This can't be a coincidence." Bonnie said with thought. "No way in hell they all just so happen to look alike and share names."

"There is only one thing we can all be sure of at the moment." Mangle said in a surprisingly firm voice, which managed to draw everyone's attention to her. "That there is something more to Evan that we don't know."

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself a little as I began to think. Mangle is right. There is something going on with Evan that we don't know about. And whatever it is, it's allowed him to survive for 30 years without ageing a day.

"Ok girls." I said drawing everyone's attention to myself. "This stays between us. Got it?"

Ballora, Mangle and Bonnie all nodded in confirmation. And just as they did Evan let out a groan, and his eyes fluttered open.

Hello everyone. how ya doing?

first off today, this story has hit a few personal milestones. 20 chapters. I'll be honest, when I first started writing this story I never thought I would get this far into it. and yet here we are. it's also reached a read time of 5+ hours. we've hit the number 1 hashtag multple times now with different tags. which I can't thank you all enough for getting to this point.

Also as you have seen, the plot of this story is starting to pick up. and I won't say to much at the moment. but let's just say that for Evan, things are never going to be the same again.

Chow all.

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