43: Vengeful Spirit

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I let out a sigh as I walked through the back stage doors.

It felt odd knowing I had just done it with the 2 girls I was close with. And I was more than a little surprised with how Mari approached it. I didn't think she would be that kind of lover.

It's not a bad thing though. It just feels like it should be the other way round with those 2. Bonnie is the soft tender type, while Mari is the more rough type. Yet their personalities portray them being the opposite of that.

It almost made me wonder what the other girls would be- No, bad Evan. They are your friends. Don't go thinking about them like that.

Shaking my head to clear it of those thoughts I made my way up to the office. Passing Springtrap on the way who was just leaving Parts and Service. I had to look away as she walked past, mostly due to the fact that the moment she saw me she decided to send me a wink while squeezing her left breast.

"Hello Evan." Ballora greeted me as I entered the office.

"Hi Ba-" I began to say before my voice died in my throat. There Ballora was sitting in the office chair, Sketchbook in hand, Hair hanging loose around her head, and a noticeable lack of clothing on her body aside from her underwear. "B-Ballora? Where are your clothes?"

"Sorry Dear." She replied as I saw her cheeks glow blue. "I was helping Chica in the kitchen while you were with Bonnie and Marionette. I accidentally spilled some sauce on my clothes so I had to remove them. And I'm afraid I don't have any spare ones."

"O-oh." I said as I focused my attention on her eyes. And not the rest of her body. "W-well now that I'm finished with them, you could go ask Mari if you could borrow one of her spare costumes."

"I'm afraid they won't fit." Ballora said, quickly shooting down my suggestion. "Her costume is made to her exact measurements, meaning it would be loose on me in some rather awkward places. And all the other girls are smaller than me so they wouldn't work either."

"R-right." I replied as I felt my already present blush darken due to the way she described the clothes not fitting her. "I-I'll go see if there is something in Parts and Service that could work."

"You don't have to worry about seeing me like this Evan." Ballora said as she stood up and walked over, causing me to have to snap my neck to the side to avoid looking at her. "It's not like you haven't seen me like this before."

"Y-yeah... But that was before we found out you were my Mother." I stuttered as I felt my face turn a brand new shade of crimson.

"Ever the innocent little boy." She replied with a gentle laugh before kissing my head in a motherly fashion and pulling me into a hug. "Well, even if that is the case. Just know that you don't have to be ashamed about looking at me in this state of dress. It's not like this body wasn't intended for that exact purpose."

I chose to just accept what she said. I guess as long as she doesn't suddenly start flirting with me it should be fine. A bit awkward maybe, but not too inappropriate.

The main reason however that I chose not to verbally respond was due to the fact that the side of my face was currently being pressed against Her large, heavenly soft chest.

I'm starting to think that everyone might be right about me being a chest guy.

Eventually Ballora let go of the embrace, but not before she made me return it. And we settled into what was starting to become somewhat of a routine.

I sat down in the office chair and began to watch over all the cameras around the convention. And Ballora did her own thing while remaining in the room. This time instead of pulling out the sketchbook she instead chose to practice her ballet using the space behind me.

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