52: Intruders

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"What is that sound?" I muttered as I heard what sounded like something falling on the other side of the wall.

I stood up and walked over to the wall I heard it from, The other side of the wall being the boiler room, and put one of my ears up against.

"What are you doing?" A voice I didn't recognise spoke.

"Seeing if he's got anything valuable on him." Another voice replied as I could hear the faintest sound of shuffling. "Surely he might have something worthwhile on him."

"It's the fucking security guard. All you're gonna find is a shity pistol." The first guy spoke again. "Come on. I'll take him down to the party room or whatever it's called. You go check Parts and Service like she asked you to."

"Alright alright." The second guy muttered. "Don't get your panties in a twist."

"Evan?" I whispered to myself as I stepped away from the wall. Then it clicked what they had literally just said. One of them was going to be here soon. "Fuck."

As quickly as I could I jumped over the bench Golden was laying on and quickly slumped myself down in the corner of the room, doing my best to look like I hadn't moved in ages.

As the door opened I quickly activated an emergency shutdown of any systems I didn't need active. My body went limp, eyes losing their glow, and voice now muted. But I could still see and hear. And as one of the intruders entered I tried sending out a security ping to one of the girls, but was met with interference.

"Damn." The guy muttered, behind him I could see the other guy dragging Evan's body past. "This place is a mess."

I felt panic begin to set in as the man closed the door behind him and began to look around. He took a moment to look over Golden's damaged form, even going as far as to check under her clothes. Before continuing to look around the room.

As this was happening I heard the sounds of screaming coming from towards the party room. Whoever these guys were, they mustn't have cared about stealth that much to let the entire party know they were here.

"Oh hello." the guy suddenly spoke as he spotted where I was slumped against the wall. "What do we got here?"

I felt a chill run through my systems as he dragged me over and dumped me on the edge of the table. After that he began to inspect my body. He wasn't being subtle at all with the way he was touching me. But I couldn't do anything about it because my systems hadn't rebooted.

"Hmm." The guy hummed as he looked over at the door before gaining a disgusting grin. I felt fear creep in as I saw him reach for his zipper. "There's time for us to have some fun before I take you to the truck."

Reboot... Reboot... REBOOT GOD DAMNIT!


What was taking Evan so long? Surely it doesn't take this long to start a generator. Unless it was out of fuel? Maybe he can't find the fuel can for it. Well hopefully he gets the power on soon, the not so subtle complaints and whispers of the guests are starting to overload my audio sensors.

"EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!" An unknown voice suddenly yelled from the East hall, followed by the sound of a gunshot and a muzzle flash aimed at the ceiling.

An instant wave of panic spread across the room as a small group of men walked in from the East hall. They were all wearing pretty plain clothing, but each had some form of Motorcycle helmet on to hide their face. They also had some form of gun each, with 2 of them wielding simple handguns, and the other 2 had what looked like rifles.

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