18: Dead Man Walking

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"And that's the last one." I said to myself as I closed the seam between the new and old segments of Ballora's skin. It was a relatively short process, like opening and closing a zipped just with extra steps.

"Ok you're done." The voice of Mangle said besides me before I was suddenly shoved over. As I looked over to her I saw her playfully stick her tongue out at me, in her arms was what looked to be Ballora's outfit judging by the colours of the fabrics and the pair of blue ballet shoes. "Sorry Evan but from here I'm doing the work."

"Alright." I said with a chuckle. "Just let me move her over to the stage first."

"Ok, but hurry up." She said as I picked Ballora up bridal style and carried her over to the stage. When there I sat her down next to the recharging Balloon Babe.

I stood back and looked away as Mangle laid down the clothes next to Ballora and begun to dress her. While she did that I grabbed out my phone to check the time.

"Hmm. Still an hour till the night watch starts." I said to myself as I saw it was only 11pm. "What could I do in the meantime?"

I could chill out with Bonnie? No, she would resort to teasing most likely, not to mention she was currently sitting on the stage tuning her guitar. Chica went to the kitchen while I was repairing Ballora, so she is also a no go. Freya still looks like she wants to kill me, plus she hasn't returned from that shower I was told she was having, so once again it is a no. Marionette walked off somewhere while I was working. And I can't exactly go hang out with the golden girls considering they want to kill me. So that really only leaves Foxy.

Shrugging to myself I made my way over to the entrance of the kids corner. When I entered, I spotted Foxy's cove with it's curtains drawn wide open. As I walked further into the room I also noticed that the door in the far corner of the room labeled back stage was cracked open. Along with the muffled sound of a shower running behind it.

"Well there goes that idea." I said to myself as I realized Foxy was taking a shower. There must be at least 2 of them back there. "Now what do I do?"

It was at that moment that I remembered something. Slipping my left hand into my back pocket I felt the small envelope that NM Mangle handed to me before I left for my shift. I held the envelope out in front of me as I turned it around, the paper was definitely old, which was to be expected considering the place it was found hadn't been touched in over a decade.

Shrugging to myself I ripped open the envelope and began to make my way over to my office to read in peace. As I opened it and pulled out the note inside I felt my blood run cold. This was more than a simple note.

{Hey Evan.

If you're reading this then I guess either you now own the storage unit that belonged to our family. Or you aren't reading this and instead this note has been destroyed. Either way I have some things to say.

First, I'm sorry.

I know just writing it on paper won't make up for what I did to you. Hell, I'll never forgive myself for what I did. But I wanted you to know that what happened was never meant to lead to what it did. It was only meant to be a harmless prank, put you in and take you out… it was never meant to kill you.

I wish I never did it. If I could change one thing about the past, anything at all. It would have been that I was a better brother towards you. Maybe then none of this tragedy would have happened.

Also yes I know you're alive, I've actually known for a while as of writing this message. Heh, you would not believe me if I told you that I had the biggest mental breakdown in history upon finding out. 

I won't pretend like I know how you've returned, because I honestly don't know. But I do hope that this time you get a chance. I hope that you can live your life without the pain that our family caused you. No more bullying from myself, No more complaints from Elizabeth, and no more abuse from William.

I hope you find peace in your new life Evan. I wish I could come see you in person to apologize, but I can't. Our father has done a lot of evil before his demise, and it's my job now to repair the damage he and I caused.

Maybe we'll see each other again one day. I hope we can both walk through the gates of Heaven and see Mother again, as brothers. I look forward to that day, when this can all finally be put to rest.

Until then I have a job to do. I can't say what will have happened in the time between me writing this and you finding it. Maybe I'm finally dead? Maybe you're living the life you deserved? Only the man upstairs knows. But I do know this, I love you little brother.

Yours truly, Michael Afton.}

By the time I had finished reading it I was back in my office. I felt a mess of emotions flood my mind as I read the final sentence.

Surprise that my brother, who from what little of my past memories remained portrayed as a bully, had left behind a message for me. Relief that he revealed that he never meant to hurt me that day. Anger that he chose to write a note instead of saying it to my face. Sadness as I realized that he was now gone, and we never got the chance to see each other again. Grief as I finally accepted that I was the last living member of the Afton family.

And finally there was a mix of confusion and dread. My brother mentioned in the message that he never meant to kill me, which would mean that what Marionette told me was true. I died back in 1983 only 6 days after my 8th birthday. Which made me a dead man walking.

I began to feel light headed, it all made sense now. Why the Nightmares couldn't kill me after I woke up in 1994, why I haven't aged a day since then, and why I never seem to suffer from any illnesses. After all, you can't kill something that's already dead.

Gravity took hold and my body began to fall forwards. I was faintly aware of the sound of footsteps coming from the West hall as my mind slipped into unconsciousness. But the only thing I could truly think of as I fell was, if I'm dead? How am I still here?

The last thing I felt was my head smashing into the tiled floor beneath me.


I was making my way over to the security office when I heard a loud thump come from inside it.

I had finished tuning my guitar and was looking for something to do. Freya was doing her own thing backstage while Foxy was showering, so I couldn't hang out with them. Mangle was distracted with Ballora and BB, making sure they were clean and their clothes were on properly. Chica was in the kitchen cooking. And Marionette was off sleeping in her prize box.

So with nothing else to do I thought I would go hang out with Evan, and maybe get a bit of teasing and a cuddle while I was at it. However I wasn't expecting to come through the West hall doorway to find him face down on the floor with a small pool of blood expanding around his head.

"EVAN!?" I practically screeched as I dropped down to his side and rolled him onto his back. "Oh thank God." I muttered in relief as I found he was relatively unharmed.

The blood had come from his nose. And when I checked it it thankfully wasn't broken, probably just the impact that caused the bleeding. His pulse was there, but beating faster than it should. And his breathing was more erratic than usual.

All the signs were pointing to him blacking out again.

"What the hell caused it this time?" I muttered to myself as I looked around us. I soon spotted a small note sitting in the middle of the small pool of blood that came from Evan's nose. When I tried to pick it up however it fell apart. "Well there goes what was probably the answer."

Knowing that I wouldn't find an answer now until Evan recovered, I decided to leave him where he was for the time being and clean up the small pool of blood for now. Making my way out of the office I quickly walked over to the janitor's closet that was located between Parts and Service and the doorway to the main party room. 

I grabbed a mop and bucket out of the closet along with a roll of paper towel. Once I had those items I went back over to the office to clean up the blood. It was a relatively quick process, five minutes later and the floor was clean again with the bloody paper towel disposed of.

"Now what do I do?" I said to myself as I looked down towards Evan who was still laying on the floor. "I should probably get him off the floor."

Kneeling down I picked Evan up bridal style, one hand supporting his back while the other was carrying his legs. Standing back up I carefully walked the short distance over to where Evan's office chair was. Sitting down in it I repositioned Evan on my lap so he was in a more comfortable position, with his legs hanging off the side of the chair and his head resting on my breasts like a pillow.

"Ya know this isn't quite what I had in mind when I wanted some cuddle time Evan." I said to the unconscious teen on my lap as I ran my fingers through his curly brown hair. "But I don't mind switching it up if this is what you like."

I couldn't help but giggle from both ticklishness and cuteness as Evan unconsciously snuggled into my breasts. How can a single man be both adorable, innocent, and fucking sexy all at once? If it wasn't for the promise I made to him I probably would have long since done the deed with him, with consent of course. I don't rape innocent men.

Shit I need to think of something else. Or Evan will wake sitting on a wet surface.

??? POV:

[System, Rebooting]

[loading new software… New software registered.]

[All systems online. Initiating startup sequence]

I slowly felt myself wake from my powered off state. It felt nice, like waking from a good night's sleep.

"She's awake." I heard a voice I didn't recognise say over to the right of me. Soon followed by the sound footsteps approaching.

I sat myself up and slowly opened my eyes. I had to blink a few times as they were extremely sensitive to light. And it didn't help that the lights that hang above the stage I realised I was laying on were turned on.

"Hello?" I asked as my vision finally cleared to reveal someone who looked remarkably similar to Funtime Foxy. Both foxes, both white and pink, and similarly coloured eyes. The thing that told me the Anime-tronic in front of me wasn't funtime Foxy was that instead of wearing a ring leader uniform like she did, this Foxy was instead wearing a more pirate-like getup.

"Greetings." The girl said with a kind smile. "My name Is Mangle."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mangle. My name is Ballora." I greeted the returning smile. "May I ask where I am? This isn't Circus Baby's anime convention."

"This is Freya's Anime convention." Mangle said as she waved her hand in a gesturing motion around her. "I'm sorry to say that your original location burnt down last night. Only 2 of you survived."

The memories of the fire flashed across my mind. The fire completely destroyed the building. The nightguard and many of not all the Anime-tronics in the building were inside when the roof collapsed. I only survived because my dance studio inside was lined with insulation that was semi fireproof. It didn't stop the fire, but it slowed it down long enough for me to find somewhere to hide from the flames. Next thing I know I wake up via reserved power next to a stage which I now am recognising as the one in sitting on.

"That's right." I said I recalled that I went trying to find someone for answers. But when I made it to the manager's office my reserve power ran out. "Did anyone else survive the blaze? When I came online earlier I was so focused on trying to find someone I forgot to check if anyone else made It."

"I'm afraid only one other person survived the fire." Mangle said with a solemn look.

"That is unfortunate." I said as I looked down in sadness. "Who was it that survived the fire along with me?"

My answer came in the form of a blur pouncing at me from just outside my line of sight.

"It's about time ya woke up." The excited form of balloon Babe said as she hugged me from the side. "I can't wait to introduce you to all my old friends."

"Hello BB." I said with a chuckle as I returned the hug. "It's nice to see you made it."

"Mhm." BB said as she nodded rapidly. "I remember waking up buried under a section of the roof that was on fire. Luckily I managed to crawl my way out and get to somewhere the fire couldn't reach me."

"I'm just glad to see your alright dear." I said with a smile. "Also you said old friends. Is this the place you were originally built to entertain at?"

"Yep." BB replied, popping the P. "Ballora. Welcome to the first Anime Convention established by Fazbear entertainment."

"It will be a pleasure having you here." Mangle said with the kind smile I'm already coming to associate her with.

"Thank you." I replied with a curt nod. "If you don't mind me asking. Who repaired us?"

I saw as the kind look on Mangle's face quickly turned to panic.

"U-umm. T-they uh." She stuttered out as she did her best to avoid eye contact.

"Do you guys have a new nightguard?" BB said randomly with a raised eyebrow. She got her answer when Mangle seemed to freeze in place. BB proceeded to let out a gasp. "No way."

With speed I didn't know BB had she jumped off the stage and ran down one of the halls that must have led to the security office, during the process she lost her little propeller cap as I saw it fall to the floor beside Mangle.

"What was that about?" I asked as I looked away from where BB disappeared to and towards Mangle, whose face was now showcasing fear. "Mangle? Is everything alright dear?"

Her fear seemed to fade slightly when the sound of what I presume was the office doors slamming shut rang down the hall.

"Sorry." Mangle said as she looked away from the hall that Balloon Babe disappeared down. "I guess I just got worried about what BB would do to him."

"If you were scared that BB would try to kill him then you don't have to worry." I said as I stood up and placed a hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "BB doesn't attack the nightguards, she just likes to mess or flirt with them."

"I guess she really is still the same Balloon Babe as before." Mangle said with a light chuckle. "She did the exact same thing here before she was moved to your old location for storage."

At that moment BB came walking out from the hallway clutching her nose.

"Are you ok BB?" Mangle asked as she walked over to meet BB halfway.

"I'm fine, it just hurts." BB replied as she rubbed her nose. "Can you explain why when I looked through the office window I saw Bonnie sitting in the Nightguards chair with said Nightguard sitting on her lap asleep and using her boobs like a pillow?"

BB and myself couldn't help but giggle as we saw Mangle's cheeks turn a bright shade of hot pink.

"I-i don't know." She stuttered out in embarrassment, before her face took one more concerned look. "He may have passed out again? It won't have been the first time it's happened. So Bonnie may just be looking after him."

"That doesn't sound good." I said with minor concern. I personally aren't incredibly fond of nightguards, but Mangle seems to like them so they mustn't be that bad. "Do any of you know what has been the cause of these blackouts?"

"I think I may have an idea." Mangle said with a both thoughtful and concerned look. "I won't say much as it's not my place to tell. But let's just say that depending on the scenario he can be faint of heart."

"That sounds rough." BB said with a blank tone. "Anyway, next question. Is he a Boob guy? Ass guy? Or a Thigh guy?"

"Balloon Babe!" I yelled sternly as I swatted her on the back of the head. "Don't just ask questions like that. It's inappropriate."

Mangle seemed to have blown a fuse thanks to BB's question. Her face was glowing red now, and her eyes were clearly unfocused as she muttered incoherently to herself.

"Says the ballerina with huge boobs." BB said in retaliation, which earnt her another swat on the back of the head. "OUCH!"

"You know why they are big. It's proportional to my height." I said sternly, the blush on my cheeks glowing brighter at what I just said.

"Yeah yeah. All Anime-tronics are built with the same base design and proportions, so anyone who is built taller or shorter will have their proportions changed so it stays the same. Effectively making it so that while 2 different Anime-tronics can be of different heights they can still have the same bla bla bla. Taller equals bigger boobs and wider hips." BB said while rolling her eyes. "You've told me this how many times now?"

I let out a sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Dear God you're childish sometimes." I said before a light chuckle overtook me. "I guess that is to be expected though."

"Rude." BB said as she crossed her arms under her chest and huffed. "So now what?"

"Mangle." I said to the fox girl who had recovered from her embarrassment. "Would you mind taking BB with you? I would like to go introduce myself to the nightguard."

"O-ok." Mangle stuttered out as she grabbed BB's arm, said girl had finally realised that she lost her cap and grabbed it off the floor. "Come on BB. Let me show you the new arcade machines they brought in after you left."

"HELL YEAH!" BB yelled out excitedly as the 2 of them entered the kids corner. Once they were out of my line of sight I let out a sigh and turned towards the closest hallway to my position.

Time to meet the man that will be taking care of BB and I for the foreseeable future.

There we have it. told ya I would see ya on Saturday. (or Friday.)

So little bit of a reveal about myself. today, the 29th of January. is my birthday. I'll let you figure out just how old I turned today. (Hint: My age is hidden somewhere in this chapter, if you think you know it feel free to comment it.)

but that's all I have to say. I'll take my leave now, I have got a lot i need to get finished before tonight. (Also fun fact, that meme up the top, thats actually me in it.) Bye all.

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