44: Death

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"NO!" A voice that sounded familiar yet alien screamed as I reared my hand back, ready to stab Ballora in the gut.

Faster than I could comprehend, someone appeared in front of Ballora. Next thing I knew my hand was wrist deep in their gut.

I could feel as the room suddenly stood still. No one dared even blink as they looked at the scene before them.

There Evan stood, back from the dead yet again. Shielding his mother from my attack. His blood soaking his shirt and dripping onto the floor from where my hand was buried deep enough in his gut that I could feel his spine.

He still had blood dripping from his nose and sides of his mouth. And he even had blood leaking from his now inky black eyes, that held freakishly familiar glowing white irises.

"Don't." Evan said in a dangerously toned whisper as he grabbed my arm. And began to slowly pull it out of his stomach. "Touch my Mother."

When my hand was pulled free it revealed what he looked like on the inside. Rubber tubes, fake flesh, metal in place of bone, and thin plastic veins that leaked blood and oil.

I didn't get to look at it long however as only a few seconds after he pulled my arm free he shoved me away from him. That action shook me from my stupor and reignited my anger.

"How?" I asked with gritted teeth as I regained my footing after he shoved me. "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?"

He didn't reply. He simply stood his ground, those familiar inky eyes staring at me with calm coated rage.

I remember where I've seen those eyes before. They belonged to the shadow. The form he would take on back when we shared a suit. Every time I would go after a nightguard, he would hide away in our own shadow.

It was ironic, almost hilarious. He's still using the shadows as a shield. Cowering in them while I attacked. Only this time, he was the target.

"Don't think your little shadow shield is going to protect you." I said with a laugh. "I'm going to kill you, with or without it."

"Enough." He replied simply, with no real emotion behind his voice.

"What?" I asked with confusion. He should be cowering with fear. Like he always did.

"I said enough." He spoke as he blinked. And his eyes turned back to normal. "I've had enough."

"Oh." I said as I realised what he was saying. A smile crawling onto my lips. "So you want me to kill you now."

"No." he replied bluntly as his gaze hardened. Making my smile fall. "I've had enough of you."

"What?" I asked as I felt my mood drop even more.

"I've had enough of your insanity." He said as he stepped towards me. "For the past week you've tried multiple times to kill me. First you forced my car to crash."

I heard a collection of gasps ring out. I remember what I did. I used my power to make the car behind his brakes fail. That mixed with a few little well timed light changes and undoing his seatbelt lead to the outcome.

The kiss was unnecessary, I hated every second of it. But the look on his face as he realised what I did was worth it.

"Then you attacked me mentally." He said with the same blank tone as before. "And now this. Breaking my neck and putting a hole in my stomach. Yet after all that I'm still standing. And you're still fanatical about ending me."

"Just move on." He said with a hint of caution. "Just forget everything from the past and move on. Don't let your grudge on William turn you into a monster."

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