29: Explanations

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Credit to WheatleyWeasel for the render up top.


"Ugh..." I groaned out as I came back online. Everything looked blurry. And why did I feel something touching the sides of my boobs?

"Hey Bonnie." as my vision cleared I found Chica leaning over me slightly. And above her I could see the overhanging lights of the main stage. "How do you feel?"

"Like I just had a power outage." I commented as I tried to sit up from where I was laying. Only to feel something tug on the sides of my chest. Looking down I found 2 charging cables connected on either side of my chest. "I get the feeling that was what actually happened."

"That would be correct." Chica said as she helped me disconnect the cables. "Whatever Golden Freya did to you caused your battery to deplete itself instantly."

"D-did Golden get him?" I asked as the memory of what Golden Freya was trying to do resurfaced.

"Yes and no." Chica replied with an uncertain tone. "Yes she got to him. But he isn't dead yet. At least not that I can tell. Marionette is currently trying to see if she can get him to wake up."

"Where is he now!?" I yelled out as I shot up onto my feet.

"Just calm down a second Bonnie." Chica said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "They are over by the kids' corner doorway. But Mari is still doing whatever it is that she is doing, so it's probably best that we let them be so Mari can concentrate."

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." I said with a sigh. As much as I wanted to check on my boyfriend. It was probably for the best that I leave it be just for a little longer so Mari can do whatever she is doing to save him. And I'd rather not risk ruining Evan's chances of survival just because I want to see him.

"Wait. Where did Golden go?" I asked as I realised that Golden Freya was nowhere to be seen. If she was so adamant about killing Evan, wouldn't she be trying to stop Mari. Not that it's a bad thing that she's not here. But it does make me curious.

"I think she is in parts and Service now, but I can't be entirely sure." Chica replied with a shrug as her eyes drifted over to one of the tables near the kids corner doorway. I could just faintly see the top of Mari's ponytail poking into my field of view next to the kids corner doorway. "She didn't exactly leave like she normally would."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as I looked away from the kids corner and towards Chica.

"As crazy as this may sound. It was like she was taken." Chica said with a confused yet somewhat scared look in her eyes. "She was about to attack Mari who had just started trying to save Evan. But before she could get to them she was slammed into the ground. After that she was flipped upside down and it almost looked like she was carried away down the West hall by something invisible."

"You're right that does sound crazy." I said as I sat down on the edge of the main stage. "But then again we share a building with 2 Animatronics that can teleport and one of them can also float. So it isn't that hard to believe."

"Too right sister." Chica said as she lay down next to me. "Kinda funny to think that what everyone considers supernatural is part of our everyday lives."

"Yeah... hey where is everyone else?" I asked, trying to find anything to distract me from the temptation to go watch over Evan as Mari did her thing.

"Foxy took Mangle to her cove to calm her down." Chica said with a sympathetic tone. "What Golden did scared her. Freya took BB backstage to distract her. She kept trying to poke Evan awake until Freya had enough and intervened. And Ballora still hasn't come back from down the hall."

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