38: Pre-Shift Relaxation

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"Time to wake up Mari." I said in a semi hushed tone as I reached up to the back of her neck and flipped her power switch.

The last of the day employees had finally left giving me an opening to get Mari inside without being seen. And while it might be an hour until my shift starts, it was better than sitting in my car for an extra hour. Plus Mari was low on power so I didn't want to postpone her charging period any more than it already had been due to her coming with me today.

"Huh?" Mari said, sounding a bit confused as she powered on. That us till her eyes snapped open and she tried to throw herself out of her seat, causing her to slam her head into the roof. "Ow. Shit, what the hell."

"You good?" I asked as I prepared to climb out of the car.

"Yeah I'm good." She replied while rubbing the top of her head in pain. "One of the few things I don't like about this body, it can feel pain."

"Pain is just a reminder that you have limits." I said with a shrug as I opened my door and climbed out. "Plus a little pain isn't a bad thing."

"You sound like a masochist." Mari commented with a faint grin as she too climbed out of the car and began to walk with me over to the convention doors.

"What's a masochist?" I asked with slight confusion. I had heard the term used before but didn't know what it meant.

"Of course you don't know what it is." Mari muttered to herself silently, yet I was still able to hear her say it. "Ok so to put it bluntly. A masochist is a person who gets turned on sexually by their own pain or humiliation."

"Oh…" Was all I could say in reply at the time as I processed what she just said. Did I really just sound like someone who enjoyed that? "Well I can understand a little stimulated pain. But humiliation? That just sounds weird."

"The fact that you think pain could be sexually arousing is what is weird." Mari said almost laughing as we reached the convention doors.

"You and I both know that my pain tolerance is much higher than average." I said bluntly as I opened the convention door for Mari. "Due to that I don't see much difference between what is meant to hurt and what is stimulating."

"I know about the pain tolerance. It still amazes me even now that when you broke your arm when you were 6 that you didn't cry." She said, sounding both impressed and confused. "But why is it that you know that you can't often tell the difference between sexual stimulation and pain."

"Would you believe me if I told you it was due to that power line that landed on me when I crashed." I replied with a sheepish smile. "Let's just say that the pain felt from that was just the buzz I felt from kissing my girlfriend but cranked up to 11."

"... I don't even have a reply for that." Mari said with a dumbfounded expression on her face. "Anyway. I'm gonna go charge for a bit until it's time for your shift to start."

"Ok-." I began to say before my voice decided to fail me due to surprise. Just as I was about to say okay, Mari leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before rushing off to the kids corner. I didn't know how to react to that. So I kinda just froze up.

"Saw that coming." A voice said to my right in the direction of the stage. Looking over I reacted in time to find Bonnie wrapping her arms around my chest.

"W-what?" I stuttered out in surprise towards what my girlfriend just said. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll probably find out later." Bonnie replied with a cheeky giggle as she pulled me towards the stage. "Come on. I woke up as soon as you walked through the door, and that gives us some alone time before your shift starts and the others wake up."

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