45: Recuperation

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"Please hold still." I said as I worked on fixing Mangle's right ear.

I had already fixed the wires and servo that broke in her neck, along with replacing her cracked eye. So all that was left of her repairs was her ear.

"I'm trying." Mangle muttered from where she sat on the stool in front of me. "I can't help that my ears are ticklish."

"Sis, quit lying." Foxy said from where she was leaning against the wall behind Mangle. "We both know that ain't your tickle spot."

"Yes it is." Mangle snapped with a huff. But it was more of a whiny snap than an angry snap.

"Mangle. You have many tickle spots. But your ears aren't on that list." Foxy said with a laugh. "It's pretty clear you're just struggling to hold yourself back from crushing Evan to death."

"Pardon." I said as my eyes snapped up from where I was reconnecting Mangle's ear.

"She means give you a bear hug." Bonnie said with a giggle from where she was leaning by the edge of the separating wall.

"Oh..." I said as I felt that quick spike of panic calm down.

I will admit, I was on edge after what happened with Cassidy. She broke my neck, for a short period I actually felt dead.

Then I heard her say something about Ballora, and that caused a spark of fear to ignite in me. Along with something else.

Next thing I recall was standing in front of Ballora, with Cassidy's hand wrist deep in my gut. At the time it didn't hurt. But now that everything has calmed down, it hurts like a bitch.

But I'm not going to tell them that. They've worried about me enough in the past 20 minutes. Plus. I got more important things to focus on than pain.

"And... done." I said as I finished repairing Mangle's ear. After a quick few tests of its movement Mangle was satisfied and stood up, then as Bonnie said she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Please stop scaring us like that." She said as she buried her head into the crook of my neck.

"I'll try." I spoke with gritted teeth as I suppressed a groan of pain. I keep forgetting how strong the girls are. "Mangle- can't- breath."

"Oops." Mangle said with an embarrassed look as she let go. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I wheezed with a chuckle.

"Hehe. You'd think Mangle was his mother." Foxy said with a laugh.

"Nah. That's Ballora's role." Bonnie said with a grin. "Remember when he was little, how we used to joke that Mangle was his new big sister? Or maybe little sister would be more appropriate."

"He may be older realistically." Mangle said with crossed arms and a cheeky look in her eye. "But I'm physically older by design. So yes, I'm his older sister."

"Ok. But does that mean that the kiss you shared with him counts as incest?" Bonnie asked with a shit eating grin. Which turned into a fit of giggles after she got hit in the face by a cushion that Mangle threw at her. Said cushion previously being placed on the stool.

"Dear God." I muttered with a chuckle as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "just... sit down so I can fix your hand Foxy."

"Ok ok." Foxy said as she sat down and held out her right arm, the hand that I built for her now being nothing more than a stump with snapped wires poking out. "But in all seriousness. I'm glad you're ok Evan. I think I speak for everyone in that regard."

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