24: 5th Night At Freya's

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"What a day." I muttered to myself as I sat down on the edge of the stage. It was currently just past 8pm so the Convention had only recently closed.

To say that today was boring would be a lie. Today was one of the most eventful days this convention has seen in years. It started really early in the morning when Bonnie and the Nightguard became a thing, much to my annoyance at the time. And things didn't calm down until the news revealed that the Nightguard survived the crash.

"Quit being a sourpuss." Chica said glumly as she climbed off the stage. "Nothing we can do about what happened today."

"Says you." I replied as I rolled my eyes. "All day you and Bonnie have been acting like depressed teenagers. Accidents like what happened to him happen all the time, so stop it with the sour mood and grow up."

"You know what Freya. Shut the fuck up." Chica said sternly, surprising both me and all the employees in the room who hadn't finished their shifts yet. "Out of everyone here you're the only one who doesn't seem to care. For the majority of us we almost lost someone we consider our friend today, and for some of us he was more than a friend. So we all have the right to be in this mood. But just because you can't seem to accept the fact that Evan is a good person doesn't mean you can tell us to grow up."

"The reason I don't accept it is because I know he's a fake." I replied as I stood up and walked over to Chica. "No Nightguard gets a job here just for the money. So I don't care what he means to any of you or what he goes through on a daily basis, the moment he agreed to work here was the moment he exposed himself as a liar."

"HE IS NOT A FAKE!" Chica all but screamed at my face. "He is the kindest person most of us have ever met. But you can't accept that because you refuse to see anyone who works here past 10pm as a pervert. Well guess what Freya, he's not! So maybe you should stop thinking like a sexist and actually take a look at the bigger picture here!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" A voice suddenly roared out before I could retaliate to Chica's claims. Looking over towards the kids corner both Chica and I were met with the gaze of Marionette.

If her voice alone wasn't enough to tell you she was mad then looking at her would answer the question. Her eyes were glowing a more menacing shade of grey than they usually were, with an enraged aura being cast from them. Instead of her hair being held up in it's usual ponytail it was let loose, floating around her body almost like it was submerged in water. And if you were to look down towards her feet you would notice that she was currently floating just a few centimetres above the tiled floor.

"Your arguing is giving me a headache." Mari said a little more calmly this time as she floated closer. "Bonnie is currently backstage explaining to Ballora that Evan is still alive. And I don't think they want to listen to you 2 arguing in the background."

"She started it!" I said as I pointed towards Chica with an accusing finger. "I was just stating facts and she snapped at me."

"I don't give a crap about who started it. I'm here to finish it." Mari said as her gaze focused on me for a moment, which was enough to get me to close my mouth in fear. "You are both Animatronics built to entertain and interact with children, so quit with this attitude and get your act together."

"Chica." Mari continued as she looked towards her. "I know that you're stressed out about what happened earlier today. But I think we can both agree that you don't need to fight a battle that isn't yours just because of it. Leave this topic to Evan to handle."

"Ok ok." Chica said with a sigh. "I'm sorry."

"And Freya." Mari said as her gaze shifted back over to me. "You're meant to be the leader of the band, so start acting like it."

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