28: Putting Him Back Together

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“W-why isn’t it working?” I asked myself in fear as I repeatedly turned my flashlight on and off. Trying and failing to scare off the nightmare that was slowly coming through my bedroom door.

The last thing I remember before this was Golden Freya slamming her hand against my face. The next thing I know I'm in my old bedroom at the family estate. At first I didn't think much of it, that is till the first nightmare showed up.

The last thing I ever would have expected to see was a Nightmare variation of my girlfriend. Its skin was a few shades darker with several cuts exposing its endoskeleton, and her hair was noticeably longer and messier. She stood slightly higher than its normal counterpart. And to my embarrassment was wearing nothing but a set of red lace lingerie minus the bra that had a few rips in the stockings.

I didn't hesitate for a second at slamming my bedroom door shut and holding it there when the sexualized demonic reflection of my girlfriend charged at me from down one of the hallways next to my room.

After that I realised things weren't quite right. First was that there were more of these Anime-tronic Nightmares. One nightmare for each Anime-tronic I knew, I even saw a monstrous reflection of Ballora dancing towards me when I peeked out of my room.

But then there was the more obvious evidence that something was off with all this. And that was the fact that I was now 8 years old again. Mentally I didn't feel it. But physically I could. And there was more than just looking young. For some odd reason I didn't understand, my skin was now riddled with what looked like glowing white cracks.

The only answer I could piece together with all of this was who caused it. Golden. I presume this is her way of killing me. To force me to survive against demonic reflections of the Anime-tronics. And I'm gonna guess that if I die here I will die in the real world.

And where does this leave me now? Panicking for my life as the nightmare reflection of Marionette walks into my room, completely unaffected by the flashlight unlike everyone else that I've already come across. 

“Please don’t hurt me.” I stuttered out in fear as the tall, near naked Animatronic woman entered my room. I had already seen her once before. But that didn't make it any less terrifying as she held eye contact with me the entire time while one of the tentacles that sprouted from her back closed the door behind her.

"I’m not going to hurt you." She said in a gentle tone that somehow worked with her naturally seductive voice. I watched her cautiously as she crouched down and slowly approached me. "I’m a friend."

"N-no you're not." I stuttered out as I took a few steps away from the approaching nightmare. "My friends don’t look like monsters."

That second part technically wasn't a lie. Yes I live with arguably scarier Animatronics. But I've been dealing with them for so long that my interpretation of scary and what I consider a monster is fairly different to most people's. And let us not forget that these nightmares I'm dealing with right now are all female. And I think any man would agree with me when I say that woman can be scary.

"You're just going to have to trust me ok." She said as she continued to approach me, holding her hands out in front of her in a manner that reminded me of how people try to show they are not a threat. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to help."

"R-really?" I asked as I took one last step before stopping. I was getting the feeling she was telling the truth. The way she spoke sounded genuine. But there was also something else I couldn't quite place, a feeling that was telling me to trust her.

"Really." She said as she reached out and placed one of her hands on my shoulder. I winced when she touched me. I was expecting her to suddenly dig her claws into my shoulder, but she never did. "I promise."

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