17: The Ballerina

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This is a more tedious task than I first thought.

It's almost 10pm now. Which means I've been working on Balloon Babe's repairs for almost 2 hours. The main culprit for the prolonged repair time was her "skin", seeing as she was covered in burns a lot of it needed to be replaced. Thankfully there is a fabricator down in Parts and Service that can be used to replace the broken material.

That process in itself was difficult however as I need to both set the machine up with the correct replacement material unless I want her to have a patchwork of colours as her skin, and I also need to repair her endoskeleton first before I can reattach her exterior.

To be honest the only thing I'm not complaining about during this whole process is that her... private regions seemed to have been spared from any damage. So I don't have to deal with that. But that does make me question something that I have wondered about before.

Why exactly did my father build these Animatronics with a semi functional woman's sex? Damn that sounds weird just thinking about it. But this is no joke, when I had a more in depth look at Bonnie's design blueprints I found that she has a womb like structure in her stomach. It doesn't function obviously as it's not the real deal. But still, these things were made to entertain children. Right?

I do unfortunately have a somewhat possible explanation as to why they have a you know what, and also why they were generally built the way they were. It wasn't much of a secret that my father was a bit of a pervert. All it takes is a look at how he designed the original Ballora and Toy Chica to understand. So my dad had issues, what else is new.

"Alright everyone." Willow announced as she walked into the main room, drawing my focus away from what I was doing. It was at this moment that I realised Freya and Chica had turned on. Bonnie was also back from backstage, still in nothing but her underwear and sitting only a few seats away from where I was repairing Balloon Babe.

"Yeah Willow?" Foxy said as she walked out of the kids corner, Mangle and Marionette following behind.

"A few things to say tonight before I clock off." Willow said as she flipped through a small note book. "First. I found where the other girl disappeared to." She said as she looked over to me. "She is in my office at the moment."

"Any idea why she just ran off?" I asked as I got back to the repairs, being sure that I was at least paying enough attention to what Willow was saying so I didn't miss anything.

"Well she is in better condition than Balloon Babe that's for sure." Willow said with a chuckle. "As for why she walked off. I don't really know, I just found her in my office with a depleted battery."

"Hmm. Weird." I muttered out, which got a light giggle out of Bonnie.

"Anyway. The second thing I needed to mention." She said as she turned away from me to face all the girls. "I received a notice this morning that after the business party Fazbear Entertainment will be sending over options for you girls' next outfits."

"Yay." Chica said as she bounced on her toes in excitement. I purposely chose not to look in her direction while she did so.

"Hopefully there is an option similar to what I already wear. I like my outfit." Bonnie commented.

"You mean the one you're not wearing?" Foxy playfully said.

"Shut the fuck up Foxy." Bonnie hissed in a lighthearted manner.

"Bonnie language." Willow said sternly, even if her face betrayed the warning.

"Ok sorry." Bonnie said as she threw her hands up in the air in mock surrender.

"Good. Now lastly is news regarding the party." Willow continued from when she was interrupted. "Along with the news of your girls' new outfits being planned I also received confirmation that we will be receiving some more of those special occasion outfits for Mangle, Marionette, and Balloon Babe over here."

"Huh. She only just got back here and already she is being registered as a convention attraction." Chica said with an impressed look.

"Considering she used to be on display here it isn't too big of a surprise." Willow said as she picked up her handbag which she placed down beside her when she entered the room earlier. "Now that is everything. You have everything under control, correct?"

"Yep." I replied as I connected the software chip to Balloon Babe. "Just finished BB. Now I just gotta fix up the other one."

"Alright." Willow said with a nod as she opened the Convention doors. "Goodnight everyone." And with that said she left the Convention.

"Hey Evan." Bonnie said as she scooted closer to me. "What kind of look do you think I should go for when we get our new outfits?"

"U-mm..." stuttered nervously, from both her question and that she was leaning forward in a kinda revealing position, which was only added too considering she wasn't wearing any actual clothes. "I-I don't know."

"Come on, you gotta have some sort of idea." She said as she scooted even closer.

"M-maybe just stick with a theme similar to what you're already doing?" I said as I forced myself to look her in the eyes and nowhere else. "You already pull off the look well."

"HA! I knew you liked my outfit." She yelled suddenly as she jumped to her feet. "SUCK IT CHICA!"

"I knew I shouldn't have accepted." Chica said quietly with a sigh. "Alright let's get this over with."

"What the hell?" I questioned as I saw Bonnie rush to the stage and all but push Chica backstage.

"Bonnie and Chica made a bet last night." Marionette said as she walked over and stood near me. "It happened after you left back to your office."

"Are you going to tell me what said bet is going to entail?" I asked as I looked up towards her.

"Nope." She said with a grin. "Come, let's go grab the other girl from Willow's office while Chica and Bonnie do their thing."

"Yeah. Just give me a sec first." I said as I stood up from where I had been sitting.

During the process of repairing BB I moved her from in front of the stage to to one of the tables in the room, it was an awkward process to move her as when I was doing so I had already removed the "skin" casing from the front and back of her stomach which gave me few spots to get a decent grip that wasn't grabbing her in a inappropriate area.

Once I was on my feet I began to move BB for the second time that night, this time being easier as her body was now fully repaired. I picked her up from the waist and carried her back towards the stage, once there I sat her down on the edge of it.

"I'll plug her in to charge later." I said as I made my way back over to Marionette.

"If you don't mind me asking Evan." Marionette began as we walked together down the East hall towards Willow's office. "What was your relationship with your family like?"

"There isn't much to say really." I said with a blunt tone to mask my creeping panic, where the hell did that question come from? "My dad was a busy man, didn't have much time for my siblings and I. My mother was kind, but she disappeared when I was young. My sister was a brat, while she acted kind and generally happy, all she cared about was impressing our father. Sometimes I feel like she just saw my brother and I as competition for his attention. And speaking of my Brother, generally he was alright, but he did love scaring me a lot as a kid using an old mask he found."

Through the corner of my eye I could see Marionette looking at me. Her eyes portrayed a look of recognition. I hope she fell for the bluff. While I couldn't tell her the complete truth I tried saying it in a way that was at least truthful to what my family was really like.

"Sounds rough." Marionette said as she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah it was." I said as a jumbled memory of Elizabeth and Michael flashed across my mind. But just as quickly as it surfaced it buried itself again, like it didn't want to be seen.

"Come one. Let's see who the other new girl is." Marionette said as she grabbed the handle to Willow's office door and opened it up. It only took me a second to sport the other Anime-tronic. But upon seeing it I was quickly slapped with confusion.

"Wait." I said as I looked towards the new Anime-tronic with confusion clear in my voice. "If that was Balloon Boy's counterpart that I just repaired, then why the heck were they at the same location as Ballora?"

It was easy to recognise the Ballerina Animatronic. Her design was human, no animal ears or tails like the many of the others. Her skin was a pure white with light grey patches on her hips, midriff, and biceps. On her cheeks was a pair of little purple ovals that acted as blush marks. Her hair was an electric blue colour and went about half way down her back. And she stood at a rough height of 6 feet tall, with the same physique and breast size as all the others.

"Balloon Babe was moved off site to be put in storage." Marionette said as she walked over to Ballora, it was kinda odd seeing that she was taller than the already tall Ballerina. "I guess BB was just kept at a Circus Baby convention until it burnt down."

"I guess that makes sense." I said as I joined her over by the inactive Ballora. "Hmm, Willow was right. Out of the 2 of them, BB was definitely the one who took more damage. There are barely any burn marks on her."

It was actually a very big gap between the damage differences. BB had burns almost all across her body, even her hair was burnt. But ballora was almost unscathed, her white skin had very few burns on it and generally looked clean. And her hair was at the very least a bit messy, but somehow had survived being even slightly singed.

"That just makes things easier for you." Marionette said as she moved back over to the door. "Gives you some free time before you start the night watch if you finish her repairs quickly."

"Yeah I guess." I said as I figured out in my head how I could move Ballora from here to the main party room where I left my tools and where I could also hook her up to a charge cable. Unfortunately I couldn't do what I did before with BB and with Bonnie on my first night. Those times I was lifting an Anime-tronic that was the same height as myself. This time I was dealing with one that stood a good 4 inches taller than me.

After a few moments of contemplating I decided to just carry her bridal style back to the room. While normally it wouldn't be my first choice, it was really the only one I had that didn't invoke me dragging her legs across the floor.

As Marionette and I excited for the East hall I spotted that BB had been hooked up to a charging cable. And she was also wearing clothes now.

Her outfit consisted of a navy blue pleated micro skirt that just barely hid her white panties, a blue and red striped off-shoulder crop top, red and blue knee high socks, a pair of brown round toe flats, and a small brimless red and blue propeller cap.

Well she wasn't actually wearing the cap. It was sitting on her lap as Mangle sat behind her brushing her hair. It was an adorable sight, and a nice example of the kindness that Mangle expressed. It was also impressive that she got Balloon Babe dressed so fast.

"Hello Evan." The pink and white fox greeted when she saw me carry Ballora over to the table I fixed BB at earlier. "How was your day?"

"It was alright." I said as I lay Ballora down on the table and began working on what little repairs I knew she needed. If there is any internal damage I'll find out when replacing the damaged skin. "I finished packing up my apartment before I came here, tomorrow I'll be moving out."

"Where will you be staying after you move out?" She asked as she placed down the hairbrush and turned her full attention towards me.

"I have the deeds to an old family estate that I found, so I have that. But until I can register the place in my name and any other paperwork that will need to be done I'll be living in my car." I said with a shrug.

"That makes you sound homeless." Marionette said as she sat down on the stage next to Mangle and the deactivated BB. "No offence."

"None taken. Because it pretty much will be like that." I said with a humorous grin towards my living situation. "If it wasn't for the fact that I now have a potential home to live in I would have been living in my car and maybe a hotel or 2 until I could afford to rent a new apartment."

"What do you mean by potential home?" Mangle asked with the slightest hint of worry in her voice.

"The estate from what I know has been vacant since 1988. I did a bit of a background check and the last owner moved out but didn't sell the property." I said truthfully. From what information I could gather online the last person to live at the Afton estate left it behind back in 88. And I think I know who that person was. "But generally speaking no one has lived there for almost 40 years. So until I see the place there is no telling what sort of condition it's in."

"Hmm..." Mangle hummed out.

As I worked through the corner of my eye I saw Mangle whisper something to Marionette. I couldn't hear what it was but Marionette must have liked it as she nodded with a smile. I decided to leave it be as it was probably something that didn't involve me.

"Chica your fat." Bonnie randomly said out loud as she came out from behind the stage curtains, her sudden intrusion making Mangle jump.

"I'm not fat Bonnie, I'm just built larger than you." Chica said as she came out as well. I don't know what it was, but there must have been something funny going on considering Marionette suddenly busted into a fit of giggles.

"Hey Evan." Bonnie said to grab my attention. "Can you look at this real quick?"

I let out a sigh as I looked up from Ballora's repairs. Up on the stage was Bonnie now wearing her usual outfit with the exception of the heels which I was noticing had become the norm now. But she wasn't what I was meant to be looking towards as I took in Chica's appearance.

She was now wearing one of Bonnie's spare outfits. It was clear by looking at her wearing it that Chica was just that bit Bigger in build, the corset hugged her body much tighter than it did Bonnie and the stockings looked like all it would take was for her to bend her legs and the latex would rip.

"What do ya think Evan?" Bonnie said as she shuffled right next to Chica. "Who pulls off the look better?"

"Y-you both look good." I said with flushed cheeks.

"I think a pink one would work better for Chica." Marionette said with a shrug. "Red isn't exactly your colour."

"Agreed." Chica said as she tried to adjust the corset. "Also you'd think these things would be more elastic, this thing would only fit someone of Bonnie's height."

"Are you calling me short?" Bonnie asked with a both playful and threatening tone. "Choose your next words wisely Chicken."

"Don't get your ears in a twist." Chica said as she turned to go back backstage. "Now you got me in this, help me get it off."

"Ugh fine." Bonnie said as she followed Chica backstage.

"Well that just happened." I said with slight confusion as I looked away from the stage and got back to Ballora's repairs. "Also where is Freya?"

"Backstage having as shower." Mangle said as I saw her and Marionette through the corner of my eye get up from the stage and come sit down at the table I was working at.

"Good thing you girls Endoskeletons are waterproof." I commented as I began the process of removing the damaged material from Ballora's exterior. "Can't imagine what it would be like to have to clean yourselves with sponges."

"That sounds like a hassle." Mangle said with a light giggle. "Can't believe doctors have to do that with some of their patients."

"Don't remind me." I said as the idea that I was given sponge baths while I was in a coma popped into my mind. "Also don't ask."

"Alright." Marionette said with a shrug. "How long till Ballora will be finished?"

"Just have to replace the damaged material. Shouldn't be long now." I said as I quickly took note of what areas needed to be replaced so I could go fabricate them in parts and service. "I'll just be a second."


Mari and I watched Evan walk away towards Parts and Service. As I saw him close the door I turned towards Mari, only to find her staring at Ballora's sleeping face with interest.

"What is It?" I asked as I leaned over to see if there was something on her face I wasn't aware of.

"Something feels different about her." Mari said as she reached up and placed a single figure on Ballora's forehead. "I can't place it, but she isn't normal."

"Could she be like you?" I asked, I was well aware of Marionette's predicament.

"Maybe, I can't be sure until she wakes up." Mari said as she removed her hand from Ballora's head. "I can't determine these things unless the person I'm trying to read is conscious to a certain degree, even sleeping. But I can't when they are in a state like Ballora is now."

"Let's just wait and see." I said as the 2 of us spotted Evan exit Parts and Service and make his way back over to us.

"Ok let's get these repairs finished." Evan said as he got to work replacing the damaged material on ballora. As he did that I thought it best to go grab her outfit that was dropped off with BB's when they arrived.

Hey everyone. how are ya?

So I actually had this chapter ready to publish yesterday, but I decided to hold it back a day for reasons. but thats not really important.

Something I would like to say before I leave is thank you. I't makes my day to see some many people enjoying this story. I never thought my story would reach the point it would. but thanks to you all it's far exceeded what I pictured it becoming.

Anyway that is all. once again thank you, and I'll see ya Saturday. (or friday depending on the timezone you're in.)

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