32: Reconnecting

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This has got to be one of the most awkward experiences I've ever gone through. Even more awkward than what Bonnie did on my first shift.

I had only recently woken up. And of course the first thing I see is an up close look at the inside of Ballora's V-neck, and what's worse is that I discovered she's my mother less than half an hour ago.

When I tried to get up she pulled me back down. Forcing the back of my head to press against her large bust. And when I look around I see Marionette, Bonnie and Mangle all watching me intently making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

So in other words. My mother is unintentionally pressing my head against her breasts while my Girlfriend, Best friend. And work friend watch. And to make things worse. I was currently suffering from what all men can suffer from at random times. Spontaneous erectile dysfunction. Yes, even as an Animatronic I deal with this. Thankfully my work pants did a good job at hiding it. But it didn't lessen my embarrassment.

"Um…" I said nervously as I tried to shift myself in Ballora's grip. "Could I please get up?"

"No." She replied as she tightened her behind embrace on me and placed her chin on the top of my head. "I just reconnected with my son after 47 years. I'm not letting you go until my need to hug my baby boy has been satiated."

"I would suggest you just accept it Evan." Marionette said with a small smile. "The last time you 2 saw each other and actually knew you were both there was the day she died. And as she said. It's been 47 years since then. Maybe if you really want to stand up you should return the hug."

"Unless no one has noticed. I'm kinda in a position that inhibits me from doing that." I said with a blank tone while my cheeks grew a slightly darker shade than they already were.

"Don't complain Evan." Bonnie said in a teasing tone. I could only dread what she was going to say next. "We all know just how much ya like a good boob pillow."

Is it a bad thing that I want to go back to surviving the nightmare Anime-tronics? Because I think I'd rather fight off them then die of embarrassment while being forced to sit on my mother's lap all because of a comment my Girlfriend made. Yeah the nightmares sounded tempting not gonna lie.

"You really haven't changed much have you." Ballora commented with a giggle. Causing her chest to vibrate just that little bit.

"What do you mean by that?" Mangle asked Ballora with a raised eyebrow.

"When Evan was still only a toddler he would get tired rather easily." Ballora said as she began to gently rub the top of my head in a calming manner. "But he was also incredibly stubborn at that age and would refuse to take a nap. The only way I could get him to sleep was holding him while rubbing the top of his head like I am now. And every time he would unconsciously snuggle into my chest as he fell asleep."

"That's fucking adorable." Bonnie cooed as she gave me a look of giddy happiness. I get the feeling she wanted to try what Ballora just said I used to do. "I think you know what I'm doing with you tomorrow night." And there's my answer.

"Do you just hate sleeping or something Evan?" Marionette asked with a raised eyebrow and a slightly concerned look in her eye. "Because if memory serves me correctly. You almost never slept when we were kids."

"I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that." I said blankly while also recalling just how little sleep I used to get before I died. "You did see one of the reasons in person less than an hour ago."

"Yeah about that Evan." Mangle said with a confused look on her face. "I know you said there are 14 of them and not to question it too much. But what are the other Animatronics that you have?"

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