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Delen took a glass and poured himself whiskey. He gulped down quite an amount and stood in front of the glass window, overlooking the gardens and the valley far beyond.

His mind traveled to the past.... the past that never left his mind and heart. A small smile creeped up his tired face as an image of his mother formed in his mind.

It was back when they were so poor that they could hardly afford a two squared meal a day. Both him and his step brother Cedric had to struggle for food.

Well mostly he did the struggle and then he was always delighted to see how hungry Cedric would wolf down whatever meal he'd manage to get.

Their father, Darren and his mother Elen had merged thier names , hence, earning him the name Delen.
It used to be only him, his dad and mom, until one day, at age four or so, his parents had a terrible argument that frightened him because he'd never seen his parents that angry at each other. Whatever had caused that, he did not recall but he damn recall that it was horrible that his father stormed out of thier small cottage and didn't return home for days.

To cut long story short,His father had spent his time getting wasted and had slept with Adele. Months later,she'd showed up pregnant with Cedric.

Oh, that wasn't the worst.

The worst was when Adele's parents who were farmers, pushed thier daughter to marry Darren as his second wife.
Darren had told Elen about his infidelity several months back, so it was no surprise when Adele showed up. Adel came to live with them, in the small cottage, local town folks gossiped and called Elen names for allowing Adel to come into their matrimonial home, but what had been done had been done.

Both women got along perfectly, that was a surprise but yeah, it happened. Darren worked non-stop, working at odd farm works and any other work just to provide for the family. Elen and Adele had helped.

Then the unexpected happened,at only fourteen, Delen had the shock of his life when his father died of snake bite. The shock was heartbreaking but they survived, Adele and Elen had worked harder and put Delen and Cedric to school. Delen was academically good, topped all my classes.

Cedric however was more into painting and pottery and music.
One day, when he was in high School and Cedric grade school, they'd return home to meet a bunch of town folks in thier compound.

Fear had gripped him at the sight of teary faces and pitiful eyes looking at him and Cedric.
Delen prayed, prayed that nothing bad had happened.

Funny, no word could discribe what had happened. Both Adel and Elen had died in an accident. End of story.

Hello dear readers, I'm excited to finally put my dream into reality. 🤩🥳♥️
This is my first time writing on Wattpad and I hope you enjoy my story. I apologise for any typing mistakes and would appreciate correction♥️. I type with my phone so pls consider.

The name is Tiana🌈❤️
Please comment and vote! 🥺
I hope we can be family (hope that's not weird?)😂😂

NB: This book has not been professionally edited.
It might also undergo major changes....key word " Might"

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