Chapter 12--- You look

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" Glass, come to the East Avenue hospital, your Dad had another heart attack" Mrs. Vickie said over the phone, her voice chocked with tears.
" What?!" Glass exclaimed, her hands shaking as she gripped the phone hard against her ears.

" Hurry". Mrs Vickie's voice broke as she sobbed.
" I'll be there in ten"
Glass said, stashing the phone back into her pocket, pulling her blazer over her top, her hands shaking with fear.
" What's wrong?" Macy's concerned voice asked as she picked her discarded jacket and wore it.

" My Dad had a heart attack" Glass could barely get the words out as she grabbed her car keys and dashed out with Macy right behind.
" Jesus. I'll drive" Macy offered, collecting the keys once they were out.

When they arrived at the hospital, Mrs Vickie was at the waiting room, crying as....The fuck is he doing here?!
Glass paused, taking in the scene before her. Delen was crouched down next to Vickie, consoling her. Glass pushed back the sudden pain that tugged at her heart, willing her stupid hormones to stop whatever stupid emotions it was building.

She took in deep breaths as the images of three nights ago came flooding her memory. She wouldn't think about it, so far she's done a good job ignoring that memory. She wouldn't think about him, the bloody bastard. She reminded herself that her dear father's life was in danger and this wasn't the time to think about that nitwit who had kissed her like kissing was his special talent and then ignored her right after like she didn't exist.

Glass run to her mother, falling to into her embarce. " Oh my child!" Vickie sobbed, hugging her back. Don't look at him, ignore him. It doesn't matter that he's looking at you with those eyes full of care. He's a not real, he'll go back to being an asshole the minute you let down your guard...again.

Yeah right.
" How's he Mom?" Glass asked between tears.
Macy and Delen looked on silently as mother and daughter embraced ones more, consoling each other. Before Vickie could answer, the doctor approached them.

" Hi, I'm doctor Philip, are you Mr. Wesley's family?" The doctor asked politely.
" Yes yes, I'm his wife this is his daughter, the rest are family". Vickie answered, wiping away her tears, her actions frantic as she gazed at the doctor with fear and hope.

The doctor nodded
" How's he doctor?" Vickie asked.
" I'm sorry to tell you this but his condition is worse. The attack was severe and we'll have to operate on him in an hour's time." The doctor said.

Both Mrs Vickie and Glass gasped. Fresh tears streaming down thier cheeks as they processed the doctor's words. Macy hugged Glass from behind, her own eyes bright with tears. Delen however looked calm, his face blank but his eyes was full of concern as he side hugged Mrs Vickie.

" However, he's a bit stable as of now and has requested that all his family should see him before the surgery" the doctor added sympathetically.
" Can we go see him now?" Glass asked, her eyes swollen from much tears.

" Yes, you have twenty minutes. I'd advice you ensure he stays calm as possible" The doctor added, offering a small smile, nodded as excused himself.

Vincent looked weak and pale. His eyes fluttered open when they entered and he offered them a weak smile. So many tubes were connected through his nose and hands. Unable to help it, Glass hugged him gently. Even that made him groan in acute pain.

" Sorry Dad" Glass whispered, wiping her tears and willing herself to stay strong.
" It's okay" Vincent said in a weak tone, smiling up at her.
" Oh Vincent, you scared me" Mrs Vickie said, wiping her tears that wouldn't stop flowing.

" I'm sorry my love. My boy Khalil, come here, I need to ask you for one big favor" Vincent's eyes were hopefully as he looked towards Delen. " Sure" Delen moved to his other side, keeping his gaze on the fragile Vincent though his mind and heart was yelling at him to hug Glass.

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