Chapter 37--- Guns and memories

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It's a different thing when your life is being threatened  and a whole different shit when the life of the love of your life is in danger.

Then you'd know, that every human has his limits.
And when pushed past yours.... murder is just the beginning of things you can do.


Delen had received a call from an unknown number, threatening him to be at a location three or more hours drive out of town. He was going to hung up and forget, it's probably a crazy person.

When you're that rich, call threats are normal.

But this caller wasn't like all the rest.
And his voice was damn familiar even as the person tried to change it.

And the caller sent him a picture of Glass, tied to a chair looking scared and helpless.
That was his breaking point.

His heart almost left his body, anger and fear possessing him.  He was given just two hours to make it there with Cedric before he 'blows Glass' head off'
But who the hell was that?! And why Cedric?

His time was limited, didn't have the time to think further. He called the police and told them about it; despite being warned not to by the caller.

The police told him to not go and to wait a while as they processed it. But Fuck the police. Whoever called was dangerous and could harm Glass... he'll NEVER forgive himself if something happened to her.

Panicking, he called Cedric to meet him out of town. He explained as best as he could to him as the car sped through the deserted road. They tired to think of who the possible enemy might be but couldn't conclude at anyone.
Indeed they were both successful and might have lots of enemies. But why pick GLASS?!

It's no doubt that whoever it was knew how important Glass was to them.... to him.
Delen was speeding, not caring if they crashed into other car or a tree.

As they neared, the place became more and more deserted, eerily quiet.
They reached the location in two hours thirty minutes best, running towards the only building in sight, an old warehouse, hidden by thick forest.

Not thinking and not caring what danger was lurking around, the two brothers entered the dark house through the only door in sight.

His heart, Lord his heart.

" Lord, Glass!!" Delen called in anguish, running towards the figure in the dark, tied to a chair , Cedric close behind
" who the Fuck did THIS?!" Cedric asked in anger, horrified.

He helped Delen untie the sobbing Glass.

God no.

They can't be here, it's dangerous.

Delen hugged her tightly, his heart beating wildly as relief poured over him.
She hugged Delen in relief and fear.
She was scared for both of them, the two most important men in her life.

The dimly lit room illuminated her sunken face, a hand mark across her cheeks.
" Who did THIS?!" He aaked with rage, his anger blinding him as he saw red.... he was ready to murder someone and be proud of it. His knuckles turning red as he fisted them.

" Run! You two go! He's gonna kill you " Glass said frantically, crying
" Who?" Cedric asked confused and angry.

" Oh that would be ME " Randy said and emerged from the dark, smiling triumphantly

Randy.... How could he not think about it!
Of course that voice sounded like his.

That bastard.

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