Chapter 6--- I promise not to

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"Cedric invited us over for another party" Macy said one afternoon as they sat in Glass' room, watching a movie. She bounced on the bed, turning her body to face Glass. Pausing the movie, Glass turned to her. "He sure loves parties" Glass observed.

" Yeah he sure does. But what do you expect if you're damn rich and you don't have to lift a finger" Macy said, making a face. " What do you mean?"
" Well, Cedric's brother provides him with absolutely everything. All Cedric has to do is paint and record musics every now and they say".Macy explained. Says who?

" He has a brother?" Glass asked, her tone curious. Wait does it mean that the guy in the picture, that jerk
.... The handsome jerk, Delen was his brother?
" Duhh, that's what I said right. Of course he has a brother. He's a business tycoon, the most eligible bachelor in New York? Come on Glass, tell me you didn't watch the news? Haven't you seen him all over social Media" Macy asked incredulously

Glass' expression remained blank. She hoped her face didn't give anything away. Goodness! Delen is Cedric's brother?
Glass willed herself to not scream at Macy to continue as she took her sweet time chewing grapes.

" He's damn hot! You should see him." Goodness Macy! Why was she keeping her in suspense? She should mention his name already. " Want grapes?" Glass rolled her eyes but shook her head no. The one time she's curious to know about a guy and look how Macy is acting!. If it had been any other time, Macy would be the one to force her to listen.

How easily the table turns. Karma is a bitch indeed. Willing her racing heart to still, Glass patiently waited as Macy chewed on another grape. She even leisurely picked a magazine and begun flipping through, oblivious of how curious and impatient Glass was getting each passing second.

" His name is Delen" Macy said suddenly and Glass could swear her heart almost left her body. " What?" She gasped, forgetting about the fact that she was supposed to act ignorant.
That got Macy's full attention as she looked suspiciously at Glass.

" Delen, why?" Macy asked, her eyes going all FBI.
" No- nothing" She lied and it sounded so fake in her own ears. Hoping to compose herself, she shrugged. " Yeah, nothing my fine flat ass. Come on buddy, spill. You're so bad at pretending. Tell me, what's up?" Macy inquired eagerly. Geez, just how nice of Glass to blow it all up.

Caught, Glass gave up and said " well.. I - I kinda met him during the first party" hoping she sounded normal.
" You did?!" Macy squealed.
" Yeah, why? It's not like it's a big deal"
" Holy sweet pants! Glass. Geez girl"
" What?". " Then you know he's hot right?". " No".

Liar liar, pants on fire!
" Oh puleaseee, come on, the guy is pant droppingly hot without even having to try. I've been dying to catch a glimpse of him ever since I first saw him on fashion news. And you look nervous just now hearing his name. Spill already!"

" He looks normal to me" utter and absolute lie. The biggest lie of the century. " Stop lying already Glass. Holy shit, you find him attractive don't you?" Jesus Macy!. Too damn smart. " No I don't- duhh"
" Keep lying to no one. Tell me every detail babes, what happened? Did you guys kiss or have a hot..."

" Shut up Macy, of course not!" Her face flamed at the image that flashed her mind at Macy's blutant profanities. " Then why are you blushing?" Macy gasped, her huge brown eyes holding her captive, gape- mouthed. There was no way Macy would back down until Glass fully tells her every detail.

" Oh my God Glass! We're definitely going to that party". " I'm not going".
" What? Why not? You can't say no".
" Why can't I?".
" Well because first of all, you've become more lively after that party. I've been watching" Glass resisted the urge to roll her eyes at that. She snorted. That was not true

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