Chapter 14--- I'd very much like

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It was past three days and still, Delen hadn't been home. The only time Glass had seen him was four days ago when she'd bumped into him downstairs. It had been awkward and the only words that had been said were "good morning" to each other.
He was dressed for work and was only two minutes past six a.m.

According to Havard, Delen always left that early for work and returned late at night. Meaning, Delen leaves for work even before she wakes up in the morning and then returned when she's long asleep at night. Heck! What a perfect marriage it was. She scoffed, getting out of bed.

After brushing and taking a short shower, she headed down for breakfast because she was starving already.
" Morning Janet" Glass greeted brightly.
" Morning Mrs." Janet responded, smiling at her.

Glass sat down as Janet served her breakfast. She offered a small shy smile to Janet and then attacked her food. Goodness!, For a woman her size, you'd think she could barely finish a slice of bread but no, she eats like a starved caveman.

Janet stared at her with a huge smile as Glass devoured her food. She moaned, shutting her eyes and chewing a bite of her sandwich.
She opened her eyes and caught Janet staring at her.
" Oh, I'm sorry Janet but the food is sick! These are my favorite sandwiches forever. How do you make them so perfect?"

Glass asked, pushing her now empty plate aside and sipping her orange juice.
Janet laughed lowly and replied " Well I have six strong daughters at home and they eat just as much, even more than you do Mrs."

" And there I thought I was the only pig my size and age"
" Well no, I have pretty plenty pigs of daughters back at home" Janet joked back laughing with Glass.

Glass' phone rung. It was Macy.

" Macy finally! I thought you'd never call. Yeah I miss you too... Shopping?. Sure I'm free. Okay. Channel 7?" She paused and listened as Macy spoke
" Just tell what's showing Macy. Okay fine, shut up I'm going I'm going. It better not be one of those silly programs. Fine!" Glass placed the phone down as the line went dead.

Janet turned to her as she wiped her hands on the napkin.
" That was my friend Macy, she said I should watch channel 7, come Jane let's go see what's showing. I bet it's one of those silly programs" Glass said as she pulled Janet to the hall.

She switched the TV on and tuned in to Channel 7. She gritted her teeth as she watched silently. It was Kate Mendez, being interviewed by some fashion host. She's not jealous, she's not.

She was about to turn the TV off when the next question the host asked stopped her.
" Since the handsome Delen McBright is married now, rumors have it that you two are still together?"
Stupid fuck.

Glass fisted her hands as she watched on.

Kate chuckled. Her legs crossed, looking like the whore she is.
" Well Delen is married , yes, but I don't remember seeing him in a suit next to a woman in a gown ...did you?" She asked rhetorically, her voice calm yet laced with bitterness as she continued

" Delen is MINE..." she made sure that last word was loud and clear " and he'll always be. I'd like it if we drop any topic about him. He doesn't like to be discussed in public and I don't want to upset him" she said and smiled sweetly at the host who looked completely enchanted by her.

Kate looked like the perfect damsel in distress. Looking all classic and fragile. She could fool the world with her looks and sweet voice and all but Glass wasn't fooled. The way Kate just claimed Delen sent a chill down her spine. And that angered her.

And Glass knew without a doubt as she listened to her last remarks that Kate wouldn't let her be. The bitch wouldn't let her be.
" You obviously love him" the host added, smiling at her, thirsty for more.

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