Chapter 17--- In His office

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Warning. This chapter contains matured contents. Read at your own risk 😌

Glass stared at her phone in disbelief.
What the heck?

Her father had just called to tell her that she had to meet Mark Grey , the client she'd promised to meet on his behalf , in Delen's office.

Why there?!

Her father hadn't even explained any further and had said Delen would explain things to her once she got to his office.

Why there?

After last night, she woke up to find out that Delen had already left for work. She had been grateful because she most definitely didn't want to see him, not after hearing the shouts from his sturdy last night.

He was angry. Very. And Janet had confirmed it when she said Delen didn't respond to her usual cheerful morning greetings.
He'd walked right past her, fully dressed for work.

The guy had a temper.

There was no way Glass had wanted to meet him today or anytime soon. But then, her father....Lord her father would be the death of her.

"Meet Young Khalil in his office and he'll explain everything to you. And oh dear, he'll assist you. Mark Grey is very cunning. I trust you child. Thanks"

Her father had said and hunged up without letting her utter a word. She was shocked. She was tempted to not go. But then she really wanted to do it. It would be the first time she'd done something like that for her father.

Plus, her Dad had been thrilled when she promised to meet Mark Grey on his behalf.

Why was she so soft when it came to her daddy?.

She better gets this over and done with. She can and she would handle Delen. She could match his temper.

Can you now?

Yes. She can and she will.

She applied her make up, just as Macy had thought her. Then pinned her hair In a tight bun on top of her head. All her clothes looked too over or under for a business meeting.

That why she resolved to wearing her blue pencil skirt. It was classic, professional even though it portrayed her curves to be more curvy and wide than it really was.

Nevermind, it fitted perfectly. She wore her white blouse over it, tucking in. Then finished off with her dark blue office coat and a black scarpin heel.


She smiled at her image in the mirror and whispered " Girl you should dress like this often".

Career woman. She had wanted to be a career woman but then... Shit happened

Proud of her appearance, she picked her hand bag, the file she needed and stepped out.

The driver was ready with the car. And after responding politely to his greetings, she hopped in.

She panicked at the thought of meeting Delen but managed to stay calm.

There wasn't any heavy traffic and so soon enough, they were already there.

THE MCBRIGHT BUSINESS COOPERATIONS,was boldly inscribed in silver, at the very top of the building.

She had never been there before. She swallowed hard, pushing down the sudden panic attack that threatened to paralyze her.

You got this, girl power. You can do it.

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