Chapter 25--- The guy Randy

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" I have to make her mine,no matter what. Even if it means killing him. He isn't the main target but damn, it'll be fun all the same." Randy gulped down the remaining amount of brandy and smirked devilishly, his dark eyes glittering with Malice.

" That bastard Cedric". He cussed.

He'll never forgive him for taking away the only thing he ever loved.


He'll avenge her. Make every last surviving McBright pay.

Just like how he killed thier father... That moron.


" Mama, mama look at the house!" Randy exclaimed excitedly. Adel gasped, laughing happily as she messed his hair up.

" Oh Randy! That's so beautiful" She sung, walking with him to the sand house he had made.

" Randy, you're fourteen, almost fifteen. Stop acting like a child" the harsh tone of his father admonished, crushing his joy a fraction

" Come on Joe, let the boy be" Adel said, turning her attention to Joe and kissing his lips briefly.
" C'mon Ran, let's go look at the house, awwn is that a mini kitchen?" Adel asked in delight.

Avoiding his father's gaze, Randy nodded timidly.

His own father hated him.
Simply because the love of his life had died whilst giving birth to him.
And he blamed Randy for it.

Said he was a cursed child who took everything from him.
And Randy had grown up terrified of him.

He wasn't even scared because his father was a snake charmer, no.
He wasn't afraid of the snakes.

His father was worse than his snakes.
And he had made sure Randy had the worst childhood ever.

And in a town such as thiers, in that village, nobody gave a damn.
They didn't care that his father got drunk all the goddamn time and beat the shit out of him.

They didn't care that sometimes he had to sleep outside in the cold, on an empty stomach.

Nobody gave a darn.
They were all busy going about thier pathetic lives.

No one dared interfere in the snake charmer's business.
Everyone was terrified of him.

And in all his life, Randy had lived in fear of his father. There was not a single moment were his father had so much as smiled at him.

Until Adel came into thier lives.
She was an unexpected blessing.

She had come into their lives when Randy needed her the most.
And for a whole year, his father never over drunk or laid a hand on him.

Adel made it stop.
She became his mother.
His angel.
His safe haven.

And that time was the only time he had seen his father happy, smiling and even going to the beach with them...with him.

And then that Friday came.
It was his fifteenth birthday.
He had been happy.... Thrilled.

He and Adel had everything planned.
She was even going to bake him a cake.
Joe didn't mind, as long as Adel stuck around.

He knew his father loved Adel. And was even hoping to marry her someday.
And he had warned Randy to not damage his life this time.

Everything was going perfect.

Until Adel had slipped and fell hard, hitting her head on the hard wooden floor as she was going to put the cake in the oven.

The flour powder had smeared the floor, making it slippery and she didn't see it.

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