Chapter 7--- tell a soul

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" God what happened?!" Mrs Vickie asked, totally dismayed upon seeing Glass' face. " Nothing Mom" she said, pushing back the fresh tears that threatened to spill.
" That's a lie, she was crying and she wouldn't tell me why" Macy explained worriedly. Glass glared at her but that didn't even tickle Macy. Glass had her worried and she wasn't going to hide it.

She wiped away the treacherous tears that slipped down her face angrily. More tears spilling.
" Baby what happened?" Mrs Vickie asked, embracing her.
This scene was familiar to Glass. Far to familiar as a vivid image of the night of the accident flashed her mind.

It came back, hard and fast. Suddenly, she couldn't stop sobbing. Why doesn't she ever listen?
" I miss her Mom, I miss Taliat so much" she broke down, her voice chocking as tears blurred her vision.

Mrs Vickie couldn't blink back the tears as a single tear rolled down her cheeks. Tightening her arms around Glass, she assured" It's okay baby. Taliat is watching over you, over us. And she loves you so much. It's fine, everything is fine, don't cry". The soothing words calmed Glass a bit.

Hugging her Mom tightly, she shed silent tears. Macy looked on with tears streaming down her face. The mascara she'd carefully applied earlier on now smeared her face. " Come here dear" Mrs Vickie motioned for Macy to join as they did a three sides hug.

" Vincent, I don't know what else we can do to help take Taliat's death out of her mind. Mrs Vickie said, laying next to her husband as she recalled the earlier event to him.
" Hmm. She still blames herself for it. Maybe she should start seeing the therapist again. Or we could go on a vacation to Hawaii, her favorite place. Maybe it'll take her mind of things a bit"

" I don't think so Vin. Maybe it would help but then, Hawaii was Taliat's favorite too. It might just open old wounds". " Time Vickie, she needs time" Vincent reasoned. " It's been ten years Vincent! Turn long years. All our efforts have proved futile. It's all just so devastating" she bemoaned.

" I feel like I'm a bad mother" she sobbed. " Now come on Vickie, don't blame yourself. You're the best mother ever. Glass is a strong woman, you raised her strong. She'll come around, I know she would". He assured with so much faith.

" You promise?". " Yes my love, I promise. Now go to bed, you're tired." He hushed lowly.
" I love you Vincent". " I love you more dear".

" You know we're having diner with the young Khalil today right?" Vincent stated more than asked, his tone low and sweet.
" Dad,I don't want to" She said for the umpt hundredth time." Baby, do it for your poor old daddy? Pretty please?" He pleased, making an innocent childish face that made her laugh.

" Dad, that's emotional blackmail" . "No child, it's not. I'm begging". " Hah! Yeah right" she scoffed jovially.
" Come on baby. Okay I'll buy you three boxes of Twinkies"
" That's bribe! Mom would kill you " . " I won't tell her." " You tell her everything, she'll find out either ways." " Oops, yeah but what can I do? I'm desperate. Say yes pleaseee?"

" Okay fine!".
" Great! Thanks baby" He said happily, hugging her. " I love you baby". " Me more dad".
He kissed her cheeks and left before she could change her mind.

" Cedric, I'm just having diner with the Wesleys, I'd be back by ten pm." Delen said, picking his car keys and straightening his tie.
" Delen, one of these days I pray you fall sick" Cedric said, his eyes playful
" Huh?" Delen glared at him.
" Yeah. So that you'd rest. You work too hard bro. Assign some duties to me. I feel so useless" his tone serious.

" Come on Ced, your duty is to paint and write music and the likes. Do whatever you've been doing, I've got business covered"
" But Delen, you're-"
" No Ced, I'm running late, throw a party if you want. The money, it's all yours"

" No Delen, I'm not a kid okay. I've had enough of that. I want to do real work. At least let me help with something."
" Fine. I'll see about that, let's just talk later okay?"
" Fine."
" Good . I love you"
" Me too Del, drive safe."
Delen patted him on the back and left.

" Don't put that there Zea" Mrs Vickie instructed the maid. She took the flower vase and headed for the kitchen.
" All set!" Mrs Vickie clapped her hands excitedly, gazing pleasantly at the set diner table.
" Nice work Vickie" Vincent complimented.

" Aww. Thanks dear. I'm so excited!. I hope Glass and the young Khalil hit it off". " Yeah me too. He's such a noble young fellow. Humble and exclusive. Very smart. He'll be good for her."
Vincent added, smiling fondly.

A black Mercedes pulled up at the parking lot next to the main entrance and Delen stepped out after killing the engine.
" Oh, he's here! " Vickie exclaimed excitedly.
" I'll go meet him,get Glass to come down" Vincent said and headed out front.
" Glass!" Vickie called as she ascended the stairs, heading towards Glass' room.

" My boy, it's a pleasure to have you here." Mr. Vincent said with pleasure as he hugged and patted him on the back.
" The pleasure is all mine Sir." Delen responded politely.
" How have you been Sir?" He asked as they matched towards the door.

"Better son, I've been better".
" That's nice to hear".
" Yeah sure. How's my boy Cedric?"
" Good Sir. He's good".
" Nice. He should have diner with us sometime, it'll be a pleasure."
" I'll let him know"

" Hi dear" Mrs Vickie greeted as they entered.
" Hi Mrs Wesley" he said and kissed her cheeks.
" Nice to meet you again, come have a seat" she said, leading them to the set dining hall.

It was a beautiful set up and Delen complimented her for her efforts.
" You have a nice home"
" Oh, how kind of you to say. Thank you". " Welcome".
He was served with wine as Mr Vincent engaged him a conversation about their last meeting.

" Miss, please your Mom demands your presence down stairs" Zea said after being admitted into Glass' room.
" I'm coming, I'm coming. How do I look?" Glass asked nervously, straightening the red dress.
The dress was gorgeous and simple.

She hoped she didn't look too over dressed or under dressed

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She hoped she didn't look too over dressed or under dressed.
" You look perfect ma'am, as always." Zea complimented, her voice honest.
" Don't flatter me Zea, I'm nervous. Is the guy here?" She asked nervously, pulling on heels she hoped matched her dress.

" Yes ma'am, he's downstairs"
" Okay, okay, here I go" Glass said, taking in large breaths as she headed down.
" Geez" she whispered to herself lowly as she descended the stairs, her eyes fixed on the stairs, hoping she doesn't trip over and fall.

Plastering a huge smile on her face, she raised her head and stared towards the dining hall.
Holy crap!
Her heart did a serious somersault as she stared back at the last person she'd expected to meet.

Bloody hell.

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Love, Tiana ♥️

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