Chapter 2--- Me

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" Bro, I miss you so much!" Cedric said happily, bear hugging Delen. " I miss you most Ced" Delen said, hugging him back. " It's been ages, it's nice to be back again" Cedric said, smiling broadly at his brother. " It's nice to have you back" Delen said, patting Cedric on the shoulder. The chauffeur appeared at their side, picking Cedric's bags and headed towards the waiting Jeep as the brothers followed, chatting fondly.

Although Cedric's English was American, he had a British accent. At thirty, Cedric still looked to be in his twenties. He was tall and handsome and almost matching Delen's height. At 6'7, Delen was only an inch or two taller than Cedric.

Delen was very handsome,had deep green eyes that sparkled when he smiled or smirked. His sinfully dark hair was wavy and we'll trimmed, practically so attractive it begged to be toyed with. He was breath-takenly handsome, his sharp features complimented his tan skin and mouth watering muscles.

He was the type of guy whose presence in a place commanded attention. Women drooled over him and even some men found him attractive. He had the kind of body that promised security and protection, broad chest that was even visible in baggy clothes.

His employees had even named him Mr Perfect. Whilst he'd had his fair share of women, he'd not committed to any. He was too focused on work that settling down or dating was the last thing he wanted.

Cedric on the other hand had more softer features,an innocent face that charmed women easily. He had hazel eyes that never stops twinkling. Unlike Delen, Cedric was the party type, fun, open, free and wild.

Delen was business minded, strict and authoritative. The guy's present commanded respect and attention and fear. In the business world, he was the type companies didn't want as an enemy. Because he always is a couple of steps ahead.

When Elen and Adele died, Delen had refused to be sent to foster home. He'd worked real hard on the fields, worked too many odd jobs, he'd worked harder each day to keep himself and Cedric in school.

Sometimes he felt his system would shut down but no, he was determined to rise to the top someday, determined to give Cedric a better life. So he persevered, studying along side work. And finally after many years, his efforts paid off.

He did it, made it to the top. He did all that for Cedric, to make him never lack a thing and it worked. Now that he had it all, he doesn't plan stoping.

Three weeks later, Macy asked Glass to go shopping with her. Glass hadn't yet fulfill her promise to her Mom about going to a party. And she was grateful her Mom hasn't raised the topic yet, though Glass could tell by the way she looks at her that she'd soon bring it up.

' Shopping wouldn't hurt ' Glass told herself, plus, she needed to step out a bit.

Glass groaned for the hundredth time. They had practically roamed every shop and boutique for two hours already!, picking dresses, jewelry, heels, hats, blah blah blah. She was tired already but Macy looked so energetic and lively, no sign of tiredness as she dragged Glass on.

" Oh Glass! Look at this!" Macy exclaimed garishly, pulling Glass towards a pair of handbags. Glass rolled her eyes as Macy took her sweet time examining all the bags.... goodness gracious!. Why did she agree to shopping again?... Yeah, right.

" This is beau...tiful!" Macy gasped , her huge brown eyes twinkling with excitement as she took the leather Armani bag and examined it.

" It's pretty" Well even Glass had to admit it, the bag was simple but beautiful. It was black, with colourful pearls used to design it.
" You want it?" Macy asked her, smiling broadly at her. " No, I'm good" Glass declined. " Come on Glass,it's...." Macy was saying when a familiar voice called her name.

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