Chapter 24--- Jealous freak

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He thought things were better between them. Thought they were beginning to form something new... something different.

But he was wrong.
Very wrong.
She really couldn't wait long to tell her lover how stupid he had been?
That she had easily fooled him, got him twisted around her little fingers?.

That guy wasn't just her friend!
Men and women don't just become friends.

You're exaggerating man, calm the hell down

Exaggerating? Oh so now he was exaggerating?.

She had willingly hugged that bastard! Allowed him to kiss her!
And he's the one exaggerating?

He kissed her cheeks!

So what?
He had lingered longer than necessary and she was beaming right at him, as if her whole world revolved around that imbecile.

And he, he was just a stupid guy they were playing.
How could he even believe her?
To think that he was beginning to trust her.

How could he allow her to decieve him like this.
And how the fuck did he even fall for it?!

He smashed the alcohol bottle against the wall, angrily messing his hair.
Not giving a darn that he was drunk, he picked his coat and car keys, heading out.

He had left work earlier than usual, eager to see her, to spend the rest of the weekend with her.
Fuck he was even taking her to his cabin!

Nobody had been there before and wanted her to be the first. And like some stupid high school boy taking his crush out  on a first date, he had rushed home only to be welcomed by ....

Fuck fuck.
It took everything in him to not drive after that bastard and beat the life out of him.
Instead, he had drove the three hours drive to his cabin outside of town... Alone.

Drunk a couple too many glasses of alcohol.
He couldn't remember the last time he had drunk this much.

Hell he had never even drunk and drove before.
But suddenly, he had the strong desire to see her, to give her a piece of his mind.

To let her know that all her evil plans were up in the open and that she couldn't deceive him any more.
He wanted to watch how silly her fucken pretentious innocent face would look once he told her.

And then, he'd think of what else to do to her.

Did her family even know how cunning she was?

No, she probably tricked them into believing she's a sweet little girl.
For fucks sake, she could trick the whole damn world!.

You're being stupid.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
That stupid attitude of yours is going to make you lose a good woman.

He didn't give two shits about losing no good woman!.
That look Randy had in his eyes, that stupid smile plastered on his lips as he left said it all.

He knew that look.
And friends don't look at each other that way.

How dare she even allow him near her?

How dare she hurt him....hurt his heart.

Glass checked the clock for the millionth time.
Twelve O'eight.
It was midnight already.

And no word from him.

God, please.

She prayed agian and again, hoping that nothing bad had happened.

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