Chapter 38--- Taliat

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" Stay back Glass, this party is not for kids " Taliat said, pulling on a jacket.

" it's dangerous Taliat, such night clubs are risky. I'll just watch out for you and wont cause trouble " She said trying to sound convincing

" I know baby sis, but you're under age and plus, I'd be busy I might not be able to watch over you " Taliat reasoned, holding Glass ' shoulders.

" I'm sixteen Taliat, I'll be safe. Look nobody would even know I'm under age, come on please" Glass said and hugged her.

" Sixteen yes, but not eighteen yet and you're quite far from eighteen. " She said and chuckled

" mama would be pestering me to tell her where you are " Glass said, trying her last best excuse. She wanted to go to the party.

Guns and Strippers club.

That place was famous for it's lascivious deeds and crimes.
Their parents had warned them to never go to that club.

Taliat was always rebellious.
She was that wild and free, didn't give a care of the world.

And tonight, the owner is holding a party for his son who arrived in the states a week ago.
The guy is friends with Taliat's boyfriend, Jake.

I've always been curious about that club. And knowing that Taliat is going there tonight, of course I wanna go too.

Curiosity aside, I want to be there for her.
The place is not safe especially for young girls. And no matter what, I want to be there, watching Taliat's back.

" You swore you won't tell her " Taliat said
" yes I won't but I can't keep telling lies, she'd catch me "
" Then sleep, that way she'd leave you alone "
" I don't wanna sleep "
" I've gotta go Glass, Jake would be here soon and he won't park near here. Love you sis, be good and stay out of trouble, just sleep okay" Taliat said, hugged her and kissed her cheeks and dashed out.

Glass waited a while. When she was sure Taliat had gone, she followed her. Thankfully,she spotted Jake's car a few minutes early before they could drive off. She flagged down a taxi and ordered the driver to follow them.

She she shouldn't. But she did anyways.

She followed thier car to the night club and hid far enough so that no one sees her. Waited until she saw a group of girls enter through the back door.

Seeing that nobody checked them like how they were inspecting IDs at the front, She entered through the back door, acting all matured to stop speculating eyes from suspecting.

Although just sixteen, her body had grown enough and she had the height, only her face looked young but who would know?

Strong scent of alcohol and cigger filled the air, assaulting her nostrils. She covered her nose, acting as if scratching her face.

She walked through the mass of people crowded here and willed her ears to not go deaf at the sound of very loud music.

She almost choked on the heavy smell of various cologne and perfumes and sweat and puke...ewww.

" Hey pretty " A drunk man said, slapping her butt and squeezing it.

Shocked, she pushed his hands away and made though the crowd of drunk dancers. Girls dancing naked on poles as men fed their hungry eyes, drooling.

The place was hell 2 . People having sex here and there, some kissing fiercely as others danced off beat to the loud music. Sweat mixed with weed and other funny smells was chocking her further.

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