1x1-Night School

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I swear to God, coming to school just to find my missing necklace was wrong idea. I came to find my necklace and now I'm running with two boy from school, trying to escape from the "thing" that took janitor. Curious about how I ended up in that ridiculous scene? Let me explain.

I was just looking at ground in hall when janitor threw two boy out of janitor room, left me completely speechless. Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. The boy I have a crush on since first grade and his weird best friend. Yeah, I have a crush on the boy who has a crush on the Queen Bee of Beacon Hills, Lydia Martin. But that's not the problem. The problem starts after that.

"God, just one second to explain--" Stiles tried to say but interrupted by janitor immediately as I was watching them in horror, knowing that I was next in line to get kicked off. "Just shut up and go!" Janitor yelled, just to get dragged into locker room by something so quick that didn't let me see what it was. The door immediately closed and janitor screamed, his bloody hands swiped down from door's frosted glass. Scott immediately tried to open the door as I was still watching them in horror. "What. The. Hell." I muttered, gained Stiles' affection immediately but he turned to his friend, grabbed him from his coat and grabbed me from my hand, started pulling us away from that crime scene. "Go! Go!" Stiles shouted as we were running and that is how I ended up with them.

"I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school." Stiles said anxiously while we were walking away from other exit that it was now blocked with dumpster. "We're not going to die." Scott said to Stiles, leaving me wondering why I was with them. "God, what is he doing? What does he want?"

"Sorry but can I ask you two what am I doing with you guys? I was just looking for my necklace- not for some murder scene to be taken to station because I'm a witness. So, tell me. What is going on in here?" I asked to Scott and Stiles, trying to not look at Stiles' face because, well, he's too cute and I don't want him to know that I have a crush on him. If I look at him enough, I think he can see that I like him.

"Look, there's something that wants to kill us. So we're escaping from him and you have to come with us because if he sees you, he'll kill you like he killed janitor. Okay, Rachel?" Stiles said to me, did he just say my name? Does he know me? "Do you know my name?" I asked, didn't really pay attention to other things he said. "Yeah, you're the girl that makes fun of Harris at class. Also, your father was working at the station with my father, right? How could I don't know you?" Stiles said just before we all turned to window that looked to roof. And that was when I saw the thing that has red eyes, fury body almost like a beast. "Oh my God what is this?" I muttered, then started running when Stiles held my wrist to not leave me behind.

"WAS THAT WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU SAID 'SOMETHING THAT WANTS TO KILL US'? BECAUSE THAT IS NOT SOMETHING, HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER AND WE'RE LIVING IN HIS WORLD STILES!" I shouted at Stiles who was pulling me with himself, he just stood silent and continued pulling me. We ran to downstairs, to locker room and hid behind some lockers. Scott pointed us to stay silent just when Stiles opened his mouth to tell me something, so he just stayed still and I closed my mouth to not make a noise, trying to stop my trembling. It was like living in a scary movie and I wasn't really ready for living in one. "What?" Stiles whispered really quiet that I had to read his lips to understand what he was saying. "Go."

"All right, we have to do something." Stiles said after we went away from the locker we were hiding. "Like what?"

"I don't know! Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it. Something!" Stiles said just before I tightened my grip on his arm, it would be fitting if I defined myself as 'horror' at that moment. But then he made his way to his pocket, grabbed his key, left Scott and I both curious and scared of what was going to happen. He threw the key right into a room, we all got away from it when that beast ran into that room. Stiles ran and closed the door behind the beast. "The desk. Come on, the desk." Stiles said to us, Scott and I both pushed the desk in front of door, trapped that beast so good. "He can't--" Scott said with his puppy smile. "All right." Stiles said with that same smile, caused me to smile like them too. "It looks fun to hang out with you two. Is this what you guys are doing every night? Trying to avoid dying because of that type of monsters? It looks fun." I said to them, gained a slight laugh from both of them. 

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