2x12 - Anchors

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3 weeks since we got rid of Jennifer Blake. 3 weeks since we 'broke up' with Stiles and decided to stay friends. 3 weeks since everything. For 3 weeks, I have been practicing with Allison and her father, Mr. Argent. It turns out that he knew about my family. Only from the tales his grandfather told him, as Hales almost erased sorceresses from existence.  So, as Allison was practicing with a crossbow, I was practicing with magic. And if you asked me, I thought I was pretty badass with it. I was even visiting Eichen house constantly and meeting with Marjorie to get her guide over my magic. 

As I was walking to school with Stiles, we saw that Scott was desperately trying to run from his 'shadow', which looked pathetic from the outside. "Hey! Hey, you all right?" Stiles said as he held Scott from his shoulder, stopping him from crashing into us. He nodded, but he did not look alright. As a matter of fact, he looked terrible. "You don't look all right, Scott." Stiles said; I interfered. "You look terrible, actually."

"I'm okay." Scott said. "No, you're not. It's happening to you, too-- you're seeing things, aren't you?" Stiles told him. "How did you know?" Scott asked, completely shocked, as Lydia and Allison approached us. "Because it's happening to all three of you." She said, I nodded. "Of course, how could I not see the signs? Allison, losing against me in a fight? Screams coming from Stiles' home in the middle of the night? Scott, starting texting me every 2 days instead of every day? I should've known something was seriously wrong." 

"Hey, I do not text you every day." Scott said as we were walking towards the school. "I have our message history, Scott. You once texted me to ask how to know when water boils."

"Okay, I'll shut myself up." Scott said, accepting my victory. "How could you hear my screams from your house?" Stiles asked me. "Well, honey, your voice is really loud." 

"Well, well, well... Look who's no longer the crazy one." Lydia said as she opened the door to school. "We're not crazy!" Allison protested. "Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine."

"We did die and come back to life... That's gotta have some side effects, right?" Scott said, trying to convince himself. Just then, the bell rang. "We keep an eye on each other, okay? And Lydia? Stop enjoying this so much." Stiles said, then threw his arm on my shoulder and started walking away with me. I laughed at him as we walked to class. "I'm sure that we thought we would stay as 'friends', but I guess we're not?" I told him, and he chuckled. "Sorry, Rach, but I died and came back after that decision. So, I think the necklace won't try to mess with me. Also, come on, you are perfect at your magic right now. I think everything is completely under your control." 

"Well, if you say so..." I said, getting closer to him to kiss his lips. But, we were blocked by someone called 'Scott McAss.'  "Yuck." He said as he entered the classroom, simply going between us and trying to hold his laughter. "Yeah, Scott, go on. I'm sure you'll be in this position in the near future." Stiles shouted behind him, causing me to laugh and look down. "C'mon." I said as I pulled him into the class. As our classic sitting organization, Scott sat behind Stiles as I sat in Stiles' right. After we got in, the new teacher came in pretty quickly. 

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira?... Or, you might not, since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school... Or brought a friend home, for that matter..." A loud bang was heard in the class as he said the same sentence, causing the whole class to turn there. "Either way, there she is!" She slowly raised her head, trying to smile through the pain, and waved to the class. I feel you, girl. And, of course, our girlhunter Scott couldn't take his eyes off her. I turned to hit Scott's head. "Man, when Stiles said near future, I didn't think it would be that near. Turn back, idiot!" I whisper-yelled, causing Stiles to laugh and then hold my hand. I was completely red as he held my hand in front of the whole class. What a dream. 

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