2x9 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much

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"Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes... All tools the writer uses to tell their story." Miss Blake told while she was walking around the classroom, as I was writing things on my notebook. "Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents...?" Blake told as she stopped next to Lydia, I turned to look at them. "You and every guy I've ever dated." She told, causing me to chuckle. "Oh. Um, well, that was an idiom, by the way..." She said, then continued to her lesson as I continued my writing. "Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture. They're phrases that only make sense if you know key words. Saying 'jump the gun' is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race. Or, a phrase like, 'seeing the whole board...'"

"Like chess..." Stiles told. "That's right, Stiles. Do you play?" She asked him as she stopped between me and Stiles. "Uh, no. My father does." She just smiled then continued her way. "Now, when does an idiom become a cliché...?" She asked, as someone in the class answered her, I turned my focus to the things I've been writing subconsciously. That was when I saw it. Help. I am losing. L O S I N G. H E L P. please. pls. I quickly closed my notebook, just in time to hide it from Stiles, who turned to me after talking to Scott. "Are you alright?" He asked, I nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah. Um- It's- Nothing. Really. All is well." 

"Oh, okay. Um, we need to distract Aiden." Scott told, I rolled my eyes. "And what do you want me to do? Sparkle my purple eyes? Tell Lydia, she's his girlfriend." I said, their eyes both sparkled as they turned to Lydia. "What now?" She asked, I smiled. "We need you to distract Aiden. Please?" 

"Just because you said please with those beautiful eyes..." Lydia told me, I chuckled. As the class finished, all three of us left and Lydia went to Aiden quickly. After knowing that Ethan was alone, we quickly pulled him to stairs. "Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I'm not gonna kill another one?" Ethan said, looking at Stiles, I quickly tried to make a move but stopped by Stiles. "Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking--"

"Whoa, Stiles! Okay, we get it." Scott stopped Stiles. I rolled my eyes and got closer to Stiles' ear. "I'm going to check Lydia, I don't feel right." I told him. As he agreed with a nod, I started walking away from them. I was walking subconsciously, letting my senses guide me. "Aiden, stop. Please." I heard Lydia's voice, quickly took a turn to walk into the locker room only to see Cora and Aiden fighting. But Cora was completely losing. I felt it inside me. The power. "Lydia, step back." I told her as I was trying so hard to keep it under control. She listened and stepped back. Although all of my hard trys, my eyes started to turn into purple. But then, something new happened. I felt a change. My nails were getting longer and blood was coming from my nose, ears and blood. I felt like I was losing control. Then, I jumped onto Aiden to save Cora. As he tossed Cora away, he held me like he was holding a disgusting fly. He tossed me right next to Cora, I tried to get up but I was losing so much blood due to this freaking 'transform'. "Aiden, stop! Stop! Stop!" I heard Lydia's voice as I saw a weight plate in his hands. When I finally got up,holding hands with Cora, I gave my last ounch of strength to her. And then, the plate hit Cora's face and we both fell onto the ground. I was aware of my surroundings. But now, I was completely drained. No strength, no power. Just when Aiden was going to hit Cora one last time, Scott and Ethan stopped him. As Stiles rushed over to me, his face covered in fear. He must've seen the blood stains left from my transform. As Ethan and Aiden was arguing, Stiles was holding my head in his arms. 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO RACHEL?!" Stiles got up, screaming at Aiden as he was walking towards him. "I DIDN'T TOUCH HER!" Aiden screamed back at him. "Then why is she covered in blood?" Scott said to him this time, he was angry too. I tried to talk but I was not able to. I needed time to gather my strength back. "She transformed." Lydia spoke. "She transformed into... Something." 


"I thought you two were going home?" Scott told me and Lydia as we were standing in front of the recital. "We can't." I said. "I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe... if I just stopped trying to fight it... I'd find them before it happens. Maybe with enough time for someone like you to do something about it." Lydia told him. "And I am with her so I can give her strength whenever she needs to." I said as I tried to smile. Who are you kidding, Rachel? You only have strength to stand up. You drained yourself.

"Okay but call me if you need any help, alright? Stiles is telling his father all of what's happening right now. But I'll be around." I nodded to him as Lydia started walking away, I quickly waved Scott goodbye and started following her. "Um, Lyds, I don't think we should wander around classes when there's a Darach around." I told her as I followed her into a classroom. "You recognize it, don't you?" We both turned to the voice, only to see Blake. No. No. No. No. As she hit Lydia and made her pass out, I tried to call someone but she was quick to hit me too.

As I opened my eyes, we were both tied up in a chair. Come on, I should've gotten my strength by now. "What are you doing?" Lydia asked weakly. "What's necessary. I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that. You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the Latin sacrificium, an offering to a deity; a sacred rite. A necessary evil." I looked at her deadly in eyes. "Stop." I growled. "Oh, I wish I could... But you don't know the Alphas like I do." 

"And you don't know me like I do!" I growled again, this time showing my purple eyes. "Oh, so you're a sorceress? How sweet. The most useless supernatural creature ever. That necklace is your only power, and believe me when I say, I am taking it." She said, tried to take my necklace but it wasn't leaving. "Come on, break." She told, but it was doing nothing but cutting my neck and throat so badly, she was pulling it from the side. The pain was agonizing, I felt like this was the end. "Please, stop." Lydia said just when the necklace burned Blake's hand, causing her to let go of it. She turned to Lydia back again. "Lydia? You're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much. Actually, a girl who knew too much." Lydia tried to fight as Blake was trying to kill her. "Lydia, don't!" She said, but Lydia did it. She screamed at the top of her lungs. So high that my ears were ringing. "Unbelievable! You have no idea what you are, do you? The Wailing Woman. A Banshee, right before my eyes. You're just like me, Lydia-- Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't. It's too bad, though... And too late." 

"No, please!" She told her. I was trying to break the ties, crying unstoppably. Lydia was going to die in front of my eyes. And I was watching it, doing nothing. "Stop! Stop! STOP!" I was screaming at her, my necklace was glowing every time I screamed higher. "One last philosopher..." Blake told, not caring about my shouting. "I SAID STOP!" I screamed this time, piercing her ears. "Drop it!" Then I saw Stilinski. "NO!" I shouted as Blake threw her knife to him. At the same time, Scott ran inside. As Scott tried to fight her, she pushed him away with her godly power. Sacrifices. She was stronger than ever. As I saw Stiles right beside the door, Blake pushed the table to block Stiles from entering. "There was a girl... Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?" Stilinski told her as he took his gun, trying to win over his pain. "Maybe I should've started with philosophers-- with knowledge and strategy." She said, he shot her but she healed quickly. "Healers." She took him by the knife in his body and held him high and pushed to the chairs at the back. "Warriors." She ripped of his badge and crushed it. "Guardians." And right before he started kissing him, she said "Virgins." And with that, they were gone. "...Dad?" Stiles said, I felt my heart shattering into million pieces. Only if I did not interfere between Aiden and Cora, I could've gotten strength to help them. I could've helped Stilinski. If I had strength, maybe he would've been here. "We need to go to Derek before Jennifer goes to him." Scott told Stiles, he nodded. "But first let's get Lydia and Rachel free." He nodded again. But the next thing that shattered my heart happened. Stiles went for Lydia. He didn't even look at my bleeding throat and neck. He just went to help Lydia. As Scott realized it, he quickly came to help me. "Are you alright?"

"Y- Yeah. I'll be alright, we should go." I told as I stood up. "You are not coming." Stiles told me, I looked at him in confusion. "What? Why?" I asked. "Because you are hurt. If you want to die so badly, at least please don't fucking do it in front of me." He told and left the class quickly, leaving all of us confused. "I-  He's hurt, he doesn't know what he says right now. Just- Try to stay home and get better, alright?" Scott said, then ran behind Stiles to catch up to him. Lydia looked at me. "He must've been feeling overwhelmed. So many things happened. He's just worried about you. C'mon, you are not leaving me alone tonight." She said as she wrapped her arm around me. I put my head on her shoulder as we were leaving. 

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