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Even though I told them that I was going to be with them, when we were in front of the police station I had this feeling I felt from the woods. It was almost like something was pulling me into it, it was hard to stop it. "Rach, come on we gotta go." I heard Stiles saying while standing in front of me with Scott on his side. "Guys, I'm sorry. I- I have to do something. You go, I'll come back as soon as I am finished." I said while staring at the woods.

"Rachel did you see something? Do you need one of us to come?" Scott said immediately, I shook my head. "No, no. You go catch Matt, I'll be fine." I said. "I need to do this alone."

"Okay, but be careful, alright? Don't go too far. And, here, take this." Stiles said as he took a baseball bat from the baggage of his Jeep. I smiled as I took it from his hands. "Thanks, Stiles. I will be careful. You two too."

After leaving them at the police station, I started walking into the forest. There was some kind of different feeling in the air, it was almost like someone died, very long time ago. It was scary, but reassuring in some way. Dead can't hurt you, right? As I walked into the deeps of the forest, the smell of death was strengthened. But now there was something new. The colors of the woods were changed. They were almost reddish. Just while staring the trees, I stepped on a puddle, which caused the water to splash all over my bare legs, at least what I thought was water. When I looked closer to my legs, I discovered something. It was not water. It was blood. It was a puddle of blood.

I wanted to scream, I stepped backwards and I screamed but there were no voice coming down my throat. I felt like something had stole my voice cords. As I was walking backwards, I tripped to a branch and fell over. Onto the puddle. Of blood. As I tried to get up. I felt something pushing me down. Once I blinked, there were something upon my body. A human with long teeth and dark eyes. Just like in the movies, what we would call vampires. One that I would've never believed be true. As it sunk its teeth into me, I felt that this was it. This was the end that the necklace I wore pulled me into. That was the end I deserved for still holding onto my mother who couldn't even care her child. It drained almost every sip of blood I had, I knew my end was this but somehow, it left me. It left me with so little blood to live, all alone in the puddle of blood.

After the horrifying events that happened, it left me all alone. I tried to get up again, using all of my strength. I had to go back. I had to go back to warn Scott. We had to do something. We had to find a way to reverse what that creature did to me. I felt dizzy, but as adrenaline pushed through my body, I was almost running to station.

As I reached the station, I saw Scott and Stiles at the gate, alongside with few people with them. Just when I felt that the strength I had was running away from my legs, Stiles noticed me first. "RACHEL!" He shouted as he started running to me. Scott joined him soon. Just as Stiles reached me, I couldn't hold onto any longer, I left myself to his arms and rested my eyes.


Stiles' POV

Just after what happened at the police station, I thought it was finished. But it only lasted for a bit, as I saw Rachel coming from the woods, covered in blood and dirt. "RACHEL!" I shouted as I started running towards to her. Just when I reached, she fell into my arms, fainting. Her body was almost all white. She had a scar on her neck that was fully open but bleeding so little, almost like she had no blood to bleed. Her face was also covered with blood, it was impossible to guess what happened to her. "No, no, no Rachel open your eyes... Don't, don't do this please.." I whispered to her as I was caressing her face. "We have to take her to Deaton, Stiles. This does not seem like a natural incident." Scott said, he was right. I lifted Rachel after I tossed Scott my keys. "Open the doors." I said to him. We quickly put her in the back of the car, then got in and started to drive to animal clinic. I broke almost every traffic rule because every passing second, she seemed more and more dead. She was so pale, her mouth was almost purple. She already looked death.

As we arrived to Deaton, we got her inside as soon as possible and put her onto the clinic table. "Hey, what happened to her?" Deaton asked as soon as he saw Rachel. "We- We don't know. She said that she had to go into the woods and we had to go into sheriff's station so we split up and when we got up, she came and- she was like this." I explained as much as I know as Deaton examined her. "Whatever happened to her, she lost almost all of her blood. She needs a blood transfer. Like, right now. Do you know her blood type?"

"It must be on her wallet or something" I said as I took her bag and started to search, and I found it quickly. "It is A-. Where do we find it?"

"You are lucky that I have some. Let me check." Deaton said as he went back. "Excuse me but, why do you have blood bags?" I asked, found it strange for him to have blood for humans at animal clinic. "In cases for like this." He said as he came with it quickly, carefully opened an IV line and started blood transfer. "Guys, I think this is what I was afraid of." He said as he examined the scar on her neck. "What is it?" Scott asked but I already knew the answer. I figured it as soon as I saw the mark.

"I didn't know they were still here. It is so old, all of us thought they were extinct. But, I guess not." Deaton said, then turned to us. "The undead people. Bloodsuckers. What so long before were called 'upirs'. What you guys might know from the movies, vampires."

"Does- Does she turns to one of them? Like, how you turn when Alpha bites you? Is it the same? Is she-?"

"No, Scott. She wouldn't turn unless she drank blood from the vampire. Also, the vampire has to have enough power, experience and age to transform a human into vampire." Deaton explained, then turned to me. "This bag of blood would be enough for hospital to not become suspicious of her blood levels. As soon as this finishes, you have to take her to a hospital for a more throughout care. She needs to rest. If the creature took one more sip, she would've died. She is in a risky situation."

"Don't worry, I won't leave her side." I said as I was looking at her face, which was slowly recovering the deadly look. "Alright, I'll leave you guys alone for now." Deaton said and left Scott, me and Rachel alone. "So, vampires huh? How do we deal with with them?" Scott turned to me. "I have no idea, man. The only thing I care is for Rachel to recover and be okay. And also, still a human.


Rachel's POV

After the only memory of Stiles' face just before I fainted, I opened my eyes in a hospital, with Stiles by my side, sleeping. I was feeling so tired and lightheaded. "Stiles..." I mumbled, caused him to startle and wake up. "Rach, oh, thank God you are awake. How are you feeling, are you okay?"

"Where's my dad..?" I asked, my eyes were searching for him. I knew we were not too close but he should've cared about his daughter a bit to come to the hospital to see her. I was dying, as far as I know. He should've been came. "Rach, I'm so sorry. He, he never came. The hospital reached him out but..."

"I- I should've known. He doesn't care. He just never did." I said with tears running up to my eyes. "I do. I care Rachel. We care. All of us. He is not your only family. You have us."

This was the moment I knew that nothing would come between us. Nothing would ever break the bond we had since that night at school. I knew everything's happened for a reason. Everything.

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now