2x13 - More Bad Than Good

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"So, correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys found out that there is another werewolf who is in the shape of a coyote, and she killed her sister and mother, and you two went into her den, AND you guys did all of these, without me?" I said as I tossed my bag beside my chair, then turned to Stiles' face. "Like, do you even like me at this point?" I told him jokingly. "I swear, it was Scott's idea to go to search for a body! Then we found her, I mean, the coyote. I didn't ring your bell because I figured your dad might be home. I know he's trying to recover so I didn't want to steal his time with his beautiful daughter."

"Well, he wasn't home for 2 weeks. And he won't be for a month, too." I told him as we both sat at the same time. "Wait- What? You were living alone this whole time, and you never told us? Rachel, I'm literally at your next door. We could've checked on you." I shushed him quickly. "Hey, please, I didn't say to anybody. I don't want everyone to know I'm home alone." 

"All right, everyone, let's get started! We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war. There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail. Who would like to come up and read aloud for us?" Mr. Yukimura said, we all opened our books to find the passage. "Mr. Stilinski, how about you?" Oh no. "Oh, maybe someone else could...?" Stiles said anxiously. "Everyone participates in my class, Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Yukimura said, leaving Stiles no choice. I started praying for him to be able to read. "Okay..." He said, got up and went to the podium. I was looking at him anxiously; he looked sick. Like, seriously sick. As I realized he was on the edge of a breakdown, I got up quickly before Scott. "I should take him to the nurse's office." I said and held him. As we were walking to outside, I looked at Scott and mumbled. "I'll take care of him, don't worry." I knew he heard, because he sat back and smiled. 

As we left the classroom, I took him straight into men's locker room. The moment we got inside, Stiles pushed himself inside, trying to hold somewhere. "Stiles? Look at me, please. Is this a panic attack?"

"It's a dream, it's a dream, it's just a dream..." I heard him mumble as he held the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. "No, it's not-- this is real. You're here. You're here with me." I said, trying to sound not scared. But in fact, I was terrified. "Okay, what do you do? I mean, like, how do you tell if you're awake or dreaming?" I asked him. I wanted to help him desperately. "Your fingers-- you count your fingers. You have extra fingers in dreams." 

"How many do I have?" I asked him, trying to make him look at me. "Hey! Look at me. Come on, Stiles. Look at my hands and count with me." I said, holding my right index finger up. He turned to me and started looking at my hands. "One." I raised my middle. "Two." 

"Keep going." I said as I raised my ring finger. "Three." I raised my pinky. "Four." Then I raised my thumb. "Five." I said this time. I then turned to my left hand. Raised my thumb first. "Six." Then index. "Seven." Then middle. "Eight."

"Nine." he said as I raised my ring. Then, I raised the last one. "Ten." He said, I repeated. "Ten." He seemed to get calmer, I took his face in my palms. "Ten. It is not a dream. I'm here. I'm here with you." I said, getting my voice lower and lower each time. I gave him a peck, then rested his forehead on mine. "It's real." I whispered. "What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles asked weakly, he was a wreck. "We'll figure it out. You're going to be okay." I assured him, but it wasn't enough. "Am I?" He said in disbelief. "Scott can't transform... Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt... And I'm straight up losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't-we can't help Malia. We can't help anyone." I shook my head at his words. "No. We can try. We can always try. I'm here for you. Forever and always. I will do everything to make you feel okay again, alright? I will do everything." I said, pulling him into a hug. I had a feeling that everything was just starting. And this was nothing compared to what was coming.


"Anyone else think we night be doing more harm than good?" I told them as we all got out of the cars and stayed together before we split into groups. What trouble these 6 teenagers are getting into this time, I hear you ask. Well, as 'Malia' broke into the school because Stiles took her doll, we decided to turn Malia into a human. So, Allison was going to shoot her with a tranquilizer. And then, Scott was going to turn her into a human by simply roaring. "We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter." Scott told me. "Actually... we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who is actually his daughter... who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter..." Isaac said to them, turning Stiles into a bomb in seconds. "Again with the not helping!" I held his arm to make him feel calmer. "Did you bring it?" Scott asked Allison. She nodded, opened her trunk, and showed us her gun. Just then, we heard a gunshot. "Oh no." I said. Scott quickly got onto his bike and started driving away. "Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Stiles shouted, but he did not wait. He quickly called his father. "Hey- hey- what? It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll?"

"We're going to look for her." Allison told as Isaac and Lydia got into her car. I nodded, then turned to Stiles. "It's the doll..." He mumbled, ending his call with his father. "...It's... the... doll???" Stiles said, sitting on the grass as I was walking around. "All right, but why would it go all the way to the school and then all the way back to the house, just for a doll? One that was in the car wreck in the first place. We didn't find it in the coyote den." Stiles said, trying to understand. "It likes the doll, who cares?" I said. "It likes the doll a lot..."

"It likes the doll a lot..." I asked, like it mattered. "I don't know... It's a doll, you know? It's got little arms, a big baby head, and dead soulless eyes... Actually, I took a pic! Here." He said, opening his phone and showing me the photo. "That's Malia?" I said, pointing the girl who looked bigger but she wasn't the one holding the baby. "Yeah. That's the jacket and the scarf we found in the den." 

"Stiles, she's not holding the doll..." I said. "That's Malia's younger sister. That's her doll." Stiles said, then his eyes shined as he realized something. "...I know what she's doing." 

"What?" I asked. "I know where she is going. C'mon." He said, started walking in the woods. I was following him like a puppy. "Scott? It's me. You got to call me back as soon as you can. It wasn't Malia's doll-- it was her sister's. Malia left it at the car for her sister. It's like bringing flowers to a grave, okay? And we stole the flowers. So, that's all she's trying to do, right? Bring the doll back to the grave, to the car wreck. That's where she's headed-- the car wreck." As Stiles left Scott a voicemail, I did something stupid. So stupid, actually. I stepped on a trap. "Stiles..?" I said, my voice was shaky as I was trying not to move. "Yeah?" He said right before he turned his head to me. The trap moved a bit as he came near me, which scared me as hell. "Stiles!" I said, trembling in fear. "Rachel, do not move."

"Look for a warning label." I told him. "A warning label?" He asked, sounding confused. "Instructions on how to disarm it." 

"Rachel, why the hell would they put instructions on the bottom of a trap?" 

"Because animals can't read!" I told him. He kneeled down to find a warning label. "Rachel, we got a problem." He said. "Huh?"

"I can't read either." 

"Oh... Um... You don't need the instructions. When was the last time you've ever used instructions? Am I right? You don't need them, because you are too smart to waste your time with them, okay? You can figure it out. Stiles, you're the one who always figures it out. So, you can do it. Figure it out. I believe you." I told him. As he tried to understand the trap, I was trying to stay calm. Was I on the edge of crying? Yes. But was I going to cry? No. "Okay, here we go. Ready?" He said, I tried to nod. "Here we go..." He said, turning something on the trap. As he turned it, he got up quickly and pulled me to air, just in time before trap closed. I hugged him tightly. After hugging for a while, we continued to walk. And that was when we heard Scott's howling. "That's what I'm talking about!" Stiles said as I smiled. At least one problem was solved.

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